= Connect to Instances :toc: :icons: :linkattrs: :imagesdir: ../resources/images == Summary In this section you will establish connections with the Windows and Linux instances that you will use for the remainder of the workshop. == Duration NOTE: It will take approximately 05 minutes to complete this section. == Step-by-step Guide === Connect to the Linux Instance IMPORTANT: Read through all steps below before continuing. //image::.gif[align="left", width=600] . Open the link:https://console.aws.amazon.com/ec2/[Amazon EC2] console. + TIP: *_Context-click (right-click)_* the link above and open the link in a new tab or window to make it easy to navigate between this GitHub workshop and AWS console. + . Make sure you are in the same *AWS Region* as the workshop environment. If you need to change the *AWS Region* of the Amazon EC2 console, in the top right corner of the browser window *_click_* the region name next to *Support* and *_click_* the appropriate *AWS Region* from the drop-down menu. . *_Click_* *Instances (running)*. . *_Click_* the check box next to the instance with the name *FSx for ONTAP Workshop Linux Instance*. . *_Click_* the Connect button. * Connect using AWS Systems Manager - *_Select_* *Session Manager* tab and *_click_* the Connect button to open a session in your browser. (*recommended*) * SSH using Terminal client - *_Select_* *SSH client* tab and *_Copy_* the Example SSH command shown and *_click_* Close. ** *_Open_* your terminal application and *_paste_* the SSH command in a terminal window. ** *_Follow_* the prompts to SSH into the instance. TIP: For a smooth experience to toggle between multiple sessions connecting to: + 1) FSx for ONTAP Workshop Linux Instance + 2) ONTAP CLI session to your FSx for NetApp ONTAP file system and + we recommend you create 2 x SSH terminal or Session Manager sessions (tabs) to the Linux Instance. === Connect to the Windows instance IMPORTANT: Read through all steps below before continuing. //image::.gif[align="left", width=600] . Go back to the Amazon EC2 console, *_Click_* *Instances (running)* . *_Click_* the check box next to the instance with the name *FSx for ONTAP Workshop Windows Instance*. . *_Copy_* the *Public DNS (IPv4)* name of the *FSx for ONTAP Workshop Windows Instance*. . Launch your remote desktop application and create a new connection. * Windows Users - use the built-in *Remote Desktop Connection* application. * Mac Users - use the link:https://apps.apple.com/us/app/microsoft-remote-desktop/id1295203466?mt=12/[Microsoft Remote Desktop] app available from the Mac App Store. . Use the DNS name copied above as the host name of the new connection. . Start a remote desktop session to the new connection (you will retrieve the *user name* and *password* from *AWS Secrets Manager*). . Open the link:https://console.aws.amazon.com/secretsmanager/[AWS Secrets Manager] console. + TIP: *_Context-click (right-click)_* the link above and open the link in a new tab or window to make it easy to navigate between this GitHub workshop and AWS console. + . *_Click_* the *Secret name* link for *Password-*. . *_Scroll_* to the *Secret value* section and *_click_* the *Retrieve secret value* button. . Use the *Secret key/value* pairs of *username* and *password* as the credentials to authenticate to the *FSx for ONTAP Workshop Windows Instance* for the remote desktop session. == Next section Click the link below to go to the next section. image::managing-ontap-resources.png[link=../03-managing-ontap-resources/, align="left",width=420]