= Lustre the AWSome Way! :icons: :linkattrs: :imagesdir: ../resources/images image:fsx-lustre-aws-logos.png[alt="fsx for lustre and aws logos", align="left",width=420] This is a workshop designed for architects and engineers who would like to learn more about Amazon Web Services (AWS) fully-managed Lustre file system. The Amazon FSx for Lustre file system is built on the popular open-source Lustre file system. You use Lustre for workloads where speed matters, such as machine learning, high performance computing (HPC), video processing, and financial modeling. For more information on Lustre, see the link:https://www.lustre.org/[Lustre website] === Duration NOTE: It will take approximately 2 hours to complete this workshop and you will be charged approximately *$4.168* to run this environment for 2 hours (based on US East - N. Virginia pricing). After completing the workshop, follow the steps in the link:../06-delete-workshop-environment/[*Delete Workshop Environment*] section so you don't continue to incur charges. === Pricing NOTE: You will incur charges as you go through this workshop *_if_* you exceed the link:http://docs.aws.amazon.com/awsaccountbilling/latest/aboutv2/free-tier-limits.html[limits of AWS free tier]. |=== | *Service* | *2-hour pricing* | Amazon FSx for Lustre a| $2.800 | Amazon EC2 a| $1.360 | Amazon CloudWatch a| $0.008 |=== Click the button below to start the *Amazon FSx for Lustre* workshop. image::01-create-environment.png[link=01-access-workshop-environment/, align="left",width=420] === Participation We encourage participation; if you find anything, please submit an issue. However, if you want to help raise the bar, **submit a PR**!