// Copyright Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using CommandLine; using CommandLine.Text; using Newtonsoft.Json; namespace SampleGameBuild { public class Options { [Option('p', "port", Required = false, Default = 2222, HelpText = "Port to run on, defaults to 2222")] public int Port { get; set; } [Option('h', "host", Required = false, Default = "", HelpText = "Hostname/IP for client to connect into, defaults to")] public string ServerHost { get; set; } [Option('u', "url", Required = false, Default = null, HelpText = "WebSockets URL for client to connect into")] public string WSUrl { get; set; } [Option('i', "identity-pool-id", Required = false, Default = null, HelpText = "Identity Pool Id for client to connect into")] public string IdentityPoolId { get; set; } [Option('r', "identity-pool-region", Required = false, Default = null, HelpText = "Identity Pool Region for client to connect into")] public string IdentityPoolRegion { get; set; } [Option('t', "type", Required = false, Default = "server", HelpText = "server | client, defaults to server")] public string Type { get; set; } } public static class ArgumentHandler { public static void ProcessArgs(string[] args, Action callback) { var parser = new Parser(with => { with.HelpWriter = null; with.EnableDashDash = true; }); ParserResult result; //Console.WriteLine(args); result = parser.ParseArguments(args); var helpText = HelpText.AutoBuild(result, h => { //configure HelpText h.AdditionalNewLineAfterOption = false; h.Heading = "NumbersQuiz v0.1"; h.Copyright = ""; h.AutoVersion = false; return h; }, e => e); //Console.WriteLine(result); result .WithParsed(options => callback(options)) .WithNotParsed(errs => { Console.Write(helpText); System.Environment.Exit(102); }); } } }