# amazon-gamelift-largematch-sample-ultrafrogroyale
A small game built with Unity to demonstrate how to use the new Amazon GameLift large match features.
## Disclaimer
This project references AWS Mobile SDK for Unity which has been [deprecated](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/mobile/sdkforunity/developerguide/what-is-unity-plugin.html) in favor of [AWS SDK for .NET](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/sdk-for-net/latest/developer-guide/quick-start.html). Until it is updated, please refer to the [aws-gamelift-and-serverless-backend-sample repository](https://github.com/aws-samples/aws-gamelift-and-serverless-backend-sample) to find instructions on how to setup and build AWS SDK for .NET.
## Requirements
- An AWS account:
- Unity LTS Release 2018.4 (will not work on higher versions):
- Amazon GameLift Server SDK:
- AWS Mobile SDK for Unity:
### Contents
``` html
├── AWS # Lambda functions, IAM policies, rulesets, etc.
└── UltraFrogRoyale # The root of the Unity project
├── Assets # Editable assets, source files
│ ├── Scenes # Unity scene definition files
│ ├── Prefabs # Player prefab for networking
│ └── Textures # Images used by the game
├── Packages # Unity packages folder
└── ProjectSettings # Unity project folder
## Building and using the sample
### Step 1: Build the Unity project
1. Open the project in Unity
2. Build and add the Amazon GameLift Server SDK to the project following the instructions here (specifically for .Net 4.5):
3. Add the AWS Mobile SDK for Unity to the project.
4. Create a client and server build from Unity. A server build can be created by selecting "Server Build" from the Build Settings dialog.
### Step 2: Upload server build to GameLift
1. Make sure you have the latest AWS command line installed.
2. Upload the server build to GameLift
- Use us-east-1 region as this is hardcoded in the demo
- Example command:
``` html
aws gamelift upload-build --operating-system WINDOWS_2012 --build-root "C:\amazon-gamelift-largematch-sample-ultrafrogroyale\UltraFrogRoyale\ServerBuild" --name "UltraFrogRoyale" --build-version "build 1" --region us-east-1
### Step 3: Prepare GameLift
1. Create a new fleet
- Use us-east-1 region as this is hardcoded in the demo
- Select the build uploaded in step 2.
- c5.large works well and is in the free tier
- Fleet type: On-Demand
- Binary type: Build
- Set the launch configuration to call "UltraFrogBattleRoyale.exe" with 1 concurrent process
- Add port range 7000-8000, protocol UDP, IP address range
- Add port range 7000-8000, protocol TCP, IP address range
- Don't set a scaling policy on the fleet
2. Create a game session placement queue
- Use us-east-1 region as this is hardcoded in the demo
- Adding the fleet just created as the only destination.
3. Create matchmaking ruleset using the file AWS/UltraFrogRoyaleFreeForAll-debug_MatchmakingRuleSet.json
- Use us-east-1 region as this is hardcoded in the demo
4. Create matchmaking configuration
- Use us-east-1 region as this is hardcoded in the demo
- Matchmaking configuration must be named "UltraFrogRoyaleMatching" so the Lambda can invoke it
- Use the ruleset and queues you just created
- Ensure "acceptance required" is set to "no"
### Step 4: Create client service
Refer to the instructions found in step 2 of the article with the following differences:
- Call the Lambda ConnectUltraFrogRoyaleClient
- Select node.js Lambda runtime
- Set the Lambda IAM role using the rules found in AWS/ConnectUltraFrogRoyaleClient_LambdaIAMRole.json (this differs from step 15-17, you can skip the action editor and just paste in the json)
- Use the Lambda source code found in AWS/ConnectUltraFrogRoyaleClient_Lambda.js
### Step 5: Run the game
At this point, you'll be able to run the game client and hit the "Start A Match" button. Note that the way the matchmaking rules are configured, you'll need to connect at least 3 clients before you get a match. You can run these clients on the same machine.
## For more information or questions
- The steps in this file are condensed from the article found here:
- Please contact gametech@amazon.com for any comments or requests regarding this content
## License Summary
This sample code is made available under the Apache-2.0 license. See the LICENSE file.