// Copyright 2018 Amazon // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. using System; using System.IO; using System.Net; using System.Net.Sockets; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.UI; public class GameLogic : MonoBehaviour { // game logic classes private Input input; private Simulation simulation; public Render render; #if SERVER private NetworkServer server; #endif #if CLIENT private NetworkClient client; #endif public Status status; public Log log; public GameLift gamelift; public void Awake() { Debug.Log(":) GAMELOGIC AWAKE"); // prevent the game going to sleep when the window loses focus Application.runInBackground = true; // Just 60 frames per second is enough Application.targetFrameRate = 60; // Get pointers to scripts on other objects GameObject gameliftObj = GameObject.Find("/GameLiftStatic"); Debug.Assert(gameliftObj != null); gamelift = gameliftObj.GetComponent(); if (gamelift == null) Debug.Log(":| GAMELIFT CODE NOT AVAILABLE ON GAMELIFTSTATIC OBJECT - ONLY LOCAL SERVER AND OFFLINE CONNECTION WILL WORK"); } public void Start() { Debug.Log(":) GAMELOGIC START"); // create owned objects log = new Log(this); input = new Input(this); status = new Status(this); simulation = new Simulation(this); render = new Render(); #if SERVER server = new NetworkServer(this); #endif #if CLIENT client = new NetworkClient(this); #endif // Start Game input.Start(); status.Start(); simulation.ResetBoard(); simulation.ResetScores(); #if SERVER server.TransmitState(); // if I am the server, I will send my state to all the clients so they have the same board and RNG state as I do #endif log.WriteLine("HELLO WORLD!"); render.SetMessage("HELLO WORLD!"); ResetMessage(60); Render(); } public void Update() { input.Update(); Attract(); Frame++; #if SERVER server.Update(); #endif #if CLIENT client.Update(); #endif } public void OnApplicationQuit() { Debug.Log("Application received quit signal"); #if SERVER server.Disconnect(); #endif #if CLIENT client.Disconnect(); #endif } private void Attract() { if (!Playing && Authoritative && Frame % 60 == 0) { simulation.ResetBoard(); // randomize the board #if SERVER server.TransmitState(); // if I am the server, I will send my state to all the clients so they have the same board and RNG state as I do #endif Render(); } } public void InputEvent(int playerIdx, Chord inputChord) { #if CLIENT client.TransmitInput(playerIdx, inputChord); #endif if (simulation.SimulateOnInput(playerIdx, inputChord)) { Render(); #if SERVER server.TransmitState(); #endif } } public void ShowHighlight(int _keyIdx) { render.ShowHighlight(_keyIdx); } public void HideHighlight(int _keyIdx) { render.HideHighlight(_keyIdx); } public void Render() { render.RenderBoard(simulation, status); } public void ResetScore(int playerIdx) { simulation.ResetScore(playerIdx); } public void ZeroScore(int playerIdx) { simulation.ZeroScore(playerIdx); } // Is the specified player in the current game? public bool IsConnected(int playerIdx) { #if SERVER return server.IsConnected(playerIdx); #else if (playerIdx == 0) return true; return false; #endif } // We pressed RETURN and we are ready to start the game public void Ready() { #if CLIENT if (Authoritative) { StartGame(); // single player start Render(); } else client.Ready(); #endif } public void StartGame() { simulation.ResetBoard(); simulation.ResetScores(); simulation.playing = true; log.WriteLine("GO"); render.SetMessage("GO"); FlashMessage(4, 4); #if SERVER server.TransmitState(); #endif Render(); } public void End() { #if CLIENT if (Authoritative) EndGame(); // single player end else client.End(); #endif } public void EndGame() { simulation.playing = false; log.WriteLine("GAME OVER"); render.SetMessage("GAME OVER"); FlashMessage(10, 1); #if SERVER server.TransmitState(); #endif } public string GetState(int playerIdx) { return simulation.Serialize(playerIdx); } public void SetState(string state) { bool priorPlayingState = simulation.Deserialize(state); if (priorPlayingState == false && simulation.playing == true) StartGame(); if (priorPlayingState == true && simulation.playing == false) EndGame(); Render(); } public void TransmitLog() { #if SERVER server.TransmitLog("THIS IS A TEST"); #endif } public ulong Frame { set { simulation.frame = value; } get { return simulation.frame; } } public int PlayerIdx { get { return simulation.playerIdx; } } public bool Playing { get { return simulation.playing; } } public bool Authoritative { get { #if SERVER return true; #else return client.Authoritative; #endif } } public bool GameliftStatus { set { status.GameliftStatus = value; } get { return status.GameliftStatus; } } public void ResetMessage(int _timeSeconds) { StartCoroutine(render.ResetMessage(_timeSeconds)); } public void FlashMessage(int _timeSeconds, int _rate) { StartCoroutine(render.FlashMessage(_timeSeconds, _rate)); } } public class Log { private GameLogic gl; public Log(GameLogic _gl) { gl = _gl; } public void WriteLine(string line) { #if SERVER string me = "SERVER"; #else string me = "CLIENT " + (gl.PlayerIdx); #endif Debug.Log(me + ": Frame: " + gl.Frame + " " + line); } } public class Chord { public bool[] keys = new bool[9]; private bool chordChanged = false; public void Reset() { for (int keyIdx = 0; keyIdx < keys.Length; keyIdx++) { keys[keyIdx] = false; } chordChanged = false; } public void Set(int keyIdx) { keys[keyIdx] = true; chordChanged = true; } public bool IsChanged() { return chordChanged; } public string Serialize() { var json = JsonUtility.ToJson(this); return json; } public void Deserialize(string json) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(json)) { JsonUtility.FromJsonOverwrite(json, this); } } public static Chord CreateFromSerial(string json) { Chord temp = new Chord(); temp.Deserialize(json); return temp; } } public class Input { // record what keys are in the current move that we are making private Chord chord = new Chord(); private GameLogic gl; private Dictionary keys = new Dictionary { {KeyCode.Keypad1,0}, {KeyCode.Keypad2,1}, {KeyCode.Keypad3,2}, {KeyCode.Keypad4,3}, {KeyCode.Keypad5,4}, {KeyCode.Keypad6,5}, {KeyCode.Keypad7,6}, {KeyCode.Keypad8,7}, {KeyCode.Keypad9,8}, {KeyCode.N,0}, {KeyCode.M,1}, {KeyCode.Comma,2}, {KeyCode.H,3}, {KeyCode.J,4}, {KeyCode.K,5}, {KeyCode.Y,6}, {KeyCode.U,7}, {KeyCode.I,8} }; public Input(GameLogic _gl) { gl = _gl; } public void Start() { chord.Reset(); for (int keyIdx = 0; keyIdx < 9; keyIdx++) gl.HideHighlight(keyIdx); } public void Update() { if (gl.Playing) { // quit? if (UnityEngine.Input.GetKeyUp(KeyCode.Escape)) { gl.End(); return; } // game move bool released = true; foreach (KeyValuePair kv in keys) { if (UnityEngine.Input.GetKey(kv.Key)) { chord.Set(kv.Value); gl.ShowHighlight(kv.Value); released = false; } } if (released) { if (chord.IsChanged()) { // all keys are released, chord is complete gl.InputEvent(gl.PlayerIdx, chord); Start(); } } } else { if (UnityEngine.Input.GetKeyUp(KeyCode.Return)) { gl.Ready(); return; } } } } // local state, such as whether we are connected, used for text display public class Status { private bool gameliftStatus = false; private int numConnected = 0; private int playerIdx = 0; private bool connected = false; private GameLogic gl; public Status(GameLogic _gl) { gl = _gl; } public void Start() { SetStatusText(); } public bool GameliftStatus { set { if (gameliftStatus == value) return; gameliftStatus = value; SetStatusText(); } get { return gameliftStatus; } } public int NumConnected { set { if (numConnected == value) return; numConnected = value; SetStatusText(); } } public int PlayerIdx { set { if (playerIdx == value) return; playerIdx = value; SetStatusText(); } } public bool Connected { set { if (connected == value) return; connected = value; SetStatusText(); } } public void SetStatusText() { string glt = gameliftStatus ? "GAMELIFT | " : "LOCAL | "; #if SERVER string svr = "SERVER | "; string con = numConnected + " CONNECTED"; #else string svr = "CLIENT | "; string con = connected ? "CONNECTED " + (playerIdx + 1) + "UP" : "DISCONNECTED"; #endif gl.render.SetStatusText(svr + glt + con); } } // Logic to initialize the board, receive the chords, determine matches, record scores, repopulate the board after a match, send the board for rendering, and send or receive the state of the class from the network code. public class Simulation { public int playerIdx = 0; public int[] boardColors = new int[9]; public int[] scores = new int[4]; public UnityEngine.Random.State rngState; public bool playing = false; public ulong frame = 0; // private: not serialized private GameLogic gl; public Simulation(GameLogic _gl) { gl = _gl; } public void ResetBoard() { if (gl.Authoritative) { gl.log.WriteLine("ResetBoard()"); playerIdx = 0; for (int bcNum = 0; bcNum < boardColors.Length; bcNum++) { boardColors[bcNum] = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, 7); } } } public void ResetScores() { if (gl.Authoritative) { for (int scNum = 0; scNum < scores.Length; scNum++) { scores[scNum] = gl.IsConnected(scNum) ? 0 : -1; } } } public void ResetScore(int _playerIdx) { scores[_playerIdx] = -1; } public void ZeroScore(int _playerIdx) { scores[_playerIdx] = 0; } public bool SimulateOnInput(int playerIdx, Chord inputChord) { gl.log.WriteLine("SimulateOnInput()"); Debug.Assert(inputChord.keys.Length == boardColors.Length); // test for a match bool match = false; int matchColor = -1; // don't know yet for (int bcNum = 0; bcNum < boardColors.Length; bcNum++) { if (inputChord.keys[bcNum]) { if (matchColor == -1) { matchColor = boardColors[bcNum]; } else { if (boardColors[bcNum] == matchColor) match = true; else { match = false; break; } } } } if (match) { // yes, a match! for (int bcNum = 0; bcNum < boardColors.Length; bcNum++) { if (inputChord.keys[bcNum]) { boardColors[bcNum] = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, 7); scores[playerIdx]++; } } } return match; } public string Serialize(int _playerIdx) { playerIdx = _playerIdx; rngState = UnityEngine.Random.state; var json = JsonUtility.ToJson(this); return json; } public bool Deserialize(string json) { bool priorPlayingState = playing; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(json)) { JsonUtility.FromJsonOverwrite(json, this); UnityEngine.Random.state = rngState; gl.status.PlayerIdx = playerIdx; } return priorPlayingState; } } public class Render { private GameObject[] buttons = new GameObject[9]; private GameObject[] highlights = new GameObject[9]; private Material[] materials = new Material[8]; private Text scoreText; private Text statusText; private Text msgText; public Render() { for (int butNum = 1; butNum <= buttons.Length; butNum++) { buttons[butNum - 1] = GameObject.Find("/Button" + butNum); // array index is one less than the keypad number it correlates to Debug.Assert(buttons[butNum - 1] != null); // test our button was found (debug only) } for (int hlNum = 1; hlNum <= highlights.Length; hlNum++) { highlights[hlNum - 1] = GameObject.Find("/Highlight" + hlNum); // array index is one less than the keypad number it correlates to Debug.Assert(highlights[hlNum - 1] != null); // test our highlight was found (debug only) } // Materials are not all active so we have to load them for (int matNum = 1; matNum <= materials.Length; matNum++) { materials[matNum - 1] = Resources.Load("Materials/Color" + matNum.ToString().PadLeft(3, '0'), typeof(Material)) as Material; Debug.Assert(materials[matNum - 1] != null); } GameObject score = GameObject.Find("/Canvas/Score"); scoreText = score.GetComponent(); GameObject status = GameObject.Find("/Canvas/Status"); statusText = status.GetComponent(); GameObject msg = GameObject.Find("/Canvas/MainMessage"); msgText = msg.GetComponent(); } public void ShowHighlight(int keyNum) { highlights[keyNum].SetActive(true); } public void HideHighlight(int keyNum) { highlights[keyNum].SetActive(false); } public void SetButtonColor(int butNum, int matNum) { Debug.Assert(butNum < buttons.Length); Debug.Assert(matNum < materials.Length); Renderer rend = buttons[butNum].GetComponent(); rend.material = materials[matNum]; } private void SetScoreText(int[] scores) { scoreText.text = "1UP " + (scores[0] < 0 ? "---" : scores[0].ToString().PadLeft(3, '0')); scoreText.text += " 2UP " + (scores[1] < 0 ? "---" : scores[1].ToString().PadLeft(3, '0')); scoreText.text += " 3UP " + (scores[2] < 0 ? "---" : scores[2].ToString().PadLeft(3, '0')); scoreText.text += " 4UP " + (scores[3] < 0 ? "---" : scores[3].ToString().PadLeft(3, '0')); } public void RenderBoard(Simulation _state, Status _status) { for (int bcNum = 0; bcNum < _state.boardColors.Length; bcNum++) { SetButtonColor(bcNum, _state.boardColors[bcNum]); } SetScoreText(_state.scores); } public void SetStatusText(string _text) { statusText.text = _text; } public void SetMessage(string _msg) { msgText.text = _msg; } internal IEnumerator ResetMessage(int _time) { string text = msgText.text; yield return new WaitForSeconds(_time); if (msgText.text == text) SetMessage(""); } internal IEnumerator FlashMessage(int _time, int _rate) { string text = msgText.text; for (int i = 0; i < _time * _rate; i++) { SetMessage(text); yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.5f / _rate); if (msgText.text != text) break; SetMessage(""); yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.5f / _rate); if (msgText.text != "") break; } } } public class NetworkProtocol { public static string[] Receive(TcpClient client) { NetworkStream stream = client.GetStream(); var messages = new List(); while (stream.DataAvailable) { byte[] bufferLength = new byte[4]; stream.Read(bufferLength, 0, bufferLength.Length); int msgSize = IPAddress.NetworkToHostOrder(BitConverter.ToInt32(bufferLength, 0)); byte[] readBuffer = new Byte[msgSize]; stream.Read(readBuffer, 0, readBuffer.Length); string msgStr = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetString(readBuffer, 0, readBuffer.Length); messages.Add(msgStr); } return messages.ToArray(); } public static void Send(TcpClient client, string msgStr) { if (client == null) return; NetworkStream stream = client.GetStream(); byte[] writeBuffer = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(msgStr); int msgSize = writeBuffer.Length; byte[] bufferLength = BitConverter.GetBytes(IPAddress.HostToNetworkOrder(msgSize)); stream.Write(bufferLength, 0, bufferLength.Length); stream.Write(writeBuffer, 0, msgSize); } } #if SERVER public class NetworkServer { private GameLogic gl; private TcpListener listener; private TcpClient[] clients = { null, null, null, null }; private bool[] ready = { false, false, false, false }; public NetworkServer(GameLogic _gl) { gl = _gl; listener = new TcpListener(IPAddress.Any, 1935); listener.Start(); } public void Update() { // Are there any new connections pending? if (listener.Pending()) { TcpClient client = listener.AcceptTcpClient(); for (int x = 0; x < 4; x++) { if (clients[x] == null) { clients[x] = client; UpdateNumConnected(); gl.log.WriteLine("Connection accepted: playerIdx " + x + " joined"); return; } } // game already full, reject the connection gl.log.WriteLine("Connection rejected: game already full."); try { NetworkProtocol.Send(client, "REJECTED: game already full"); } catch (SocketException) { } } // Have we received an input event message from any client? for (int x = 0; x < 4; x++) { if (clients[x] == null) continue; var messages = NetworkProtocol.Receive(clients[x]); foreach (string msgStr in messages) { gl.log.WriteLine("Msg rcvd from playerIdx " + x + " Msg: " + msgStr); HandleMessage(x, msgStr); } } } public void Disconnect() { // warn clients TransmitMessage("DISCONNECT:"); // disconnect connections for (int x = 0; x < 4; x++) HandleDisconnect(x); // end listener listener.Stop(); // warn GameLift if (gl.gamelift != null && gl.GameliftStatus) gl.gamelift.TerminateGameSession(true); // process is terminating so no other state cleanup required } public void TransmitLog(string msgStr) { TransmitMessage("LOG:" + msgStr); } public void TransmitState() { // update the state of all players for (int x = 0; x < 4; x++) { string msgStr = "STATE:" + gl.GetState(x); try { NetworkProtocol.Send(clients[x], msgStr); } catch (SocketException e) { HandleDisconnect(x); gl.log.WriteLine("TransmitState failed: Disconnected. " + e); } } } private void TransmitMessage(string msgStr) { // send the same message to all players for (int x = 0; x < 4; x++) { try { NetworkProtocol.Send(clients[x], msgStr); } catch (SocketException e) { HandleDisconnect(x); gl.log.WriteLine("TransmitMessage failed: Disconnected. " + e); } } } private void HandleMessage(int playerIdx, string msgStr) { // parse message and pass json string to relevant handler for deserialization gl.log.WriteLine("Msg rcvd from player " + playerIdx + ":" + msgStr); string delimiter = ":"; string json = msgStr.Substring(msgStr.IndexOf(delimiter) + delimiter.Length); if (msgStr[0] == 'C') HandleConnect(playerIdx, json); if (msgStr[0] == 'R') HandleReady(playerIdx); if (msgStr[0] == 'I') HandleInput(playerIdx, json); if (msgStr[0] == 'E') HandleEnd(); if (msgStr[0] == 'D') HandleDisconnect(playerIdx); } private void HandleConnect(int playerIdx, string json) { // respond with the player id and the current state. gl.log.WriteLine("CONNECT:" + json); if (gl.gamelift != null && gl.GameliftStatus) if (gl.gamelift.ConnectPlayer(playerIdx, json) == false) DisconnectPlayer(playerIdx); gl.ZeroScore(playerIdx); TransmitState(); } private void HandleReady(int playerIdx) { // start the game once all connected clients have requested to start (RETURN key) gl.log.WriteLine("READY:"); ready[playerIdx] = true; for (int x = 0; x < 4; x++) { if (clients[x] != null && ready[x] == false) return; // a client is not ready } gl.StartGame(); } private void HandleInput(int playerIdx, string json) { // simulate the input then respond to all players with the current state gl.log.WriteLine("INPUT:" + json); Chord inputChord = Chord.CreateFromSerial(json); gl.InputEvent(playerIdx, inputChord); } private void HandleEnd() { // end the game at the request of any client (ESC key) gl.log.WriteLine("END:"); for (int x = 0; x < 4; x++) { ready[x] = false; // all clients end now. } gl.EndGame(); if (gl.gamelift != null && gl.GameliftStatus) gl.gamelift.TerminateGameSession(false); } private void HandleDisconnect(int playerIdx) { DisconnectPlayer(playerIdx); // if that was the last client to leave, then end the game. for (int x = 0; x < 4; x++) { if (clients[x] != null) return; // a client is still attached } HandleEnd(); } private void DisconnectPlayer(int playerIdx) { gl.log.WriteLine("DISCONNECT: Player " + playerIdx); // remove the client and close the connection var client = clients[playerIdx]; if (client != null) { NetworkStream stream = client.GetStream(); stream.Close(); client.Close(); clients[playerIdx] = null; } // remove the player session from GameLift gl.gamelift.DisconnectPlayer(playerIdx); // clean up the game state gl.ResetScore(playerIdx); UpdateNumConnected(); } public bool IsConnected(int playerIdx) { return clients[playerIdx] != null; } private void UpdateNumConnected() { int count = 0; for (int x = 0; x < 4; x++) { if (clients[x] != null) count++; } gl.status.NumConnected = count; } } #endif #if CLIENT public class NetworkClient { private GameLogic gl; private TcpClient client = null; public NetworkClient(GameLogic _gl) { gl = _gl; Connect(); } public void Update() { if (client == null) return; var messages = NetworkProtocol.Receive(client); foreach (string msgStr in messages) { gl.log.WriteLine("Msg rcvd: " + msgStr); HandleMessage(msgStr); } } private bool TryConnect(string ip, int port, string auth) { try { client = new TcpClient(ip, port); string msgStr = "CONNECT:" + auth; NetworkProtocol.Send(client, msgStr); gl.status.Connected = true; return true; } catch (ArgumentNullException e) { client = null; gl.status.Connected = false; gl.log.WriteLine(":( CONNECT TO SERVER " + ip + " FAILED: " + e); return false; } catch (SocketException e) // server not available { client = null; if (ip == "") gl.log.WriteLine(":) CONNECT TO LOCAL SERVER FAILED: PROBABLY NO LOCAL SERVER RUNNING, TRYING GAMELIFT"); else gl.log.WriteLine(":( CONNECT TO SERVER " + ip + "FAILED: " + e + " (ARE YOU ON THE *AMAZON*INTERNAL*NETWORK*?)"); gl.status.Connected = false; return false; } } private void Connect() { // try to connect to a local server if (TryConnect("", 1935, "") == false) { // try to connect to gamelift if (gl.gamelift) { string ip = null; int port = -1; string auth = null; gl.gamelift.GetConnectionInfo(ref ip, ref port, ref auth); // sets GameliftStatus if (gl.GameliftStatus) TryConnect(ip, port, auth); } } } public bool Authoritative { get { return client == null; } } public void Ready() { if (client == null) return; string msgStr = "READY:"; try { NetworkProtocol.Send(client, msgStr); } catch (SocketException e) { HandleDisconnect(); gl.log.WriteLine("Ready failed: Disconnected" + e); } } public void TransmitInput(int playerIdx, Chord chord) { if (client == null) return; string msgStr = "INPUT:" + chord.Serialize(); try { NetworkProtocol.Send(client, msgStr); } catch (SocketException e) { HandleDisconnect(); gl.log.WriteLine("TransmitInput failed: Disconnected" + e); } } public void End() { if (client == null) return; string msgStr = "END:"; try { NetworkProtocol.Send(client, msgStr); } catch (SocketException e) { HandleDisconnect(); gl.log.WriteLine("End failed: Disconnected" + e); } } public void Disconnect() { if (client == null) return; string msgStr = "DISCONNECT:"; try { NetworkProtocol.Send(client, msgStr); } finally { HandleDisconnect(); } } private void HandleMessage(string msgStr) { // parse message and pass json string to relevant handler for deserialization //gl.log.WriteLine("Msg rcvd:" + msgStr); string delimiter = ":"; string json = msgStr.Substring(msgStr.IndexOf(delimiter) + delimiter.Length); if (msgStr[0] == 'S') HandleState(json); if (msgStr[0] == 'L') HandleLog(json); if (msgStr[0] == 'R') HandleReject(); if (msgStr[0] == 'D') HandleDisconnect(); } private void HandleState(string msgStr) { gl.SetState(msgStr); } private void HandleLog(string msgStr) { gl.log.WriteLine(msgStr); } private void HandleReject() { gl.log.WriteLine(":( CONNECT TO SERVER REJECTED: game already full"); NetworkStream stream = client.GetStream(); stream.Close(); client.Close(); client = null; gl.status.Connected = false; } private void HandleDisconnect() { gl.EndGame(); NetworkStream stream = client.GetStream(); stream.Close(); client.Close(); client = null; gl.status.Connected = false; } } #endif