// Copyright 2019 Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System; using UnityEngine; using RTSGame; using Aws.GameLift.Realtime.Event; using Aws.GameLift.Realtime; using System.Net; using System.Net.Sockets; // RTSClient is responsible for the connection to the GameLift Realtime server and for communication between // the game and the server public class RTSClient : MonoBehaviour { // from MegaFrogRaceServer.js const int LOGICAL_PLAYER_OP_CODE = 100; // payload "(int)logicalPlayerID" const int START_COUNTDOWN_OP_CODE = 101; // payload "(float)frogHopTime" const int MOVE_PLAYER_OP_CODE = 102; // payload "(int)playerToMove:(float)distance" const int WINNER_DETERMINED_OP_CODE = 103; //payload "(int)winningPlayer:(int)losingPlayer" const int SCENE_READY_OP_CODE = 200; const int HOP_OP_CODE = 201; // reference to the game controller which will render the game state public GameController GameController; // Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { IsConnectedToServer = false; ConnectToGameLiftServer(); } // Update is called once per frame void Update() { RunMainThreadQueueActions(); } public bool IsConnectedToServer { get; set; } public void DisconnectFromServer() { if(_client != null && _client.Connected) { _client.Disconnect(); } } // Called when the user wants the frog to hop public void HopButtonPressed() { // inform server the hop button was pressed by local player Debug.Log("SendingEvent: SCENE_READY_OP_CODE"); _client.SendEvent(HOP_OP_CODE); } // used to inform the server when the scene is loaded and we know a connection // to the server exists. When both clients are connected and ready, the server // will tell the client to start the game public void SceneReady() { Debug.Log("SendingEvent: SCENE_READY_OP_CODE"); var e = new Aws.GameLift.Realtime.Command.ClientEvent(SCENE_READY_OP_CODE, _client.Session.ConnectedPeerId); Debug.Log($"Event Target Player = {e.TargetPlayer}"); Debug.Log($"Event Target Group = {e.TargetGroup}"); _client.SendEvent(SCENE_READY_OP_CODE); } // game server notifies us that we should start the countdown // and then allow input from player public void NotifyStartCountdown() { GameController.StartCountDown(); } // game server notfies us that we should move a player and by how much public void NotifyMovePlayer(int playerID, float newPosition) { GameController.FrogHopTo(playerID, newPosition); } // game server notifies us that someone just won public void NotifyWinnerDetermined(int winningPlayerID, int losingPlayerID) { GameController.WinCelebration(winningPlayerID, losingPlayerID); } private const string DEFAULT_ENDPOINT = ""; // given a starting and ending range, finds an open UDP port to use as the listening port private static readonly IPEndPoint DefaultLoopbackEndpoint = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Loopback, port: 0); private int FindAvailableUDPPort() { using (var socket = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Dgram, ProtocolType.Udp)) { socket.Bind(DefaultLoopbackEndpoint); int port = ((IPEndPoint)socket.LocalEndPoint).Port; return port; } } private IEnumerator ConnectToServer(string ipAddr, int port, string tokenUID) { ClientLogger.LogHandler = (x) => Debug.Log(x); ConnectionToken token = new ConnectionToken(tokenUID, null); ClientConfiguration clientConfiguration = ClientConfiguration.Default(); _client = new Aws.GameLift.Realtime.Client(clientConfiguration); _client.ConnectionOpen += new EventHandler(OnOpenEvent); _client.ConnectionClose += new EventHandler(OnCloseEvent); _client.DataReceived += new EventHandler(OnDataReceived); _client.ConnectionError += new EventHandler(OnConnectionErrorEvent); int UDPListenPort = FindAvailableUDPPort(); if (UDPListenPort == -1) { Debug.Log("Unable to find an open UDP listen port"); yield break; } else { Debug.Log($"UDP listening on port: {UDPListenPort}"); } Debug.Log($"[client] Attempting to connect to server ip: {ipAddr} TCP port: {port} Player Session ID: {tokenUID}"); _client.Connect(string.IsNullOrEmpty(ipAddr) ? DEFAULT_ENDPOINT : ipAddr, port, UDPListenPort, token); while (true) { if (_client.ConnectedAndReady) { IsConnectedToServer = true; Debug.Log("[client] Connected to server"); break; } yield return null; } } public void ActionConnectToServer(string ipAddr, int port, string tokenUID) { StartCoroutine(ConnectToServer(ipAddr, port, tokenUID)); } // calls our game service Lambda function to get connection info for the Realtime server private void ConnectToGameLiftServer() { try { QForMainThread(ActionConnectToServer, StateManager.ConnectionInfo.IPAddress, StateManager.ConnectionInfo.Port, StateManager.ConnectionInfo.PlayerSessionID); } catch (Exception e) { Debug.LogError(e.Message); } } private void OnOpenEvent(object sender, EventArgs e) { Debug.Log("[server-sent] OnOpenEvent"); } private void OnCloseEvent(object sender, EventArgs e) { Debug.Log("[server-sent] OnCloseEvent"); GameController.QuitToMainMenu(); } private void OnConnectionErrorEvent(object sender, Aws.GameLift.Realtime.Event.ErrorEventArgs e) { Debug.Log($"[client] Connection Error! : "); GameController.QuitToMainMenu(); } private void OnDataReceived(object sender, DataReceivedEventArgs e) { string data = System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetString(e.Data); Debug.Log($"[server-sent] OnDataReceived - Sender: {e.Sender} OpCode: {e.OpCode} data: {data}"); switch (e.OpCode) { case Constants.LOGIN_RESPONSE_OP_CODE: _peerID = e.Sender; Debug.Log($"[client] peer ID : {_peerID}"); break; case LOGICAL_PLAYER_OP_CODE: { int logicalPlayer = -1; if (int.TryParse(data, out logicalPlayer)) { if (logicalPlayer == 0 || logicalPlayer == 1) { _logicalPlayerID = logicalPlayer; Debug.Log($"Logical player ID assigned: {_logicalPlayerID}"); } else { Debug.LogWarning($"Server tried to assign a logical player out of range: {logicalPlayer}"); } } else { Debug.LogWarning("Unable to parse logicalPlayer!"); } break; } case START_COUNTDOWN_OP_CODE: { float serverHopTime = 0.0f; if (float.TryParse(data, out serverHopTime)) { _hopTime = serverHopTime; } else { Debug.LogWarning("Unable to parse server hop time!"); } QForMainThread(NotifyStartCountdown); break; } case MOVE_PLAYER_OP_CODE: { int logicalPlayer = -1; float distance = 0.0f; string[] parts = data.Split(':'); if(!int.TryParse(parts[0], out logicalPlayer)) { Debug.LogWarning("Unable to parse logicalPlayer!"); } if(!float.TryParse(parts[1], out distance)) { Debug.LogWarning("Unable to parse distance!"); } QForMainThread(NotifyMovePlayer, logicalPlayer, distance); break; } case WINNER_DETERMINED_OP_CODE: { int winner = -1; int loser = -1; string[] parts = data.Split(':'); if (!int.TryParse(parts[0], out winner)) { Debug.LogWarning("Unable to parse winner!"); } if (!int.TryParse(parts[1], out loser)) { Debug.LogWarning("Unable to parse loser!"); } QForMainThread(NotifyWinnerDetermined, winner, loser); break; } } } public float GetHopTime() { return _hopTime; } private int _logicalPlayerID = 0; private int _peerID = -1; // invalid peer id private float _hopTime = 0.0f; private Client _client; private Queue _mainThreadQueue = new Queue(); private void QForMainThread(Action fn) { lock (_mainThreadQueue) { _mainThreadQueue.Enqueue(() => { fn(); }); } } private void QForMainThread(Action fn, T1 p1) { lock (_mainThreadQueue) { _mainThreadQueue.Enqueue(() => { fn(p1); }); } } private void QForMainThread(Action fn, T1 p1, T2 p2) { lock (_mainThreadQueue) { _mainThreadQueue.Enqueue(() => { fn(p1, p2); }); } } private void QForMainThread(Action fn, T1 p1, T2 p2, T3 p3) { lock (_mainThreadQueue) { _mainThreadQueue.Enqueue(() => { fn(p1, p2, p3); }); } } private void RunMainThreadQueueActions() { // as our server messages come in on their own thread // we need to queue them up and run them on the main thread // when the methods need to interact with Unity lock (_mainThreadQueue) { while (_mainThreadQueue.Count > 0) { _mainThreadQueue.Dequeue().Invoke(); } } } }