#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ * Copyright Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. * SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT-0 * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this * software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software * without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, * merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to * permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, * INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A * PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT * HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION * OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE * SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. """ import time import os from typing import Dict, Any, List, Optional from aws_lambda_powertools import Logger import boto3 import botocore from quarantine.constants import BOTO3_CONFIG EC2_INSTANCE_PROFILE_ARN = os.environ["EC2_INSTANCE_PROFILE_ARN"] logger = Logger(child=True) __all__ = ["EC2"] class EC2: def __init__(self, session: boto3.Session) -> None: self.client = session.client("ec2", config=BOTO3_CONFIG) def get_console_screenshot(self, instance_id: str) -> str: """ Get console screenshot """ logger.info(f"Getting EC2 console screenshot from {instance_id}") try: response = self.client.get_console_screenshot(InstanceId=instance_id, WakeUp=True) logger.debug(f"Got EC2 console screenshot from {instance_id}") except botocore.exceptions.ClientError: logger.exception(f"Failed to get EC2 console screenshot from {instance_id}") raise return response["ImageData"] def describe_instances(self, instance_id: str) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Describe instances """ logger.info(f"Describing instance {instance_id}") try: response = self.client.describe_instances(InstanceIds=[instance_id]) logger.debug(f"Described instance {instance_id}") except botocore.exceptions.ClientError: logger.exception(f"Failed to describe instance {instance_id}") raise return response["Reservations"][0]["Instances"][0] def describe_security_groups(self, instance_id: str, vpc_id: str) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Describe security groups """ params = { "Filters": [ {"Name": "tag:SOC-Status", "Values": ["quarantined"]}, {"Name": "tag:SOC-InstanceId", "Values": [instance_id]}, {"Name": "vpc-id", "Values": [vpc_id]}, ] } logger.info(f"Describing security groups in VPC {vpc_id} for instance {instance_id}") try: response = self.client.describe_security_groups(**params) logger.debug(f"Described security groups in VPC {vpc_id} for instance {instance_id}") except botocore.exceptions.ClientError: logger.exception( f"Failed to describe security groups in {vpc_id} for instance {instance_id}" ) raise return response.get("SecurityGroups", []) def create_snapshot(self, instance_id: str, volume_id: str) -> None: """ Create an EBS snapshot """ description = f"Security Response automated copy of {volume_id} for instance {instance_id}" logger.info(f"Creating snapshot of volume {volume_id}") try: self.client.create_snapshot(VolumeId=volume_id, Description=description) logger.debug(f"Created snapshot of volume {volume_id}") except botocore.exceptions.ClientError: logger.exception(f"Failed to create snapshot of volume {volume_id}") def enable_termination_protection(self, instance_id: str) -> None: """ Enable instance termination protection """ logger.info(f"Enabling termination protection on {instance_id}") try: self.client.modify_instance_attribute( InstanceId=instance_id, DisableApiTermination={"Value": True} ) self.client.modify_instance_attribute( InstanceId=instance_id, DisableApiStop={"Value": True} ) logger.debug(f"Enabled termination protection on {instance_id}") except botocore.exceptions.ClientError: logger.exception(f"Failed to enable termination protection on {instance_id}") raise def enable_volume_termination_protection( self, instance_id: str, block_device_names: Optional[List[str]] = None ) -> None: """ Enable EBS volume termination protection """ if not block_device_names: return block_device_mappings = [ {"DeviceName": device_name, "Ebs": {"DeleteOnTermination": False}} for device_name in block_device_names ] logger.info(f"Enabling volume termination protection on {instance_id}") try: self.client.modify_instance_attribute( InstanceId=instance_id, BlockDeviceMappings=block_device_mappings ) logger.debug(f"Enabled volume termination protection on {instance_id}") except botocore.exceptions.ClientError: logger.exception(f"Failed to enable volume termination protection on {instance_id}") raise def shutdown_behavior_stop(self, instance_id: str) -> None: """ Set instance shutdown behavior to stop """ logger.info(f"Modifying instance shutdown behavior to 'stop' on {instance_id}") try: self.client.modify_instance_attribute( InstanceId=instance_id, InstanceInitiatedShutdownBehavior={"Value": "stop"}, ) logger.debug(f"Modified instance shutdown behavior to 'stop' on {instance_id}") except botocore.exceptions.ClientError: logger.exception( f"Failed to modify instance shutdown behavior to 'stop' on {instance_id}" ) raise def remove_ec2_instance_profile(self, instance_id: str) -> None: """ Remove any EC2 instance profile attached to an instance """ params = { "Filters": [ {"Name": "instance-id", "Values": [instance_id]}, {"Name": "state", "Values": ["associating", "associated"]}, ] } logger.debug("Describing IAM instance profile associations on {instance_id}") try: response = self.client.describe_iam_instance_profile_associations(**params) logger.debug(f"Described IAM instance profile associations on {instance_id}") except botocore.exceptions.ClientError: logger.exception( f"Failed to describe IAM instance profile associations on {instance_id}" ) raise associations = response.get("IamInstanceProfileAssociations", []) if not associations: logger.debug(f"No IAM instance profiles attached to {instance_id}") return for association in associations: profile_arn = association["IamInstanceProfile"]["Arn"] logger.info(f"Disassociating IAM instance profile {profile_arn} from {instance_id}") try: self.client.disassociate_iam_instance_profile( AssociationId=association["AssociationId"] ) logger.debug(f"Disassociated IAM instance profile {profile_arn} from {instance_id}") except botocore.exceptions.ClientError: logger.exception( f"Failed to disassociate IAM instance profile {profile_arn} from {instance_id}" ) def attach_ec2_instance_profile(self, instance_id: str, profile_arn: str) -> None: """ Attach an IAM Instance Profile to an EC2 instance """ logger.info(f"Associating IAM instance profile {profile_arn} to {instance_id}") try: self.client.associate_iam_instance_profile( IamInstanceProfile={"Arn": profile_arn}, InstanceId=instance_id, ) logger.debug(f"Associated IAM instance profile {profile_arn} to {instance_id}") except botocore.exceptions.ClientError: logger.exception( f"Failed to associated IAM instance profile {profile_arn} to {instance_id}" ) def create_security_group(self, instance_id: str, vpc_id: str, tags=None) -> str: """ Create a security group with no access """ now = int(time.time()) params = { "GroupName": f"quarantine-{instance_id}-{now}", "Description": f"Quarantine group for {instance_id}", "VpcId": vpc_id, } if tags: params["TagSpecifications"] = [ { "ResourceType": "security-group", "Tags": tags, } ] logger.info(f"Creating new isolation security group for {instance_id}") try: response = self.client.create_security_group(**params) logger.debug(f"Created isolation security group for {instance_id}") except botocore.exceptions.ClientError: logger.exception(f"Failed to create isolation security group for {instance_id}") raise group_id = response["GroupId"] self.client.revoke_security_group_egress( GroupId=group_id, IpPermissions=[ { "IpProtocol": "-1", "IpRanges": [ {"CidrIp": ""}, ], }, ], ) return group_id def describe_network_interfaces(self, instance_id: str) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: """ Update the security groups for an instance """ logger.info(f"Describing network interfaces on {instance_id}") try: response = self.client.describe_network_interfaces( Filters=[ { "Name": "attachment.instance-id", "Values": [instance_id], }, { "Name": "attachment.status", "Values": ["attaching", "attached"], }, ] ) logger.debug(f"Described network interfaces on {instance_id}") except botocore.exceptions.ClientError: logger.exception(f"Failed to describe network interfaces on {instance_id}") return response.get("NetworkInterfaces", []) def update_security_groups(self, network_interface_id: str, group_id: str) -> None: """ Update the security groups on a network interface """ logger.info(f"Updating security groups on {network_interface_id} to {group_id}") try: self.client.modify_network_interface_attribute( NetworkInterfaceId=network_interface_id, Groups=[group_id] ) logger.debug(f"Updated security groups on {network_interface_id} to {group_id}") except botocore.exceptions.ClientError: logger.exception(f"Failed to update security groups on {network_interface_id}") def create_tags(self, instance_id: str, tags=None) -> None: """ Create new tags on an EC2 instance """ if not tags: return params = { "Resources": [instance_id], "Tags": tags, } logger.info(f"Creating tags on {instance_id}") try: self.client.create_tags(**params) logger.debug(f"Created tags on {instance_id}") except botocore.exceptions.ClientError: logger.exception(f"Failed to create tags on {instance_id}")