# Copyright 2018 Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. # # MIT No Attribution # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this # software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software # without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, # merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to # permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, # INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A # PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT # HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION # OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE # SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. import boto3 import math import time import json import logging import os import json from boto3.dynamodb.conditions import Key, Attr from botocore.exceptions import ClientError logger = logging.getLogger() logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) #====================================================================================================================== # Variables #====================================================================================================================== API_CALL_NUM_RETRIES = 1 ACLMETATABLE = os.environ['ACLMETATABLE'] SNSTOPIC = os.environ['SNSTOPIC'] CLOUDFRONT_IP_SET = os.environ['CLOUDFRONT_IP_SET'] REGIONAL_IP_SET = os.environ['REGIONAL_IP_SET'] CloudFrontIpSet = CLOUDFRONT_IP_SET.split("|") RegionalIpSet = REGIONAL_IP_SET.split("|") logger.info("log -- regional ip set: %s -- cloudfront ip set: %s " % (RegionalIpSet, CloudFrontIpSet)) #====================================================================================================================== # Auxiliary Functions #====================================================================================================================== def get_ip_set(ip_set_name, ip_set_id, ip_set_scope): client = boto3.client('wafv2') response = client.get_ip_set( Name = ip_set_name, Scope = ip_set_scope, Id = ip_set_id ) return response def get_ddb_ips(): ddb = boto3.resource('dynamodb') table = ddb.Table(ACLMETATABLE) data = table.scan(FilterExpression=Attr('Region').eq(os.environ['AWS_REGION'])) response = [] for i in data['Items']: response.append(i['HostIp'] + "/32") logger.debug("log -- hosts in ddb: %s" % (response)) return response def find_values(id, json_repr): response = [] def _decode_dict(a_dict): try: response.append(a_dict[id]) except KeyError: pass return a_dict json.loads(json_repr, object_hook=_decode_dict) # Return value ignored. return response # Update WAF IP set def waf_update_ip_set(ip_set_name, ip_set_id, ip_set_scope, source_ips): logger.info('log -- creating waf object') waf = boto3.client('wafv2') for attempt in range(API_CALL_NUM_RETRIES): try: response = waf.update_ip_set( Name = ip_set_name, Id = ip_set_id, Scope = ip_set_scope, LockToken = get_ip_set(ip_set_name, ip_set_id, ip_set_scope)['LockToken'], Addresses=source_ips ) logger.info("log -- waf_update_ip_set %s IP %s - type %s successfully..." % (ip_set_id, source_ips, ip_set_scope)) except Exception as e: logger.error(e) delay = math.pow(2, attempt) logger.info("log -- waf_update_ip_set retrying in %d seconds..." % (delay)) time.sleep(delay) else: break else: logger.error("log -- waf_update_ip_set failed ALL attempts to call WAF API") def waf_update_ip_sets(): ddb_ips = get_ddb_ips() if ddb_ips: logger.info('log -- adding Regional and CloudFront WAF ip entries') waf_update_ip_set(RegionalIpSet[0], RegionalIpSet[1], RegionalIpSet[2], ddb_ips) waf_update_ip_set(CloudFrontIpSet[0], CloudFrontIpSet[1], CloudFrontIpSet[2], ddb_ips) # Get the current NACL Id associated with subnet def get_netacl_id(subnet_id): try: ec2 = boto3.client('ec2') response = ec2.describe_network_acls( Filters=[ { 'Name': 'association.subnet-id', 'Values': [ subnet_id, ] } ] ) netacls = response['NetworkAcls'][0]['Associations'] for i in netacls: if i['SubnetId'] == subnet_id: netaclid = i['NetworkAclId'] return netaclid except Exception as e: return [] # Get the current NACL rules in the range 71-80 def get_nacl_rules(netacl_id): ec2 = boto3.client('ec2') response = ec2.describe_network_acls( NetworkAclIds=[ netacl_id, ] ) naclrules = [] for i in response['NetworkAcls'][0]['Entries']: naclrules.append(i['RuleNumber']) naclrulesf = list(filter(lambda x: 71 <= x <= 80, naclrules)) return naclrulesf #Update NACL and DDB state table def update_nacl(netacl_id, host_ip, region): logger.info("log -- gd2acl entering update_nacl, netacl_id=%s, host_ip=%s" % (netacl_id, host_ip)) ddb = boto3.resource('dynamodb') table = ddb.Table(ACLMETATABLE) hostipexists = table.query( KeyConditionExpression=Key('NetACLId').eq(netacl_id), FilterExpression=Attr('HostIp').eq(host_ip) ) # Is HostIp already in table? if len(hostipexists['Items']) > 0: logger.info("log -- host IP %s already in table... exiting update." % (host_ip)) return False else: # Get current NACL entries in DDB response = table.query( KeyConditionExpression=Key('NetACLId').eq(netacl_id) ) # Get all the entries for NACL naclentries = response['Items'] # Find oldest rule and available rule numbers from 71-80 if naclentries: rulecount = response['Count'] rulerange = list(range(71, 81)) ddbrulerange = [] naclrulerange = get_nacl_rules(netacl_id) for i in naclentries: ddbrulerange.append(int(i['RuleNo'])) # Check state and exit if NACL rule not in sync with DDB ddbrulerange.sort() naclrulerange.sort() synccheck = set(naclrulerange).symmetric_difference(ddbrulerange) if ddbrulerange != naclrulerange: logger.info("log -- current DDB entries, %s." % (ddbrulerange)) logger.info("log -- current NACL entries, %s." % (naclrulerange)) logger.error('NACL rule state mismatch, %s exiting' % (sorted(synccheck))) exit() # Determine the NACL rule number and create rule if rulecount < 10: # Get the lowest rule number available in the range newruleno = min([x for x in rulerange if not x in naclrulerange]) # Create new NACL rule, IP set entries and DDB state entry logger.info("log -- adding new rule %s, HostIP %s, to NACL %s." % (newruleno, host_ip, netacl_id)) create_netacl_rule(netacl_id=netacl_id, host_ip=host_ip, rule_no=newruleno) create_ddb_rule(netacl_id=netacl_id, host_ip=host_ip, rule_no=newruleno, region=region) logger.info("log -- all possible NACL rule numbers, %s." % (rulerange)) logger.info("log -- current DDB entries, %s." % (ddbrulerange)) logger.info("log -- current NACL entries, %s." % (naclrulerange)) logger.info("log -- new rule number, %s." % (newruleno)) logger.info("log -- rule count for NACL %s is %s." % (netacl_id, int(rulecount) + 1)) return True if rulecount >= 10: # Get oldest entry in DynamoDB table oldestrule = table.query( KeyConditionExpression=Key('NetACLId').eq(netacl_id), ScanIndexForward=True, # true = ascending, false = descending Limit=1, ) oldruleno = int((oldestrule)['Items'][0]['RuleNo']) oldrulets = int((oldestrule)['Items'][0]['CreatedAt']) oldhostip = oldestrule['Items'][0]['HostIp'] newruleno = oldruleno # Delete old NACL rule and DDB state entry logger.info("log -- deleting current rule %s for IP %s from NACL %s." % (oldruleno, oldhostip, netacl_id)) delete_netacl_rule(netacl_id=netacl_id, rule_no=oldruleno) delete_ddb_rule(netacl_id=netacl_id, created_at=oldrulets) # check if IP is also recorded in a fresh finding, don't remove IP from blacklist in that case response_nonexpired = table.scan( FilterExpression=Attr('CreatedAt').gt(oldrulets) & Attr('HostIp').eq(host_ip) ) # Create new NACL rule, IP set entries and DDB state entry logger.info("log -- adding new rule %s, HostIP %s, to NACL %s." % (newruleno, host_ip, netacl_id)) create_netacl_rule(netacl_id=netacl_id, host_ip=host_ip, rule_no=newruleno) create_ddb_rule(netacl_id=netacl_id, host_ip=host_ip, rule_no=newruleno, region=region) logger.info("log -- all possible NACL rule numbers, %s." % (rulerange)) logger.info("log -- current DDB entries, %s." % (ddbrulerange)) logger.info("log -- current NACL entries, %s." % (naclrulerange)) logger.info("log -- rule count for NACL %s is %s." % (netacl_id, int(rulecount))) return True else: # No entries in DDB Table start from 71 naclrulerange = get_nacl_rules(netacl_id) newruleno = 71 oldruleno = [] rulecount = 0 naclrulerange.sort() # Error and exit if NACL rules already present if naclrulerange: logger.error("log -- NACL %s, has existing entries, %s." % (netacl_id, naclrulerange)) raise RuntimeError("NACL has existing entries.") # Create new NACL rule, IP set entries and DDB state entry logger.info("log -- adding new rule %s, HostIP %s, to NACL %s." % (newruleno, host_ip, netacl_id)) create_netacl_rule(netacl_id=netacl_id, host_ip=host_ip, rule_no=newruleno) create_ddb_rule(netacl_id=netacl_id, host_ip=host_ip, rule_no=newruleno, region=region) logger.info("log -- rule count for NACL %s is %s." % (netacl_id, int(rulecount) + 1)) return True if response['ResponseMetadata']['HTTPStatusCode'] == 200: return True else: return False # Create NACL rule def create_netacl_rule(netacl_id, host_ip, rule_no): ec2 = boto3.resource('ec2') network_acl = ec2.NetworkAcl(netacl_id) response = network_acl.create_entry( CidrBlock = host_ip + '/32', Egress=False, PortRange={ 'From': 0, 'To': 65535 }, Protocol='-1', RuleAction='deny', RuleNumber= rule_no ) if response['ResponseMetadata']['HTTPStatusCode'] == 200: logger.info("log -- successfully added new rule %s, HostIP %s, to NACL %s." % (rule_no, host_ip, netacl_id)) return True else: logger.error("log -- error adding new rule %s, HostIP %s, to NACL %s." % (rule_no, host_ip, netacl_id)) logger.info(response) return False # Delete NACL rule def delete_netacl_rule(netacl_id, rule_no): ec2 = boto3.resource('ec2') network_acl = ec2.NetworkAcl(netacl_id) response = network_acl.delete_entry( Egress=False, RuleNumber=rule_no ) if response['ResponseMetadata']['HTTPStatusCode'] == 200: logger.info("log -- successfully deleted rule %s, from NACL %s." % (rule_no, netacl_id)) return True else: logger.info("log -- error deleting rule %s, from NACL %s." % (rule_no, netacl_id)) logger.info(response) return False # Create DDB state entry for NACL rule def create_ddb_rule(netacl_id, host_ip, rule_no, region): ddb = boto3.resource('dynamodb') table = ddb.Table(ACLMETATABLE) timestamp = int(time.time()) response = table.put_item( Item={ 'NetACLId': netacl_id, 'CreatedAt': timestamp, 'HostIp': str(host_ip), 'RuleNo': str(rule_no), 'Region': str(region) } ) if response['ResponseMetadata']['HTTPStatusCode'] == 200: logger.info("log -- successfully added DDB state entry for rule %s, HostIP %s, NACL %s." % (rule_no, host_ip, netacl_id)) return True else: logger.error("log -- error adding DDB state entry for rule %s, HostIP %s, NACL %s." % (rule_no, host_ip, netacl_id)) logger.info(response) return False # Delete DDB state entry for NACL rule def delete_ddb_rule(netacl_id, created_at): ddb = boto3.resource('dynamodb') table = ddb.Table(ACLMETATABLE) response = table.delete_item( Key={ 'NetACLId': netacl_id, 'CreatedAt': int(created_at) } ) if response['ResponseMetadata']['HTTPStatusCode'] == 200: logger.info("log -- successfully deleted DDB state entry for NACL %s." % (netacl_id)) return True else: logger.error("log -- error deleting DDB state entry for NACL %s." % (netacl_id)) logger.info(response) return False # Send notification to SNS topic def admin_notify(iphost, findingtype, naclid, region, instanceid, findingid): MESSAGE = ("GuardDuty to ACL Event Info:\r\n" "Suspicious activity detected from host " + iphost + " due to " + findingtype + "against EC2 Instance: " + instanceid + ". The following ACL resources were targeted for update as needed: " + '\n' "CloudFront IP Set: " + CLOUDFRONT_IP_SET + '\n' "Regional IP Set: " + REGIONAL_IP_SET + '\n' "VPC NACL: " + naclid + '\n' "Region: " + region + '\n' "Finding Link: " + "https://console.aws.amazon.com/guardduty/home?region=" + region + "#/findings?macros=current&search=id%3D" + findingid ) sns = boto3.client(service_name="sns") # Try to send the notification. try: sns.publish( TopicArn = SNSTOPIC, Message = MESSAGE, Subject='AWS GD2ACL Alert' ) logger.info("log -- send notification sent to SNS Topic: %s" % (SNSTOPIC)) # Display an error if something goes wrong. except ClientError as e: logger.error('log -- error sending notification.') raise #====================================================================================================================== # Lambda Entry Point #====================================================================================================================== # Lambda handler def lambda_handler(event, context): logger.info("log -- Event: %s " % json.dumps(event)) try: if 'Recon:EC2/PortProbe' in event["detail"]["type"]: HostIp = [] FindingID = event["detail"]["id"] remoteIpDetail = find_values('remoteIpDetails', json.dumps(event)) Region = event["region"] SubnetId = event["detail"]["resource"]["instanceDetails"]["networkInterfaces"][0]["subnetId"] for i in event["detail"]["service"]["action"]["portProbeAction"]["portProbeDetails"]: HostIp.append(str(i["remoteIpDetails"]["ipAddressV4"])) instanceID = event["detail"]["resource"]["instanceDetails"]["instanceId"] NetworkAclId = get_netacl_id(subnet_id=SubnetId) else: HostIp = [] FindingID = event["detail"]["id"] Region = event["region"] instanceID = find_values('instanceId', json.dumps(event)) SubnetId = find_values('subnetId', json.dumps(event)) remoteIpDetail = find_values('remoteIpDetails', json.dumps(event)) if not remoteIpDetail or not SubnetId: pass else: HostIp.append((remoteIpDetail)[0]["ipAddressV4"]) NetworkAclId = get_netacl_id(subnet_id=SubnetId[0]) if len(HostIp) > 0 and NetworkAclId: logger.info("log -- gd2acl attempting to process finding data: instanceID: %s - SubnetId: %s - RemoteHostIp: %s" % (instanceID[0], SubnetId[0], HostIp)) update_counter = 0 # Update VPC NACL for ip in HostIp: response = update_nacl(netacl_id=NetworkAclId, host_ip=ip, region=Region) if response is True: update_counter = update_counter + 1 # Update WAF IP Sets if update_counter > 0: logger.info('log -- adding Regional and CloudFront WAF IP set entry for host, %s from CloudFront Ip set %s and REGION IP set %s.' % (HostIp, CLOUDFRONT_IP_SET, REGIONAL_IP_SET)) waf_update_ip_sets() #Send Notification admin_notify(str(HostIp), event["detail"]["type"], NetworkAclId, Region, str(instanceID), str(FindingID)) logger.info("log -- processing GuardDuty finding completed successfully") else: logger.warning("log -- unable to determine required info from finding - instanceID: %s, SubnetId: %s, RemoteIp: %s" % (instanceID, SubnetId, HostIp)) pass except Exception as e: logger.error('log -- something went wrong.') raise