# Amazon IVS Live to VOD (DVR) Android demo This Android demo application is intended as an educational tool for demonstrating how you can implement a Live to VOD (DVR) experience using [Amazon IVS](https://aws.amazon.com/ivs/) and the auto-record-to-s3 feature using [Amazon S3](https://aws.amazon.com/s3/). At a high level, it allows a viewer to seek back in time during a live stream and view recorded content from that stream. Viewers are also able to jump back to the live stream and resume watching content that is live. An iPhone with the demo application running on the screen. ## Setup ### 1. Using your own stream (optional) In order to use your own stream with this demo you will need to deploy a backend solution on your AWS account. To do so, clone [amazon-ivs-dvr-web-demo](https://github.com/aws-samples/amazon-ivs-dvr-web-demo) and follow the deployment instructions available in the README. Note that this solution will: - Create an Amazon IVS channel - Set up auto-record-to-S3 for that channel - Create Lambda and Lambda@Edge resources to process VOD content - Create a CloudFront distribution to serve the VOD content Once deployment is done the CDK will output `distributionDomainName` that you'll need on the following step to run the demo ### 2. Run demo 1. Clone the repository to your local machine. 2. Open the cloned repository in [Android Studio](https://developer.android.com/studio), or an IDE of your choice. 3. To use the backend created in Step 1, open `app/build.gradle` and edit Line 17 replacing `https://d328da4i6b8le0.cloudfront.net` with the `distributionDomainName` value from Step 1. 4. Run the application on an emulated device or a physical device running API level 29 or later. ## About Amazon IVS Amazon Interactive Video Service (Amazon IVS) is a managed live streaming solution that is quick and easy to set up, and ideal for creating interactive video experiences. [Learn more](https://aws.amazon.com/ivs/). - [Amazon IVS docs](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/ivs/) - [User Guide](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/ivs/latest/userguide/) - [API Reference](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/ivs/latest/APIReference/) - [Setting Up for Streaming with Amazon Interactive Video Service](https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/media/setting-up-for-streaming-with-amazon-ivs/) - [Learn more about Amazon IVS on IVS.rocks](https://ivs.rocks/) - [View more demos like this](https://ivs.rocks/examples) ## Security See [CONTRIBUTING](CONTRIBUTING.md#security-issue-notifications) for more information. ## License This project is licensed under the MIT-0 License. See the [LICENSE](LICENSE) file.