package; import org.apache.flink.util.FlinkRuntimeException; import; import; import; import; public class CustomFlinkKafkaUtil { public static void initializeKafkaCertstore(String resource, String destinationFolder) { ClassLoader classLoader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader(); File destDir = new File(destinationFolder); File targetFile = new File(destDir, resource); try (InputStream input = classLoader.getResourceAsStream(resource); OutputStream outStream = new FileOutputStream(targetFile)) { input.transferTo(outStream); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new FlinkRuntimeException("Failed to initialize Kafka certstore", ex); } } public static void dropCerts() { /// Truststore on KDA cluster should be sufficient for most use cases and will "automatically" work. /// If your scenario requires a custom truststore, then make sure you include it in resources /// and uncomment the below line. // CustomFlinkKafkaUtil.initializeKafkaCertstore("client.truststore.jks", "/tmp"); /// Drop Keystore. For this to work, this keystore file should be included in src/main/resources. /// Keystore is not included in this repo because you have to create a keystore for your use case. /// For MSK, please see: CustomFlinkKafkaUtil.initializeKafkaCertstore("kafka.client.keystore.jks", "/tmp"); } }