AWSTemplateFormatVersion: '2010-09-09' Description: The core infrastructure resources used to create an ECS cluster for the lex/twilio voice integration service Parameters: EnvironmentName: Type: String Default: lex-twiliovoice-stage Description: Environment name. You will use the same name in the second part of the deployment to refer to the outputs CertificateArn: Type: String Description: ARN of the Amazon Certificate Manager SSL certificate for your domain to use for this service Mappings: SubnetConfig: VPC: CIDR: '' PublicOne: CIDR: '' PublicTwo: CIDR: '' Resources: VPC: Type: AWS::EC2::VPC Properties: EnableDnsSupport: true EnableDnsHostnames: true CidrBlock: !FindInMap ['SubnetConfig', 'VPC', 'CIDR'] PublicSubnetOne: Type: AWS::EC2::Subnet Properties: AvailabilityZone: Fn::Select: - 0 - Fn::GetAZs: {Ref: 'AWS::Region'} VpcId: !Ref 'VPC' CidrBlock: !FindInMap ['SubnetConfig', 'PublicOne', 'CIDR'] MapPublicIpOnLaunch: true PublicSubnetTwo: Type: AWS::EC2::Subnet Properties: AvailabilityZone: Fn::Select: - 1 - Fn::GetAZs: {Ref: 'AWS::Region'} VpcId: !Ref 'VPC' CidrBlock: !FindInMap ['SubnetConfig', 'PublicTwo', 'CIDR'] MapPublicIpOnLaunch: true InternetGateway: Type: AWS::EC2::InternetGateway GatewayAttachement: Type: AWS::EC2::VPCGatewayAttachment Properties: VpcId: !Ref 'VPC' InternetGatewayId: !Ref 'InternetGateway' PublicRouteTable: Type: AWS::EC2::RouteTable Properties: VpcId: !Ref 'VPC' PublicRoute: Type: AWS::EC2::Route DependsOn: GatewayAttachement Properties: RouteTableId: !Ref 'PublicRouteTable' DestinationCidrBlock: '' GatewayId: !Ref 'InternetGateway' PublicSubnetOneRouteTableAssociation: Type: AWS::EC2::SubnetRouteTableAssociation Properties: SubnetId: !Ref PublicSubnetOne RouteTableId: !Ref PublicRouteTable PublicSubnetTwoRouteTableAssociation: Type: AWS::EC2::SubnetRouteTableAssociation Properties: SubnetId: !Ref PublicSubnetTwo RouteTableId: !Ref PublicRouteTable ECSCluster: Type: AWS::ECS::Cluster FargateContainerSecurityGroup: Type: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup Properties: GroupDescription: Access to the Fargate containers VpcId: !Ref 'VPC' EcsSecurityGroupIngressFromPublicALB: Type: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroupIngress Properties: Description: Ingress from the public ALB GroupId: !Ref 'FargateContainerSecurityGroup' IpProtocol: -1 SourceSecurityGroupId: !Ref 'PublicLoadBalancerSG' EcsSecurityGroupIngressFromSelf: Type: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroupIngress Properties: Description: Ingress from other containers in the same security group GroupId: !Ref 'FargateContainerSecurityGroup' IpProtocol: -1 SourceSecurityGroupId: !Ref 'FargateContainerSecurityGroup' PublicLoadBalancerSG: Type: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup Properties: GroupDescription: Access to the public facing load balancer VpcId: !Ref 'VPC' SecurityGroupIngress: - CidrIp: IpProtocol: -1 PublicLoadBalancer: Type: AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::LoadBalancer Properties: Scheme: internet-facing LoadBalancerAttributes: - Key: idle_timeout.timeout_seconds Value: '30' Subnets: - !Ref PublicSubnetOne - !Ref PublicSubnetTwo SecurityGroups: [!Ref 'PublicLoadBalancerSG'] DummyTargetGroupPublic: Type: AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::TargetGroup Properties: HealthCheckIntervalSeconds: 6 HealthCheckPath: / HealthCheckProtocol: HTTP HealthCheckTimeoutSeconds: 5 HealthyThresholdCount: 2 Name: !Join ['-', [!Ref 'EnvironmentName', 'temp']] Port: 80 Protocol: HTTP UnhealthyThresholdCount: 2 VpcId: !Ref 'VPC' PublicLoadBalancerListenerHTTP: Type: AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::Listener DependsOn: - PublicLoadBalancer Properties: DefaultActions: - TargetGroupArn: !Ref 'DummyTargetGroupPublic' Type: 'forward' LoadBalancerArn: !Ref 'PublicLoadBalancer' Port: 80 Protocol: HTTP PublicLoadBalancerListenerHTTPS: Type: AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::Listener DependsOn: - PublicLoadBalancer Properties: DefaultActions: - TargetGroupArn: !Ref 'DummyTargetGroupPublic' Type: 'forward' LoadBalancerArn: !Ref 'PublicLoadBalancer' Port: 443 Protocol: HTTPS Certificates: - CertificateArn: !Ref 'CertificateArn' # IAM Roles LexTwilioECSTaskExecutionRolePolicy: Type: AWS::IAM::ManagedPolicy Properties: PolicyDocument: Version: '2012-10-17' Statement: - Effect: Allow Action: # ECR - 'ecr:GetAuthorizationToken' - 'ecr:BatchCheckLayerAvailability' - 'ecr:GetDownloadUrlForLayer' - 'ecr:BatchGetImage' # CW - 'logs:CreateLogStream' - 'logs:PutLogEvents' Resource: '*' ECSTaskExecutionRole: Type: AWS::IAM::Role Properties: AssumeRolePolicyDocument: Version: '2012-10-17' Statement: - Effect: Allow Principal: Service: [] Action: ['sts:AssumeRole'] Path: / ManagedPolicyArns: - !Ref LexTwilioECSTaskExecutionRolePolicy Outputs: ClusterName: Description: The name of the ECS cluster Value: !Ref 'ECSCluster' Export: Name: !Join [ ':', [ !Ref 'EnvironmentName', 'ClusterName' ] ] ExternalUrl: Description: The url of the ALB Value: !Join ['', ['http://', !GetAtt 'PublicLoadBalancer.DNSName']] Export: Name: !Join [ ':', [ !Ref 'EnvironmentName', 'ExternalUrl' ] ] ECSTaskExecutionRole: Description: The ARN of the ECS Task execurtion role Value: !GetAtt 'ECSTaskExecutionRole.Arn' Export: Name: !Join [ ':', [ !Ref 'EnvironmentName', 'ECSTaskExecutionRole' ] ] HTTPListener: Description: The ARN of the public load balancer's HTTP Listener Value: !Ref PublicLoadBalancerListenerHTTP Export: Name: !Join [ ':', [ !Ref 'EnvironmentName', 'PublicListenerHTTP' ] ] HTTPSListener: Description: The ARN of the public load balancer's HTTPS Listener Value: !Ref PublicLoadBalancerListenerHTTPS Export: Name: !Join [ ':', [ !Ref 'EnvironmentName', 'PublicListenerHTTPS' ] ] VPCId: Description: The ID of the VPC that this stack is deployed in Value: !Ref 'VPC' Export: Name: !Join [ ':', [ !Ref 'EnvironmentName', 'VPCId' ] ] PublicSubnetOne: Description: Public subnet 1 Value: !Ref 'PublicSubnetOne' Export: Name: !Join [ ':', [ !Ref 'EnvironmentName', 'PublicSubnetOne' ] ] PublicSubnetTwo: Description: Public subnet 2 Value: !Ref 'PublicSubnetTwo' Export: Name: !Join [ ':', [ !Ref 'EnvironmentName', 'PublicSubnetTwo' ] ] FargateContainerSecurityGroup: Description: A security group used to allow containers to receive traffic Value: !Ref 'FargateContainerSecurityGroup' Export: Name: !Join [ ':', [ !Ref 'EnvironmentName', 'FargateContainerSecurityGroup' ] ]