import boto3 import botocore import os def color(text: str, color: str = "cyan") -> str: """ colors the output to terminal -- nicer aesthetic! """ if color == "cyan": r, g, b = 0, 255, 255 elif color == "orange": r, g, b = 255, 179, 71 elif color == "green": r, g, b = 57, 255, 20 return f"\033[38;2;{r};{g};{b}m{text}\033[38;2;255;255;255m" bucket_name_parameter = "MacieDevlabBucketName" sensitive_data_folder = "test-data" ssm_client = boto3.client("ssm") s3_client = boto3.client("s3") macie_client = boto3.client("macie2") bucket_name = ssm_client.get_parameter(Name=bucket_name_parameter)["Parameter"]["Value"] bucket_location = s3_client.get_bucket_location(Bucket=bucket_name)[ "LocationConstraint" ] if bucket_location is None: bucket_location = "us-east-1" print( f"Bucket with test data is {color(bucket_name)} in the {color(bucket_location,color='orange')} region" ) macie_console_link = f"https://{bucket_location}{bucket_location}" list_files = os.listdir(sensitive_data_folder) for file_name in list_files: response = s3_client.upload_file( f"./{sensitive_data_folder}/{file_name}", bucket_name, file_name ) print(f"Uploaded test data to {color(bucket_name)} bucket") try: macie_client.disable_macie() print("Disabled installation of Macie from previous Lab Participant") except macie_client.exceptions.from_code("AccessDeniedException") as e: print(e.response["Error"]["Message"]) macie_client.enable_macie() response = macie_client.get_macie_session() macie_client.create_custom_data_identifier( description="Passport number of Gotham Citizens", keywords=[ "passport", ], maximumMatchDistance=50, name="Gotham Passport", regex="[ABCDEF]\\d{7}[A-Z]", severityLevels=[ {"occurrencesThreshold": 1, "severity": "HIGH"}, ], ) if response["status"] == "ENABLED": print("Macie enabled!\n\n") print(f"🚀 {color('You are ready to go',color='green')} 🚀") print( f"Click this link, and then click open to continue to Macie: {color(macie_console_link, color='cyan')}" ) print("\n\n") else: print("Error enabling Macie, please check with the lab organizer")