# Amazon Managed Blockchain Fabric CICD Sample This code sample accompanies an AWS Databases Blog which describes using CodeCommit, CodePipleine, CodeBuild, and Lambda to deploy Fabric Chaincode to Amazon Managed Blockchain. This solution consists of three components: * chaincode: Example chaincode and an accompanying buildspec file for testing * lambda: a Lambda function which installs chaincode to Amazon Managed Blockchain * cdk: a CDK template used for deploying the end to end solution ## Build To build this app, you need to be in the cdk folder. Then run the following: ```bash npm install -g aws-cdk npm install npm run build ``` This will install the necessary CDK, then this example's dependencies, and then build your TypeScript files and your CloudFormation template. ## Deploy Run `cdk deploy`. This will deploy / redeploy your Stack to your AWS Account. ## Synthesize Cloudformation Template To see the Cloudformation template generated by the CDK, run `cdk synth`, then check the output file in the "cdk.out" directory.