# Provision Amazon Managed Blockchain Network using CDK and Java Programming Language ## Introduction This project provides sample Java code to provision Amazon Managed Blockchain Network using AWS Cloud Development Kit(CDK). Know more details about AWS CDK here https://aws.amazon.com/cdk/ Know more details about Amazon Managed Blockchain here https://aws.amazon.com/managed-blockchain ## Prerequisites * Java 8 (v1.8) or later * Apache Maven 3.5 or later * CDK 1.69 * AWS Command Line Interface V2 ## How to use this Project To provision Amazon Blockchain Network using this sample following details have to be provided in AmbNetworkStack.java file. * NETWORK_NAME * NETWORK_DESCRIPTION * FRAMEWORK_TYPE * FRAMEWORK_VERSION * EDITION * THRESHOLD_PERCENTAGE * THRESHOLD_COMPARATOR * PROPOSAL_DURATION * MEMBER_NAME * MEMBER_DESCRIPTION * ADMIN_USERNAME * ADMIN_PASSWORD For description of above fields and allowed values refer https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/AWS_ManagedBlockchain.html After providing above values, execute the following commands. * `cdk synth` this command generates the CloudFormation template under cdk.out folder. Validate the template. * `cdk deploy` this command deploys CloudFormation stack