# Lab 1: Set-Up the Broker (Optional) > As we already created the Amazon MQ broker for our workshop in our [lab setup](/labs/lab-setup.md), this lab is optional. It guides you through the steps necessary, to create a new Amazon MQ broker. In this lab you will create the Amazon MQ broker we will use during the workshop. ### 1. Navigate to the [Amazon MQ service console](https://console.aws.amazon.com/amazon-mq). * If you don't have a broker running, the AWS console will forward you to the page below. Otherwise continue with step 3.

![Amazon MQ workshop Lab 1 step 1](/images/broker-set-up-Step1.png)

### 2. Click to the navigation button in the top-left corner and select **Brokers**.


![Amazon MQ workshop Lab 1 step 2](/images/broker-set-up-Step2.png)

### 3. On the Broker home page, click the button **Create broker**.


![Amazon MQ workshop Lab 1 step 3](/images/broker-set-up-Step3.png)

### 4. Configure the broker details as follows and scroll down: * Broker name: `workshop` * Broker instance type: `mq.t2.micro` * Deployment mode: `Active/standby broker for high availability`


![Amazon MQ workshop Lab 1 step 4](/images/broker-set-up-Step4.png)

### 5. Continue with the broker web console access configuration and scroll down: * Username: `workshopUser` * Password: ``


![Amazon MQ workshop Lab 1 step 5](/images/broker-set-up-Step5.png)

### 6. Open the brokers advanced settings and choose the following settings. Scroll down afterwards. * Broker Configuration: `Create a new configuration with default values` * Logs: select `General` and `Audit` * Network and security: `Select existing VPC, subnet(s) and security group(s)` * Virtual Private Cloud (VPC): `{Stackname}-VPC` * Subnet(s): `{Stackname}-PublicSubnet1` and `{Stackname}-PublicSubnet2` > It's important to use the VPC, subnets and security group which were created by the CloudFormation template to make sure the connectivity between your EC2 instance and Amazon MQ is working!


![Amazon MQ workshop Lab 1 step 6](/images/broker-set-up-Step6.png)

### 7. Look at the advanced settings * Security group(s): **{Stackname}-AmazonMQSecurityGroup-...** * Public accessibility: **Yes** (to be able to access the Apache ActiveMQ web console) * Maintenance window: **No preference**


![Amazon MQ workshop Lab 1 step 7](/images/broker-set-up-Step7.png)

**NOTE: Do not click "Create Broker". We will be using a broker that has already been created for you since it takes up to 10 minutes for the broker to go into **Running** state and be ready to use.** # Completion Congratulations, you've successfully completed Lab 1! You can move on to [Lab 2: Using Point-To-Point Messaging Using Queues](/labs/lab-2.md) [Return to the Workshop Landing page](/README.md)