# Lab 6: Tighten up Security with Access Control
In this lab you will tighten up the security configuration with access control policies, so that you control which user can send/receive messages from which queues/topics.
### 1. Create new users
Navigate to the Amazon MQ Brokers page.

Click on the name of the broker, you created in [Lab 1](/labs/lab-1.md).

Go to the bottom of the page and click `Create user`.

Create two users. One with the name and group `user1` and a second one with the name and group `user2`.

### 2. Apply the changes
In order to apply the modifications done to the broker configuration, such as adding users, the broker must be rebooted.
Go to the top of the page and choose `Actions -> Reboot broker`.

It takes a few minutes for the broker to finish the reboot. The reboot is done when the status in the **Pending modifications** column is empty.

### 3. Edit the configuration
Go to list of brokers and click on the name of your broker. Click **Edit** at the top of the page.

To view and edit the latest configuration, just click the **Edit** link in the Configuration section. This will open a new tab where you can see the current configuration.

On this page, you see the XML configuration of Active MQ. Click `Edit configuration` button in the top right corner.

Scroll down to the element `` and modify the content so that it looks as follows. Afterwards click **Save**, and confirm, to store the configuration changes. Make sure that the whole section is uncommented removing the opening and closing comments marks ``. What this configuration does is to allow `user1` to manage, write and read from `queue.user1`, but not `user2`, who is allowed instead to a/r/w on `topic.user2`.
``` xml

Close this browser-tab and go back to the Edit broker page. From the **Revision** drop down select the new revision you just created. You may need to refresh your browser window to see the Revision. Once the new Revision is selected, click **Schedule modifications**. On the next page, select **Immediately** and click on **Apply**. It might takes few minutes to restart the broker.

After the broker is again in the status `Running`, run the following command in a terminal tab in the Cloud9 IDE (replacing the parameter **** with the value you have chosen) to start sending messages to `queue.user1` as `user2`.
``` bash
java -jar ./bin/amazon-mq-client.jar -url $url -user user2 -password -mode sender -type queue -destination queue.user1 -name user2
You should see a log output like the following, indicating that `user2` is not authorized to write into this queue.
``` bash
[ActiveMQ Task-1] INFO org.apache.activemq.transport.failover.FailoverTransport - Successfully connected to ssl://b-4e4bfd69-7b83-4a27-9faf-4684cfa80443-2.mq.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com:61617
Error: User user2 is not authorized to write to: queue://queue.user1
Try now to send messages to the same queue as `user1`.
``` bash
java -jar ./bin/amazon-mq-client.jar -url $url -user user1 -password -mode sender -type queue -destination queue.user1 -name user1
As expected, `user1` can write on this queue. You can try a similar excercise with the topic `topic.user2`, verifying that `user1` cannot publish nor receive messages from the topic, while `user2` can (the commands can be found in [Lab 2](/labs/lab-2.md), but you will need to adapt the `-user` and `-password` parameters)
13\. Stop the sender by holding `CTRL + C` or or `CONTROL + C` in the terminal window.
# Completion
Congratulations, you've successfully completed Lab 6! You can move on to [Lab 7: Active MQ Broker Statistics](/labs/lab-7.md)
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