# Lab 7: Active MQ Broker Statistics
In this lab, we will have a look at the statistics, Apache Active MQ is providing us through its web console.
### Prerequisites
You need to have done [Lab 2](/labs/lab-2.md) and [Lab 3](/labs/lab-3.md) to get statistics, or otherwise published and consumed messages on the broker.
### 1. Navigate to the Amazon MQ Brokers page.

### 2. Get ActiveMQ Web console address
Click on the name of the broker you created in [Lab 1](/labs/lab-1.md) and scroll a bit down to the **Connections** section. Here you find the links to the **ActiveMQ Web Console**. Only the link to the current primary broker will work. Try either link to find out which link is working at this time.

### 3. Log into the ActiveMQ Web console
On the next page, click on **Manage ActiveMQ broker** and provide the credentials for the user that you entered when creating the broker or in the CloudFormation stack. After a successful login, you are forwarded to the overview page. Here you can find, among others, the information about the brokers up-time and used memory:

### 4. Managing Queues
Click on the **Queues** link in the top navigation bar to get some detailed information about the existing queues and some key information like number of active consumers, number of pending messages, messages enqueued and messages dequeued. This page also provides functions to `Purge` the entire queue, to `Delete` a queue or to `Send` a message to this queue.

Click on one of the queues, e.g. `queue.user1` to browse the queue content. Choose a queue which has some pending messages. On this page you can also `Delete` individual message, if you have to.
If you don't have a queue with pending messages, just start a sender and send some messages into a queue, as you have done in [Lab 2](/labs/lab-2.md).

By clicking on one of the messages, you can see the details of the message, including the timestamp when the message was sent, the unique message id and the content of the message. From this page, you can also **Delete** the message or **Copy/Move** it into another queue.

### 5. Managing Topics
Click on the **Topics** link in the top navigation bar to get some detailed information about the existing topics and some key information like number of active consumers, messages enqueued and messages dequeued. This page provides also the function to **Delete** a topic or to **Send** a message to a topic.

You may be wondering about the different `ActiveMQ.Advisory.` topics. Apache Active MQ publishes different kind of events to the different Advisory topics which gives you the ability to react to these events. An example message from the `ActiveMQ.Advisory.Producer.Topic.workshop.topicA` topic could look like this one:
commandId = 0,
responseRequired = false,
messageId = ID:ip-10-0-1-207-33499-1523623744067-1:1:0:0:149,
originalDestination = null,
originalTransactionId = null,
producerId = ID:ip-10-0-1-207-33499-1523623744067-1:1:0:0,
destination = topic://ActiveMQ.Advisory.Producer.Topic.workshop.topicA,
transactionId = null,
expiration = 0,
timestamp = 0,
arrival = 0,
brokerInTime = 1523703346934,
brokerOutTime = 1523703346935,
correlationId = null,
replyTo = null,
persistent = false,
type = Advisory,
priority = 0,
groupID = null,
groupSequence = 0,
targetConsumerId = null,
compressed = false,
userID = null,
content = null,
marshalledProperties = org.apache.activemq.util.ByteSequence@1dfc39d,
dataStructure = ProducerInfo {
commandId = 4,
responseRequired = true,
producerId = ID:c4b301d0e35d-62410-1523703346186-1:1:1:1,
destination = topic://workshop.topicA,
brokerPath = null,
dispatchAsync = false,
windowSize = 0,
sentCount = 0
redeliveryCounter = 0,
size = 0,
properties = {
readOnlyProperties = true,
readOnlyBody = true,
droppable = false,
jmsXGroupFirstForConsumer = false
Browse to the **Subscribers**, **Connections** and **Network** links in the top navigation bar to get additional information about the broker.
By clicking on the `Send` link in the top navigation bar, you can easily send a message to a queue or topic of your choice.

# Completion
Congratulations, you've successfully completed Lab 7! You can move on to [Lab 8: Protocol Interoperability](/labs/lab-8.md)
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