To make it easier to run the commands in the following labs we store frequently used parameters like the Amazon MQ broker URL in Bash environment variable.
Go to the [AmazonMQ console](https://console.aws.amazon.com/amazon-mq), and click on the name of the broker (the one prefixed with CloudFormation stack name you created)
:white_check_mark: Scroll down to the Connections section and click the **Copy failover string** link beside the OpenWire row
to copy the string to your clipboard. You need to **repeat this 3 more times** for capturing and saving broker failover URLs for the brokers in Mesh network.

:white_check_mark: Go to the AWS Console home, find Cloud9 service, open the service console. You should see a pre-built workspace named MQClient. Click on "Open IDE".
Once the IDE is launched, you should see a bash shell window opened with the workshop github repository synced to amazon-mq-workshop folder.
In the bash shell, type the following commands one at a time (make sure you replace