# Amazon Neptune Ontology and Multimodel Blog Example ## Prerequisites To run this example, you need an AWS account with permission to create resources such as a Neptune cluster. ## Provision resources Create Neptune resources using AWS CloudFormation. Download a copy of the CloudFormation template (cfn/neptune_ontology_main.yml) from this repository. Then complete the following steps: 1. On the AWS CloudFormation console, choose **Create stack**. 2. Choose **With new resources (standard)**. 3. Select U**pload a template file**. 4. Choose **Choose file** to upload the local copy of the template that you downloaded. The name of the file is Neptune_ontology_main.yml. 5. Choose **Next**. 6. Enter a stack name of your choosing. 7. In the **Parameters** section, use defaults for the remaining parameters. 8. Choose **Next**. 9. Continue through the remaining sections. 10. Read and select the check boxes in the **Capabilities** section. 11. Choose **Create stack**. 12. When the stack is complete, navigate to the **Outputs** section and follow the link for the output NeptuneSagemakerNotebook. This opens in your browser the Jupyter files view. There are two notebooks available: - Neptune_Multimodel.ipynb, demonstrating the multimodel example - Neptune_Ontology_Example.ipynb, demonstrating the ontology example in . We encourage you to review the stack with your security team prior to using it in a production environment. ## Running the Examples To run the ontology example discussed in the blog , open the Neptune_Ontology_Example.ipynb notebook; then follow the steps! To run the multimodel example discussed in the blog , open the Neptune_Multimodel.ipynb notebook and follow the steps. ## Cost The template creates Neptune cluster resources, a SageMaker notebook (Neptune Workbench), an S3 bucket, plus additional resources. The Neptune cluster and SageMaker notebook incur costs. Refer to the Neptune pricing guide for pricing. ## Clean up If you’re done with the solution and wish to avoid future charges, delete the CloudFormation stack. ## License This library is licensed under the MIT-0 License. See the LICENSE file.