B *ª`½ ã@sDdZddlmZddlmZmZGdd„deƒZGdd„deƒZd S) zO requests.structures ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Data structures that power Requests. é)Ú OrderedDicté)ÚMappingÚMutableMappingc@sbeZdZdZddd„Zdd„Zdd„Zd d „Zd d „Zd d„Z dd„Z dd„Z dd„Z dd„Z dS)ÚCaseInsensitiveDictaÖA case-insensitive ``dict``-like object. Implements all methods and operations of ``MutableMapping`` as well as dict's ``copy``. Also provides ``lower_items``. All keys are expected to be strings. The structure remembers the case of the last key to be set, and ``iter(instance)``, ``keys()``, ``items()``, ``iterkeys()``, and ``iteritems()`` will contain case-sensitive keys. However, querying and contains testing is case insensitive:: cid = CaseInsensitiveDict() cid['Accept'] = 'application/json' cid['aCCEPT'] == 'application/json' # True list(cid) == ['Accept'] # True For example, ``headers['content-encoding']`` will return the value of a ``'Content-Encoding'`` response header, regardless of how the header name was originally stored. If the constructor, ``.update``, or equality comparison operations are given keys that have equal ``.lower()``s, the behavior is undefined. NcKs&tƒ|_|dkri}|j|f|ŽdS)N)rÚ_storeÚupdate)ÚselfÚdataÚkwargs©r úm/private/var/folders/fw/jsxvvqfs4sz4tdnfdvg5typ5vk77qg/T/pip-install-nclqqfz4/requests/requests/structures.pyÚ__init__*szCaseInsensitiveDict.__init__cCs||f|j| ¡<dS)N)rÚlower)r ÚkeyÚvaluer r r Ú __setitem__0szCaseInsensitiveDict.__setitem__cCs|j| ¡dS)Nr)rr)r rr r r Ú __getitem__5szCaseInsensitiveDict.__getitem__cCs|j| ¡=dS)N)rr)r rr r r Ú __delitem__8szCaseInsensitiveDict.__delitem__cCsdd„|j ¡DƒS)Ncss|]\}}|VqdS)Nr )Ú.0ÚcasedkeyÚ mappedvaluer r r ú <sz/CaseInsensitiveDict.__iter__..)rÚvalues)r r r r Ú__iter__;szCaseInsensitiveDict.__iter__cCs t|jƒS)N)Úlenr)r r r r Ú__len__>szCaseInsensitiveDict.__len__cCsdd„|j ¡DƒS)z.Like iteritems(), but with all lowercase keys.css|]\}}||dfVqdS)rNr )rÚlowerkeyÚkeyvalr r r rDsz2CaseInsensitiveDict.lower_items..)rÚitems)r r r r Ú lower_itemsAszCaseInsensitiveDict.lower_itemscCs0t|tƒrt|ƒ}ntSt| ¡ƒt| ¡ƒkS)N)Ú isinstancerrÚNotImplementedÚdictr )r Úotherr r r Ú__eq__Is  zCaseInsensitiveDict.__eq__cCst|j ¡ƒS)N)rrr)r r r r ÚcopyRszCaseInsensitiveDict.copycCstt| ¡ƒƒS)N)Ústrr#r)r r r r Ú__repr__UszCaseInsensitiveDict.__repr__)N)Ú__name__Ú __module__Ú __qualname__Ú__doc__rrrrrrr r%r&r(r r r r rs  rcs<eZdZdZd ‡fdd„ Zdd„Zdd„Zd d d „Z‡ZS) Ú LookupDictzDictionary lookup object.Ncs||_tt|ƒ ¡dS)N)ÚnameÚsuperr-r)r r.)Ú __class__r r r\szLookupDict.__init__cCs d|jS)Nz )r.)r r r r r(`szLookupDict.__repr__cCs|j |d¡S)N)Ú__dict__Úget)r rr r r rcszLookupDict.__getitem__cCs|j ||¡S)N)r1r2)r rÚdefaultr r r r2hszLookupDict.get)N)N) r)r*r+r,rr(rr2Ú __classcell__r r )r0r r-Ys r-N) r,Ú collectionsrÚcompatrrrr#r-r r r r Ús J