from glob import glob import re from os import path from textwrap import dedent import warnings __NF_DIRECTIVES : str = """ accelerator,afterScript, beforeScript, cache,clusterOptions,conda,container,containerOptions,cpus, debug,disk, echo,errorstrategy,executor,ext, fair, label, machineType,maxErrors,maxRetries,memory,module, penv,pod,publishDir, queue, resourceLabels, scratch,spack,storeDir,stageInMode,stageOutMode, tag, time, """ __NF_PROCESS_SYNTAX : str = """ input,output,when,script,shell,exec,stub """ # limit this set to keywords used in control structures __GROOVY_KEYWORDS : str = """ assert,def,do,for,if,switch,try,while """ def __nf_tokenize(tokens): _tokens = re.sub(r'[\s\n]+', '', tokens, re.DOTALL | re.MULTILINE) if _tokens.endswith(','): _tokens = _tokens[:-1] _tokens = _tokens.split(',') return _tokens NF_DIRECTIVES : list = __nf_tokenize(__NF_DIRECTIVES) NF_PROCESS_SYNTAX : list = __nf_tokenize(__NF_PROCESS_SYNTAX) GROOVY_KEYWORDS : list = __nf_tokenize(__GROOVY_KEYWORDS) def parse_processes(contents, nf_file=None): # contents is the content of a single nf_file # an nf_file can have multiple process definitions # remove all comments since they interfere with token parsing _contents = re.sub('/\\*.*\\*/', '', contents, flags=re.DOTALL) _contents = [re.sub('(.*)//.*', '\\1', line) for line in _contents.split('\n')] _contents = '\n'.join(_contents) _processes = [] # capture the name of processes and their definitions pattern = 'process([\\w\\s]+?)\\{(.+?)\\}(?=\\s+process|\\s*\\Z)' matches = re.findall(pattern, _contents, flags=re.MULTILINE|re.DOTALL) if matches: _processes = [ {"nf_file": nf_file, "name": match[0].strip(), "body": match[1].strip()} for match in matches ] # capture all directive and stanza definitions tokens = NF_DIRECTIVES + NF_PROCESS_SYNTAX + GROOVY_KEYWORDS for ix, _proc in enumerate(_processes): for token in tokens: _token = token _group = '(\\s+.+?)' _look_ahead = '\\s+?(?=' + '|'.join(tokens) + ')' if token in NF_PROCESS_SYNTAX: _token += ':' if token in ("script", "stub"): _look_ahead = '(?=' + '|'.join(NF_PROCESS_SYNTAX + ['\\Z']) + ')' pattern = _token + _group + _look_ahead matches = re.findall(pattern, _proc['body'], flags=re.MULTILINE|re.DOTALL) # some tokens can be defined multiple times if matches: _proc[token] = [match.strip() for match in matches] if not _proc.get('container'): warnings.warn(f"process '{_proc['name']}' in file '{_proc['nf_file']}' has no container directive", UserWarning) _processes[ix] = NextflowProcess(from_dict=_proc) return _processes class NextflowWorkflow: def __init__(self, project_path:str) -> None: self._project_path = project_path self._nf_files = glob(path.join(project_path, '**/*.nf'), recursive=True) self.use_ecr_pull_through_cache = True self._container_substitutions = None @property def _contents(self) -> dict: contents = dict() for nf_file in self._nf_files: with open(nf_file, 'r') as file: contents[nf_file] = return contents @property def processes(self) -> list: _processes = [] for nf_file, content in self._contents.items(): _processes += parse_processes(content, nf_file=nf_file) return _processes @property def containers(self) -> list: """ returns the list of container uris specified by the workflow definition does not make any adjustments for cacheable uris or substitutions. """ uris = set() for process in self.processes: if process.container: uris.add(process.container) return sorted(list(uris)) def get_container_manifest(self, substitutions=None) -> list: """ generates a list of unique container image URIs to pull into an ECR Private registry """ uris = set() for uri in self.containers: if substitutions and uri in substitutions: uri = substitutions.get(uri) uris.add(uri) return sorted(list(uris)) def _get_ecr_image_name(self, uri, substitutions=None, namespace_config=None): if substitutions and uri in substitutions: uri = substitutions.get(uri) if namespace_config: uri_parts = uri.split('/') if len(uri_parts) > 1: source_registry = uri_parts[0] image_name = "/".join(uri_parts[1:]) else: source_registry = "" image_name = uri props = namespace_config.get(source_registry) if props: uri = "/".join([props['namespace'], image_name]) return uri def get_omics_config(self, session=None, substitutions=None, namespace_config=None) -> str: """ generates nextflow.config contents to use when running on AWS HealthOmics :param: session: boto3 session :param: namespace_config: dictionary that maps public registries to image repository namespaces """ ecr_registry = '' if session: ecr = session.client('ecr') response = ecr.describe_registry() ecr_registry = f"{response['registryId']}.dkr.ecr.{session.region_name}" process_configs = [] _tpl = "withName: '(.+:)?' { container = '::process.container.uri::' }" for process in self.processes: if process.container: container_uri = self._get_ecr_image_name( process.container, substitutions=substitutions, namespace_config=namespace_config) process_configs += [ ( _tpl .replace('', .replace('::process.container.uri::', container_uri) ) ] config = dedent( """\ params { ecr_registry = ':::ecr_registry:::' outdir = '/mnt/workflow/pubdir' } manifest { nextflowVersion = '!>=22.04.0' } conda { enabled = false } docker { enabled = true registry = params.ecr_registry } process { withName: '.*' { conda = null } :::process_configs::: } """ ) config = config.replace(":::ecr_registry:::", ecr_registry) config = config.replace(":::process_configs:::", "\n".join(process_configs)) return config class NextflowProcess: def __init__(self, from_dict=None) -> None: if from_dict: self._load_from_dict(from_dict) def _load_from_dict(self, props) -> None: = props.get('name') self.body = props.get('body') self.nf_file = props.get('nf_file') for attr in (NF_DIRECTIVES + NF_PROCESS_SYNTAX): if props.get(attr) and len(props.get(attr)) == 1: value = props.get(attr)[0] else: value = props.get(attr) setattr(self, attr, value) if self.container: self.container = find_docker_uri(self.container) def __hash__(self) -> int: # omit self.nf_file from hashing # this assumes a process with the same name same container are identical # even if defined in two different files # TODO: make hashing consider process body as a whole return hash((, self.container)) def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"{self.__class__.__name__}(name={}, container={self.container}, nf_file={self.nf_file})" def __eq__(self, __value: object) -> bool: # TODO: make equality compare more than name and container return ( == and self.container == __value.container ) def find_docker_uri(container:str) -> dict: # check if provided a quoted string and strip bounding quotes match = re.match("^(['\"])", container) if match: container = container[1:-1] # only look for public docker container uri # spot check of several nf-core workflows shows container directives use a ternary definition # to select between singularity and docker match ="(\\:|params.ecr_registry \\+)\\s+?'(.+?)'", container) uri = None if match: uri = match.groups()[1] else: # there are edge cases where a "simple" container directive is used - e.g. only a URI string uri = container return uri