import pandas as pd import pylab as pl import numpy as np import warnings import traceback import scipy.sparse as ss import time INTERACTIONS_REQUIRED_FIELDS = ["USER_ID", "ITEM_ID", "TIMESTAMP"] # general NA_RATE_THRESHOLD = 0.1 DUP_RATE_THRESHOLD = 0.1 REPEAT_RATE_THRESHOLD = 0.5 COLDSTART_RATE_THRESHOLD = 0.1 # loglog warning thresholds LOGLOG_RMSE_THRESHOLD = 5 LOGLOG_MIN_CATS = 30 LOGLOG_HEAD_HEAVY = -2 LOGLOG_HEAVY_TAIL = -0.75 # metadata CATS_FREQ_HEAD = 10 # temporal analysis EPS_GREEDY = 0.01 TIMEDELTA_REFERENCES = [ ('min', 60), ('hour',3600), ('day',3600*24), ('week',3600*24*7), ('month',3600*24*31), ('year',3600*24*365)] ROLLING_HISTORY_LEN = [1, 10, 100, 1000] RETRAIN_FREQUENCY = ['1y','1q','1m','5d','1d','6h'] TEMPORAL_FREQUENCY = ['5d', '1d', '6h'] TEMPORAL_LOSS_METHODS = ['total variation', 'out-sample items'] TEMPORAL_PLOT_LIMIT = 50 def plot_loglog(val, name='', show=True): x = 1+np.arange(len(val)) slope, intercept = np.polyfit(np.log10(x)[val>0], np.log10(val[val>0]), deg=1) full_ret = np.polyfit(np.log10(x)[val>0], np.log10(val[val>0]), deg=1, full=True) rmse = np.mean(full_ret[0]**2)**0.5 fitted = 10**(intercept + slope*np.log10(x)) pl.loglog(x, val) _axis = pl.axis() pl.loglog(x, fitted, ':') pl.axis(_axis) pl.grid() pl.title(name + ' loglog, %.2e * x^(%.2f), rmse=%.2f' %(10**intercept, slope, rmse)) pl.ylabel('value threshold') pl.xlabel('number of examples with value >= threshold') if show: return (slope, intercept, rmse) def describe_categorical(sr, name=''): print("\n=== {} top {} categories ===".format(name, CATS_FREQ_HEAD)) parts = sr.astype(str).apply(lambda x: x.split('|')) cats = pd.Series(np.hstack(parts.values)) cats_freq = cats.groupby(cats).size().sort_values(ascending=False) print(cats_freq.head(CATS_FREQ_HEAD)) if len(cats_freq) <= LOGLOG_MIN_CATS: return None (slope, intercept, rmse) = plot_loglog(cats_freq, name) if len(cats_freq) > LOGLOG_MIN_CATS and rmse < LOGLOG_RMSE_THRESHOLD: if slope > LOGLOG_HEAVY_TAIL: warnings.warn(""" Heavy-tail {0} distributions are usually hard to learn (slope={1})! Consider rolling up {0} or dropping its rare values. """.format(name, slope)) elif slope < LOGLOG_HEAD_HEAVY: warnings.warn(""" Head-heavy {0} distributions are usually uninteresting or spammy (slope={1})! Consider using finer-grade {0} or thresholding its dominate values. """.format(name, slope)) return (slope, intercept, rmse) def describe_dataframe(df, name=''): print("\n=== Describe {} ===\n".format(name)) print(df.describe()) if object in df.dtypes: print(df.describe(include=['O'])) summary = {} for cn, dtype in df.dtypes.iteritems(): if dtype == object: summary_cn = describe_categorical(df[cn], cn) if summary_cn is not None: summary[cn] = summary_cn return summary def _normalize_distribution(X, jitter=1e-20): sums = np.ravel(X.sum(axis=1)) rows = np.split(, X.indptr[1:-1]) X_data = np.hstack([ x/(s+jitter) for s,x in zip(sums, rows) ]) return ss.csr_matrix( (X_data, X.indices, X.indptr), shape=X.shape) def compute_bootstrap_loss(df, freq, method): tic = time.time() df = df.copy() df['_bs'] = np.random.rand(len(df))<0.5 df_cnt = df.groupby(['_bs', pd.Grouper(freq=freq), 'ITEM_ID']).size() df_cnt = df_cnt.to_frame('_cnt').reset_index(level=(0,2)) index = pd.date_range( df_cnt.index.min(), df_cnt.index.max(), freq=freq) df_wgt = df.groupby(pd.Grouper(freq=freq)).size().reindex(index, fill_value=0) df_cnt['_i'] = np.searchsorted(index, df_cnt.index) df_cnt['_j'] = df_cnt['ITEM_ID'].astype('category') N = len(df_cnt['ITEM_ID'].unique()) Y, X = [ss.coo_matrix(( df_cnt[df_cnt['_bs'] == split]['_cnt'], (df_cnt[df_cnt['_bs'] == split]['_i'], df_cnt[df_cnt['_bs'] == split]['_j']) ), shape=(len(index), N)).tocsr() for split in [0, 1]] return compute_distribution_shift(index, df_wgt, Y, X, method, 0, freq, tic) def compute_temporal_loss(df, freq, method, hist_len): tic = time.time() df_cnt = df.groupby([pd.Grouper(freq=freq), 'ITEM_ID']).size() df_cnt = df_cnt.to_frame('_cnt').reset_index(level=1) index = pd.date_range( df_cnt.index.min(), df_cnt.index.max(), freq=freq) df_wgt = df.groupby(pd.Grouper(freq=freq)).size().reindex(index, fill_value=0) df_cnt['_i'] = np.searchsorted(index, df_cnt.index) df_cnt['_j'] = df_cnt['ITEM_ID'].astype('category') N = len(df_cnt['ITEM_ID'].unique()) # sparse data Y = ss.coo_matrix(( df_cnt['_cnt'], (df_cnt['_i'], df_cnt['_j']) ), shape=(len(index), N)).tocsr() try: # binary rolling sum B = Y c = 1 X = Y*0 X.eliminate_zeros() for p,b in enumerate(reversed('{0:b}'.format(hist_len))): if b == '1' and c < len(index): X = X + ss.vstack([ss.csr_matrix((c, N)), B[:-c]]) c = c + 2**p if 2**p < len(index): B = B + ss.vstack([ss.csr_matrix((2**p, N)), B[:-2**p]]) # sum 0 .. 2**(p+1)-1 assert np.allclose(X[-1:].sum(axis=0), Y[-hist_len-1:-1].sum(axis=0)) except Exception: traceback.print_exc() warnings.warn("falling back to plain rolling sum") rolling = 0 for t in range(hist_len): rolling = rolling + ss.eye(len(index), k=-t-1) X = rolling .dot( Y ) return compute_distribution_shift(index, df_wgt, Y, X, method, hist_len, freq, tic) def compute_distribution_shift(index, df_wgt, Y, X, method, hist_len, freq=None, tic=0): """ Y:target (unobserved), X:data (observed) """ N = Y.shape[1] p = _normalize_distribution(Y) q = _normalize_distribution(X) if method.lower() in ['kl', 'kl-divergence']: eps_ratio = (1-EPS_GREEDY) / (EPS_GREEDY / N) log_p = (p * eps_ratio).log1p() log_q = (q * eps_ratio).log1p() temporal_loss = (p .multiply (log_p - log_q)).sum(axis=1) loss_fmt = '{:.2f}' elif method.lower() in ['ce', 'cross-entropy']: eps_ratio = (1-EPS_GREEDY) / (EPS_GREEDY / N) log_q = (q * eps_ratio).log1p() temporal_loss = -((p .multiply (log_q)).sum(axis=1) + np.log(EPS_GREEDY/N)) loss_fmt = '{:.2f}' elif method.lower() in ['oov', 'out-sample items']: temporal_loss = 1.0 - (p .multiply (q>0)).sum(axis=1) loss_fmt = '{:.1%}' elif method.lower() in ['tv', 'total variation']: temporal_loss = (p-q).multiply(p>q).sum(axis=1) loss_fmt = '{:.1%}' else: raise NotImplementedError temporal_loss = pd.Series(np.ravel(temporal_loss), index=index) avg_loss = np.average(temporal_loss.values, weights=df_wgt.values) print('temporal {}, freq={}, hist_len={}, avg_loss={}, time={:.1f}s'.format( method, freq, hist_len, loss_fmt.format(avg_loss), time.time() - tic, )) return temporal_loss, df_wgt, avg_loss, loss_fmt def diagnose_interactions(df): print("\n=== Interactions table, original shape={} ===\n" .format(df.shape)) df = df.copy() df['ITEM_ID'] = df['ITEM_ID'].astype(str) df['USER_ID'] = df['USER_ID'].astype(str) df.index = df["TIMESTAMP"].values.astype("datetime64[s]") na_rate = df[INTERACTIONS_REQUIRED_FIELDS].isnull().any(axis=1).mean() print("missing rate in fields", INTERACTIONS_REQUIRED_FIELDS, na_rate) if na_rate > NA_RATE_THRESHOLD: warnings.warn("High data missing rate for required fields ({:.1%})!".format(na_rate)) df = df.dropna(subset=INTERACTIONS_REQUIRED_FIELDS) print("dropna shape", df.shape) dup_rate = (df.groupby(INTERACTIONS_REQUIRED_FIELDS).size() - 1.0).sum() / df.shape[0] print("duplication rate", dup_rate) if dup_rate > DUP_RATE_THRESHOLD: warnings.warn(""" High duplication rate ({:.1%})! Only one event can be taken at the same (user,item,timestamp) index. """.format(dup_rate)) df = df.drop_duplicates(subset=INTERACTIONS_REQUIRED_FIELDS) print("drop_duplicates shape", df.shape) repeat_rate = (df.groupby(["USER_ID", "ITEM_ID"]).size() - 1.0).sum() / df.shape[0] print("user item repeat rate", repeat_rate) if repeat_rate > REPEAT_RATE_THRESHOLD: warnings.warn(""" High rate of repeated consumptions ({:.1%})! We would not do anything, but it may beneficial to (1) consider keeping only the last interaction between the same user-item pair, (2) consider if the ITEM_IDs have collisions, and/or (3) use high-order hierarchical models. """.format(repeat_rate)) summary = describe_dataframe(df, 'interactions table') print("\n=== Hourly activity pattern ===") print(df.groupby(df.index.hour).size()) print("\n=== Day of week activity pattern ===") print(df.groupby(df.index.dayofweek).size()) plot_patterns = { "date":, "hour": df.index.hour, "dayofweek": df.index.dayofweek} for k,v in plot_patterns.items(): pl.plot(df.groupby(v).size(), '.-') pl.gcf().autofmt_xdate() pl.title("Activity pattern by %s" %k) pl.grid() print("\n=== Temporal shift analysis ===\n") print("Sorting and removing repeated user-items for temporal shift analysis...") df.sort_index(inplace=True, kind='mergesort') df_dedup = df.drop_duplicates(['USER_ID','ITEM_ID'], keep='last') print("\n=== Temporal shift - retrain frequency ===\n") for method in TEMPORAL_LOSS_METHODS: bootstrap_avg = [] past_fut_avg = [] for freq in RETRAIN_FREQUENCY: _, _, _bs_avg, loss_fmt = compute_bootstrap_loss(df_dedup, freq, method) _, _, _ts_avg, loss_fmt = compute_temporal_loss(df_dedup, freq, method, 1) bootstrap_avg.append(_bs_avg) past_fut_avg.append(_ts_avg) pl.plot(RETRAIN_FREQUENCY, bootstrap_avg, '.--', label='same-period bootstrap') pl.plot(RETRAIN_FREQUENCY, past_fut_avg, '.-', label='lagged popularity') pl.legend() pl.xlabel('retrain frequency') pl.title(method + ' loss at different frequencies') pl.grid() pl.gca().yaxis.set_major_formatter(pl.FuncFormatter(lambda y, _: loss_fmt.format(y))) print("\n=== Temporal shift - history cutoffs ===\n") for method in TEMPORAL_LOSS_METHODS: for freq in TEMPORAL_FREQUENCY: bootstrap_loss, _, avg_loss, loss_fmt = compute_bootstrap_loss(df_dedup, freq, method) pl.plot(bootstrap_loss.iloc[-TEMPORAL_PLOT_LIMIT:], '.--', label = 'boostrap baseline={}'.format(loss_fmt.format(avg_loss))) for hist_len in ROLLING_HISTORY_LEN: temporal_loss, df_wgt, avg_loss, loss_fmt = compute_temporal_loss(df_dedup, freq, method, hist_len) pl.plot(temporal_loss.iloc[-TEMPORAL_PLOT_LIMIT:], '.-', label = 'hist={} * {}, avg={}'.format(hist_len, freq, loss_fmt.format(avg_loss))) pl.gca().yaxis.set_major_formatter(pl.FuncFormatter(lambda y, _: loss_fmt.format(y))) pl.title('{} {} from rolling history (lower is better)'.format(freq, method)) pl.grid() pl.gcf().autofmt_xdate() pl.legend(loc='upper left') pl.twinx() pl.plot(df_wgt.iloc[-TEMPORAL_PLOT_LIMIT:], color='grey', lw=3, ls='--', alpha=0.5) pl.legend(['activity density'], loc='upper right') print("\n=== session time delta describe ===") user_time_delta = df.groupby('USER_ID')["TIMESTAMP"].transform(pd.Series.diff).dropna() user_time_delta.sort_values(ascending=False, inplace=True) print(user_time_delta.describe()) plot_loglog(user_time_delta, 'session time delta', show=False) for k,v in TIMEDELTA_REFERENCES: if pl.ylim()[0] < v < pl.ylim()[1]: pl.plot(pl.xlim(), [v,v], '--') pl.text(pl.xlim()[0], v, k) user_time_span = df.groupby('USER_ID')["TIMESTAMP"].apply(lambda x:max(x)-min(x)) user_time_span.sort_values(ascending=False, inplace=True) print("=== user time span describe ===") print(user_time_span.describe()) plot_loglog(user_time_span, 'user time span', show=False) for k,v in TIMEDELTA_REFERENCES: if pl.ylim()[0] < v < pl.ylim()[1]: pl.plot(pl.xlim(), [v,v], '--') pl.text(pl.xlim()[0], v, k) # date_and_item_size = df.groupby([pd.Grouper(freq='1D'), 'ITEM_ID']).size() # date_and_item_size = date_and_item_size.to_frame( # 'size').reset_index('ITEM_ID').sort_values('size', ascending=False) # print("=== number of days when an item stays as daily top-1 ===") # daily_top_1s = date_and_item_size.groupby(level=0).head( # 1).groupby('ITEM_ID').size().sort_values(ascending=False) # print(daily_top_1s.head(10)) # print("=== number of days when an item stays in daily top-5 ===") # daily_top_5s = date_and_item_size.groupby(level=0).head( # 5).groupby('ITEM_ID').size().sort_values(ascending=False) # print(daily_top_5s.head(10)) def diagnose_users(df, users): print("\n=== Users table, original shape={} ===\n" .format(users.shape)) users = users.copy() users['USER_ID'] = users['USER_ID'].astype(str) users = users.set_index('USER_ID') missing_rate = 1 - df.USER_ID.astype(str).isin(set(users.index.values)).mean() print("Missing rate of all user meta-data", missing_rate) if missing_rate > NA_RATE_THRESHOLD: warnings.warn("High missing rate of all user meta-data ({:%})!" .format(missing_rate)) coldstart_rate = 1 - users.index.isin(set(df.USER_ID.astype(str).values)).mean() print("User coldstart rate", coldstart_rate) if coldstart_rate > COLDSTART_RATE_THRESHOLD: warnings.warn("High user coldstart rate ({:%})!" .format(coldstart_rate)) describe_dataframe(users) def diagnose_items(df, items): print("\n=== Items table, original shape={} ===\n" .format(items.shape)) items = items.copy() items['ITEM_ID'] = items['ITEM_ID'].astype(str) items = items.set_index('ITEM_ID') missing_rate = 1 - df.ITEM_ID.astype(str).isin(set(items.index.values)).mean() print("Missing rate of all item meta-data", missing_rate) if missing_rate > NA_RATE_THRESHOLD: warnings.warn("High missing rate of all item meta-data ({:%})!" .format(missing_rate)) coldstart_rate = 1 - items.index.isin(set(df.ITEM_ID.astype(str).values)).mean() print("Item coldstart rate", coldstart_rate) if coldstart_rate > NA_RATE_THRESHOLD: warnings.warn("High item coldstart rate ({:%})!" .format(coldstart_rate)) describe_dataframe(items) if 'CREATION_TIMESTAMP' in items: items.index = items['CREATION_TIMESTAMP'].values.astype("datetime64[s]") items.sort_index(inplace=True) pl.plot(items.groupby( pl.gcf().autofmt_xdate() pl.title("daily item creation pattern") pl.grid() else: print("CREATION_TIMESTAMP not found in items table") def diagnose(df, users=None, items=None): print("########################################") print("# DIAGNOSING INTERACTIONS TABLE, SAMPLE:") print("########################################") print(df.sample(min(len(df), 10))) diagnose_interactions(df) if users is not None: print("########################################") print("# DIAGNOSING USERS TABLE, SAMPLE:") print("########################################") print(users.sample(min(len(users), 10))) diagnose_users(df, users) else: print("########################################") print("# USERS TABLE NOT FOUND") print("########################################") if items is not None: print("########################################") print("# DIAGNOSING ITEMS TABLE, SAMPLE:") print("########################################") print(items.sample(min(len(items), 10))) diagnose_items(df, items) else: print("########################################") print("# ITEMS TABLE NOT FOUND") print("########################################")