# Configuring a Salesforce Custom Field This example will store the Pinpoint Endpoint ID as a Custom Field. This is useful to close the loop and custom reporting. ## Salesforce Custom Field https://help.salesforce.com/articleView?id=adding_fields.htm&type=5 - [ ] Login to your Salesforce Account. A free [developer account](https://developer.salesforce.com) works as well. - [ ] Switch to **Setup** ![SFDC Setup](images/setup_1.png) - [ ] Create a new Custom field on the Lead Object **NOTE: we are using the Lead Object, but you can use whatever object you want...even custom objects.** ![SFDC Custom Field](images/custom_field_1.png) ![SFDC Custom Field](images/custom_field_2.png) ![SFDC Custom Field](images/custom_field_3.png) ![SFDC Custom Field](images/custom_field_4.png) ![SFDC Custom Field](images/custom_field_5.png) ![SFDC Custom Field](images/custom_field_6.png) ![SFDC Custom Field](images/custom_field_7.png) ![SFDC Custom Field](images/custom_field_8.png)