o d%@sddlZddlmZddlmZddlmZddlmZddl m Z ddl m Z m Z eeZGd d d ZGd d d eZGd ddZGdddZdS)N) xform_name)ActionDocstring)inject_attribute)Action)create_request_parameters) RawHandlerResourceHandlerc@s"eZdZdZdddZddZdS) ServiceActiona A class representing a callable action on a resource, for example ``sqs.get_queue_by_name(...)`` or ``s3.Bucket('foo').delete()``. The action may construct parameters from existing resource identifiers and may return either a raw response or a new resource instance. :type action_model: :py:class`~boto3.resources.model.Action` :param action_model: The action model. :type factory: ResourceFactory :param factory: The factory that created the resource class to which this action is attached. :type service_context: :py:class:`~boto3.utils.ServiceContext` :param service_context: Context about the AWS service NcCs>||_|j}|rt|j||||jjd|_dSt|j|_dS)N) search_pathfactoryZresource_modelservice_contextoperation_name) _action_modelresourcer pathrequest operation_response_handlerr)self action_modelr r Zresource_response_modelrq/private/var/folders/v1/_jykv66s6qd26_69j1njbrl80000gr/T/pip-target-p1gutpg6/lib/python/boto3/resources/action.py__init__.s zServiceAction.__init__cOslt|jjj}t||jj}||td|jj ||t |jj ||i|}td|| |||S)a Perform the action's request operation after building operation parameters and build any defined resources from the response. :type parent: :py:class:`~boto3.resources.base.ServiceResource` :param parent: The resource instance to which this action is attached. :rtype: dict or ServiceResource or list(ServiceResource) :return: The response, either as a raw dict or resource instance(s). Calling %s:%s with %r Response: %r) rrrrrupdateloggerdebugmeta service_namegetattrclientr)rparentargskwargsrparamsresponserrr__call__?s   zServiceAction.__call__)NN__name__ __module__ __qualname____doc__rr(rrrrr s  r c@seZdZdZddZdS) BatchActiona An action which operates on a batch of items in a collection, typically a single page of results from the collection's underlying service operation call. For example, this allows you to delete up to 999 S3 objects in a single operation rather than calling ``.delete()`` on each one individually. :type action_model: :py:class`~boto3.resources.model.Action` :param action_model: The action model. :type factory: ResourceFactory :param factory: The factory that created the resource class to which this action is attached. :type service_context: :py:class:`~boto3.utils.ServiceContext` :param service_context: Context about the AWS service c Osd}d}g}t|jjj}|D]S}i} t|D]\} } |dur%| jj}|dur-| jj}t | |jj| | dq| s=|S| |t d||| t |||i| } t d| |||| | q|S)a Perform the batch action's operation on every page of results from the collection. :type parent: :py:class:`~boto3.resources.collection.ResourceCollection` :param parent: The collection iterator to which this action is attached. :rtype: list(dict) :return: A list of low-level response dicts from each call. N)r&indexrr)rrrrZpages enumeraterr r"rrrrr!appendr) rr#r$r%r r" responsesrpager&r/rr'rrrr(rs8    zBatchAction.__call__N)r*r+r,r-r(rrrrr._s r.c@ eZdZdZddZddZdS) WaiterActiona/ A class representing a callable waiter action on a resource, for example ``s3.Bucket('foo').wait_until_bucket_exists()``. The waiter action may construct parameters from existing resource identifiers. :type waiter_model: :py:class`~boto3.resources.model.Waiter` :param waiter_model: The action waiter. :type waiter_resource_name: string :param waiter_resource_name: The name of the waiter action for the resource. It usually begins with a ``wait_until_`` cCs||_||_dS)N) _waiter_model_waiter_resource_name)rZ waiter_modelZwaiter_resource_namerrrrs zWaiterAction.__init__c Osjt|jj}t||j}||td|jj|j ||jj }| |}|j di|}td|dS)z Perform the wait operation after building operation parameters. :type parent: :py:class:`~boto3.resources.base.ServiceResource` :param parent: The resource instance to which this action is attached. rrNr) rr6Z waiter_namerrrrrr r7r"Z get_waiterwait) rr#r$r%Zclient_waiter_namer&r"waiterr'rrrr(s    zWaiterAction.__call__Nr)rrrrr5s r5c@r4)CustomModeledActionz3A custom, modeled action to inject into a resource.cCs||_||_||_||_dS)a :type action_name: str :param action_name: The name of the action to inject, e.g. 'delete_tags' :type action_model: dict :param action_model: A JSON definition of the action, as if it were part of the resource model. :type function: function :param function: The function to perform when the action is called. The first argument should be 'self', which will be the resource the function is to be called on. :type event_emitter: :py:class:`botocore.hooks.BaseEventHooks` :param event_emitter: The session event emitter. N)namemodelfunctionemitter)rZ action_namerr= event_emitterrrrrs zCustomModeledAction.__init__cKsV|dd}t|j|ji}|j|j_t||j||jdd|j_ t ||j|jdS)N.F) resource_namer?r service_modelZinclude_signature) rsplitrr;r<r=r*rr>rCr-r)rZclass_attributesr Z event_namer%rBactionrrrinjects  zCustomModeledAction.injectN)r*r+r,r-rrFrrrrr:s r:)loggingZbotocorerZboto3.docs.docstringrZ boto3.utilsrr<rr&rr'rr getLoggerr*rr r.r5r:rrrrs      CL1