# Copyright (c) 2012-2013 Mitch Garnaat http://garnaat.org/
# Copyright 2012-2014 Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). You
# may not use this file except in compliance with the License. A copy of
# the License is located at
# http://aws.amazon.com/apache2.0/
# or in the "license" file accompanying this file. This file is
# ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific
# language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
import base64
import calendar
import datetime
import functools
import hmac
import json
import logging
import time
from collections.abc import Mapping
from email.utils import formatdate
from hashlib import sha1, sha256
from operator import itemgetter

from botocore.compat import (
from botocore.exceptions import NoAuthTokenError, NoCredentialsError
from botocore.utils import (

# Imports for backwards compatibility
from botocore.compat import MD5_AVAILABLE  # noqa

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# This is the buffer size used when calculating sha256 checksums.
# Experimenting with various buffer sizes showed that this value generally
# gave the best result (in terms of performance).
PAYLOAD_BUFFER = 1024 * 1024
ISO8601 = '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ'

def _host_from_url(url):
    # Given URL, derive value for host header. Ensure that value:
    # 1) is lowercase
    # 2) excludes port, if it was the default port
    # 3) excludes userinfo
    url_parts = urlsplit(url)
    host = url_parts.hostname  # urlsplit's hostname is always lowercase
    if is_valid_ipv6_endpoint_url(url):
        host = f'[{host}]'
    default_ports = {
        'http': 80,
        'https': 443,
    if url_parts.port is not None:
        if url_parts.port != default_ports.get(url_parts.scheme):
            host = '%s:%d' % (host, url_parts.port)
    return host

def _get_body_as_dict(request):
    # For query services, request.data is form-encoded and is already a
    # dict, but for other services such as rest-json it could be a json
    # string or bytes. In those cases we attempt to load the data as a
    # dict.
    data = request.data
    if isinstance(data, bytes):
        data = json.loads(data.decode('utf-8'))
    elif isinstance(data, str):
        data = json.loads(data)
    return data

class BaseSigner:

    def add_auth(self, request):
        raise NotImplementedError("add_auth")

class TokenSigner(BaseSigner):
    Signers that expect an authorization token to perform the authorization

    def __init__(self, auth_token):
        self.auth_token = auth_token

class SigV2Auth(BaseSigner):
    Sign a request with Signature V2.

    def __init__(self, credentials):
        self.credentials = credentials

    def calc_signature(self, request, params):
        logger.debug("Calculating signature using v2 auth.")
        split = urlsplit(request.url)
        path = split.path
        if len(path) == 0:
            path = '/'
        string_to_sign = f"{request.method}\n{split.netloc}\n{path}\n"
        lhmac = hmac.new(
            self.credentials.secret_key.encode("utf-8"), digestmod=sha256
        pairs = []
        for key in sorted(params):
            # Any previous signature should not be a part of this
            # one, so we skip that particular key. This prevents
            # issues during retries.
            if key == 'Signature':
            value = str(params[key])
            quoted_key = quote(key.encode('utf-8'), safe='')
            quoted_value = quote(value.encode('utf-8'), safe='-_~')
        qs = '&'.join(pairs)
        string_to_sign += qs
        logger.debug('String to sign: %s', string_to_sign)
        b64 = base64.b64encode(lhmac.digest()).strip().decode('utf-8')
        return (qs, b64)

    def add_auth(self, request):
        # The auth handler is the last thing called in the
        # preparation phase of a prepared request.
        # Because of this we have to parse the query params
        # from the request body so we can update them with
        # the sigv2 auth params.
        if self.credentials is None:
            raise NoCredentialsError()
        if request.data:
            # POST
            params = request.data
            # GET
            params = request.params
        params['AWSAccessKeyId'] = self.credentials.access_key
        params['SignatureVersion'] = '2'
        params['SignatureMethod'] = 'HmacSHA256'
        params['Timestamp'] = time.strftime(ISO8601, time.gmtime())
        if self.credentials.token:
            params['SecurityToken'] = self.credentials.token
        qs, signature = self.calc_signature(request, params)
        params['Signature'] = signature
        return request

class SigV3Auth(BaseSigner):
    def __init__(self, credentials):
        self.credentials = credentials

    def add_auth(self, request):
        if self.credentials is None:
            raise NoCredentialsError()
        if 'Date' in request.headers:
            del request.headers['Date']
        request.headers['Date'] = formatdate(usegmt=True)
        if self.credentials.token:
            if 'X-Amz-Security-Token' in request.headers:
                del request.headers['X-Amz-Security-Token']
            request.headers['X-Amz-Security-Token'] = self.credentials.token
        new_hmac = hmac.new(
            self.credentials.secret_key.encode('utf-8'), digestmod=sha256
        encoded_signature = encodebytes(new_hmac.digest()).strip()
        signature = (
            f"AWS3-HTTPS AWSAccessKeyId={self.credentials.access_key},"
        if 'X-Amzn-Authorization' in request.headers:
            del request.headers['X-Amzn-Authorization']
        request.headers['X-Amzn-Authorization'] = signature

class SigV4Auth(BaseSigner):
    Sign a request with Signature V4.


    def __init__(self, credentials, service_name, region_name):
        self.credentials = credentials
        # We initialize these value here so the unit tests can have
        # valid values.  But these will get overriden in ``add_auth``
        # later for real requests.
        self._region_name = region_name
        self._service_name = service_name

    def _sign(self, key, msg, hex=False):
        if hex:
            sig = hmac.new(key, msg.encode('utf-8'), sha256).hexdigest()
            sig = hmac.new(key, msg.encode('utf-8'), sha256).digest()
        return sig

    def headers_to_sign(self, request):
        Select the headers from the request that need to be included
        in the StringToSign.
        header_map = HTTPHeaders()
        for name, value in request.headers.items():
            lname = name.lower()
            if lname not in SIGNED_HEADERS_BLACKLIST:
                header_map[lname] = value
        if 'host' not in header_map:
            # TODO: We should set the host ourselves, instead of relying on our
            # HTTP client to set it for us.
            header_map['host'] = _host_from_url(request.url)
        return header_map

    def canonical_query_string(self, request):
        # The query string can come from two parts.  One is the
        # params attribute of the request.  The other is from the request
        # url (in which case we have to re-split the url into its components
        # and parse out the query string component).
        if request.params:
            return self._canonical_query_string_params(request.params)
            return self._canonical_query_string_url(urlsplit(request.url))

    def _canonical_query_string_params(self, params):
        # [(key, value), (key2, value2)]
        key_val_pairs = []
        if isinstance(params, Mapping):
            params = params.items()
        for key, value in params:
                (quote(key, safe='-_.~'), quote(str(value), safe='-_.~'))
        sorted_key_vals = []
        # Sort by the URI-encoded key names, and in the case of
        # repeated keys, then sort by the value.
        for key, value in sorted(key_val_pairs):
        canonical_query_string = '&'.join(sorted_key_vals)
        return canonical_query_string

    def _canonical_query_string_url(self, parts):
        canonical_query_string = ''
        if parts.query:
            # [(key, value), (key2, value2)]
            key_val_pairs = []
            for pair in parts.query.split('&'):
                key, _, value = pair.partition('=')
                key_val_pairs.append((key, value))
            sorted_key_vals = []
            # Sort by the URI-encoded key names, and in the case of
            # repeated keys, then sort by the value.
            for key, value in sorted(key_val_pairs):
            canonical_query_string = '&'.join(sorted_key_vals)
        return canonical_query_string

    def canonical_headers(self, headers_to_sign):
        Return the headers that need to be included in the StringToSign
        in their canonical form by converting all header keys to lower
        case, sorting them in alphabetical order and then joining
        them into a string, separated by newlines.
        headers = []
        sorted_header_names = sorted(set(headers_to_sign))
        for key in sorted_header_names:
            value = ','.join(
                self._header_value(v) for v in headers_to_sign.get_all(key)
        return '\n'.join(headers)

    def _header_value(self, value):
        # From the sigv4 docs:
        # Lowercase(HeaderName) + ':' + Trimall(HeaderValue)
        # The Trimall function removes excess white space before and after
        # values, and converts sequential spaces to a single space.
        return ' '.join(value.split())

    def signed_headers(self, headers_to_sign):
        headers = sorted(n.lower().strip() for n in set(headers_to_sign))
        return ';'.join(headers)

    def _is_streaming_checksum_payload(self, request):
        checksum_context = request.context.get('checksum', {})
        algorithm = checksum_context.get('request_algorithm')
        return isinstance(algorithm, dict) and algorithm.get('in') == 'trailer'

    def payload(self, request):
        if self._is_streaming_checksum_payload(request):
        elif not self._should_sha256_sign_payload(request):
            # When payload signing is disabled, we use this static string in
            # place of the payload checksum.
            return UNSIGNED_PAYLOAD
        request_body = request.body
        if request_body and hasattr(request_body, 'seek'):
            position = request_body.tell()
            read_chunksize = functools.partial(
                request_body.read, PAYLOAD_BUFFER
            checksum = sha256()
            for chunk in iter(read_chunksize, b''):
            hex_checksum = checksum.hexdigest()
            return hex_checksum
        elif request_body:
            # The request serialization has ensured that
            # request.body is a bytes() type.
            return sha256(request_body).hexdigest()
            return EMPTY_SHA256_HASH

    def _should_sha256_sign_payload(self, request):
        # Payloads will always be signed over insecure connections.
        if not request.url.startswith('https'):
            return True

        # Certain operations may have payload signing disabled by default.
        # Since we don't have access to the operation model, we pass in this
        # bit of metadata through the request context.
        return request.context.get('payload_signing_enabled', True)

    def canonical_request(self, request):
        cr = [request.method.upper()]
        path = self._normalize_url_path(urlsplit(request.url).path)
        headers_to_sign = self.headers_to_sign(request)
        cr.append(self.canonical_headers(headers_to_sign) + '\n')
        if 'X-Amz-Content-SHA256' in request.headers:
            body_checksum = request.headers['X-Amz-Content-SHA256']
            body_checksum = self.payload(request)
        return '\n'.join(cr)

    def _normalize_url_path(self, path):
        normalized_path = quote(normalize_url_path(path), safe='/~')
        return normalized_path

    def scope(self, request):
        scope = [self.credentials.access_key]
        return '/'.join(scope)

    def credential_scope(self, request):
        scope = []
        return '/'.join(scope)

    def string_to_sign(self, request, canonical_request):
        Return the canonical StringToSign as well as a dict
        containing the original version of all headers that
        were included in the StringToSign.
        sts = ['AWS4-HMAC-SHA256']
        return '\n'.join(sts)

    def signature(self, string_to_sign, request):
        key = self.credentials.secret_key
        k_date = self._sign(
            (f"AWS4{key}").encode(), request.context["timestamp"][0:8]
        k_region = self._sign(k_date, self._region_name)
        k_service = self._sign(k_region, self._service_name)
        k_signing = self._sign(k_service, 'aws4_request')
        return self._sign(k_signing, string_to_sign, hex=True)

    def add_auth(self, request):
        if self.credentials is None:
            raise NoCredentialsError()
        datetime_now = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
        request.context['timestamp'] = datetime_now.strftime(SIGV4_TIMESTAMP)
        # This could be a retry.  Make sure the previous
        # authorization header is removed first.
        canonical_request = self.canonical_request(request)
        logger.debug("Calculating signature using v4 auth.")
        logger.debug('CanonicalRequest:\n%s', canonical_request)
        string_to_sign = self.string_to_sign(request, canonical_request)
        logger.debug('StringToSign:\n%s', string_to_sign)
        signature = self.signature(string_to_sign, request)
        logger.debug('Signature:\n%s', signature)

        self._inject_signature_to_request(request, signature)

    def _inject_signature_to_request(self, request, signature):
        auth_str = ['AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 Credential=%s' % self.scope(request)]
        headers_to_sign = self.headers_to_sign(request)
        auth_str.append('Signature=%s' % signature)
        request.headers['Authorization'] = ', '.join(auth_str)
        return request

    def _modify_request_before_signing(self, request):
        if 'Authorization' in request.headers:
            del request.headers['Authorization']
        if self.credentials.token:
            if 'X-Amz-Security-Token' in request.headers:
                del request.headers['X-Amz-Security-Token']
            request.headers['X-Amz-Security-Token'] = self.credentials.token

        if not request.context.get('payload_signing_enabled', True):
            if 'X-Amz-Content-SHA256' in request.headers:
                del request.headers['X-Amz-Content-SHA256']
            request.headers['X-Amz-Content-SHA256'] = UNSIGNED_PAYLOAD

    def _set_necessary_date_headers(self, request):
        # The spec allows for either the Date _or_ the X-Amz-Date value to be
        # used so we check both.  If there's a Date header, we use the date
        # header.  Otherwise we use the X-Amz-Date header.
        if 'Date' in request.headers:
            del request.headers['Date']
            datetime_timestamp = datetime.datetime.strptime(
                request.context['timestamp'], SIGV4_TIMESTAMP
            request.headers['Date'] = formatdate(
            if 'X-Amz-Date' in request.headers:
                del request.headers['X-Amz-Date']
            if 'X-Amz-Date' in request.headers:
                del request.headers['X-Amz-Date']
            request.headers['X-Amz-Date'] = request.context['timestamp']

class S3SigV4Auth(SigV4Auth):
    def _modify_request_before_signing(self, request):
        if 'X-Amz-Content-SHA256' in request.headers:
            del request.headers['X-Amz-Content-SHA256']

        request.headers['X-Amz-Content-SHA256'] = self.payload(request)

    def _should_sha256_sign_payload(self, request):
        # S3 allows optional body signing, so to minimize the performance
        # impact, we opt to not SHA256 sign the body on streaming uploads,
        # provided that we're on https.
        client_config = request.context.get('client_config')
        s3_config = getattr(client_config, 's3', None)

        # The config could be None if it isn't set, or if the customer sets it
        # to None.
        if s3_config is None:
            s3_config = {}

        # The explicit configuration takes precedence over any implicit
        # configuration.
        sign_payload = s3_config.get('payload_signing_enabled', None)
        if sign_payload is not None:
            return sign_payload

        # We require that both a checksum be present and https be enabled
        # to implicitly disable body signing. The combination of TLS and
        # a checksum is sufficiently secure and durable for us to be
        # confident in the request without body signing.
        checksum_header = 'Content-MD5'
        checksum_context = request.context.get('checksum', {})
        algorithm = checksum_context.get('request_algorithm')
        if isinstance(algorithm, dict) and algorithm.get('in') == 'header':
            checksum_header = algorithm['name']
        if (
            not request.url.startswith("https")
            or checksum_header not in request.headers
            return True

        # If the input is streaming we disable body signing by default.
        if request.context.get('has_streaming_input', False):
            return False

        # If the S3-specific checks had no results, delegate to the generic
        # checks.
        return super()._should_sha256_sign_payload(request)

    def _normalize_url_path(self, path):
        # For S3, we do not normalize the path.
        return path

class SigV4QueryAuth(SigV4Auth):

    def __init__(
        self, credentials, service_name, region_name, expires=DEFAULT_EXPIRES
        super().__init__(credentials, service_name, region_name)
        self._expires = expires

    def _modify_request_before_signing(self, request):
        # We automatically set this header, so if it's the auto-set value we
        # want to get rid of it since it doesn't make sense for presigned urls.
        content_type = request.headers.get('content-type')
        blacklisted_content_type = (
            'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8'
        if content_type == blacklisted_content_type:
            del request.headers['content-type']

        # Note that we're not including X-Amz-Signature.
        # From the docs: "The Canonical Query String must include all the query
        # parameters from the preceding table except for X-Amz-Signature.
        signed_headers = self.signed_headers(self.headers_to_sign(request))

        auth_params = {
            'X-Amz-Algorithm': 'AWS4-HMAC-SHA256',
            'X-Amz-Credential': self.scope(request),
            'X-Amz-Date': request.context['timestamp'],
            'X-Amz-Expires': self._expires,
            'X-Amz-SignedHeaders': signed_headers,
        if self.credentials.token is not None:
            auth_params['X-Amz-Security-Token'] = self.credentials.token
        # Now parse the original query string to a dict, inject our new query
        # params, and serialize back to a query string.
        url_parts = urlsplit(request.url)
        # parse_qs makes each value a list, but in our case we know we won't
        # have repeated keys so we know we have single element lists which we
        # can convert back to scalar values.
        query_string_parts = parse_qs(url_parts.query, keep_blank_values=True)
        query_dict = {k: v[0] for k, v in query_string_parts.items()}

        if request.params:
            request.params = {}
        # The spec is particular about this.  It *has* to be:
        # https://<endpoint>?<operation params>&<auth params>
        # You can't mix the two types of params together, i.e just keep doing
        # new_query_params.update(op_params)
        # new_query_params.update(auth_params)
        # percent_encode_sequence(new_query_params)
        operation_params = ''
        if request.data:
            # We also need to move the body params into the query string. To
            # do this, we first have to convert it to a dict.
            request.data = ''
        if query_dict:
            operation_params = percent_encode_sequence(query_dict) + '&'
        new_query_string = (
        # url_parts is a tuple (and therefore immutable) so we need to create
        # a new url_parts with the new query string.
        # <part>   - <index>
        # scheme   - 0
        # netloc   - 1
        # path     - 2
        # query    - 3  <-- we're replacing this.
        # fragment - 4
        p = url_parts
        new_url_parts = (p[0], p[1], p[2], new_query_string, p[4])
        request.url = urlunsplit(new_url_parts)

    def _inject_signature_to_request(self, request, signature):
        # Rather than calculating an "Authorization" header, for the query
        # param quth, we just append an 'X-Amz-Signature' param to the end
        # of the query string.
        request.url += '&X-Amz-Signature=%s' % signature

class S3SigV4QueryAuth(SigV4QueryAuth):
    """S3 SigV4 auth using query parameters.

    This signer will sign a request using query parameters and signature
    version 4, i.e a "presigned url" signer.

    Based off of:



    def _normalize_url_path(self, path):
        # For S3, we do not normalize the path.
        return path

    def payload(self, request):
        # From the doc link above:
        # "You don't include a payload hash in the Canonical Request, because
        # when you create a presigned URL, you don't know anything about the
        # payload. Instead, you use a constant string "UNSIGNED-PAYLOAD".
        return UNSIGNED_PAYLOAD

class S3SigV4PostAuth(SigV4Auth):
    Presigns a s3 post

    Implementation doc here:

    def add_auth(self, request):
        datetime_now = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
        request.context['timestamp'] = datetime_now.strftime(SIGV4_TIMESTAMP)

        fields = {}
        if request.context.get('s3-presign-post-fields', None) is not None:
            fields = request.context['s3-presign-post-fields']

        policy = {}
        conditions = []
        if request.context.get('s3-presign-post-policy', None) is not None:
            policy = request.context['s3-presign-post-policy']
            if policy.get('conditions', None) is not None:
                conditions = policy['conditions']

        policy['conditions'] = conditions

        fields['x-amz-algorithm'] = 'AWS4-HMAC-SHA256'
        fields['x-amz-credential'] = self.scope(request)
        fields['x-amz-date'] = request.context['timestamp']

        conditions.append({'x-amz-algorithm': 'AWS4-HMAC-SHA256'})
        conditions.append({'x-amz-credential': self.scope(request)})
        conditions.append({'x-amz-date': request.context['timestamp']})

        if self.credentials.token is not None:
            fields['x-amz-security-token'] = self.credentials.token
            conditions.append({'x-amz-security-token': self.credentials.token})

        # Dump the base64 encoded policy into the fields dictionary.
        fields['policy'] = base64.b64encode(

        fields['x-amz-signature'] = self.signature(fields['policy'], request)

        request.context['s3-presign-post-fields'] = fields
        request.context['s3-presign-post-policy'] = policy

class HmacV1Auth(BaseSigner):

    # List of Query String Arguments of Interest
    QSAOfInterest = [

    def __init__(self, credentials, service_name=None, region_name=None):
        self.credentials = credentials

    def sign_string(self, string_to_sign):
        new_hmac = hmac.new(
            self.credentials.secret_key.encode('utf-8'), digestmod=sha1
        return encodebytes(new_hmac.digest()).strip().decode('utf-8')

    def canonical_standard_headers(self, headers):
        interesting_headers = ['content-md5', 'content-type', 'date']
        hoi = []
        if 'Date' in headers:
            del headers['Date']
        headers['Date'] = self._get_date()
        for ih in interesting_headers:
            found = False
            for key in headers:
                lk = key.lower()
                if headers[key] is not None and lk == ih:
                    found = True
            if not found:
        return '\n'.join(hoi)

    def canonical_custom_headers(self, headers):
        hoi = []
        custom_headers = {}
        for key in headers:
            lk = key.lower()
            if headers[key] is not None:
                if lk.startswith('x-amz-'):
                    custom_headers[lk] = ','.join(
                        v.strip() for v in headers.get_all(key)
        sorted_header_keys = sorted(custom_headers.keys())
        for key in sorted_header_keys:
        return '\n'.join(hoi)

    def unquote_v(self, nv):
        TODO: Do we need this?
        if len(nv) == 1:
            return nv
            return (nv[0], unquote(nv[1]))

    def canonical_resource(self, split, auth_path=None):
        # don't include anything after the first ? in the resource...
        # unless it is one of the QSA of interest, defined above
        # NOTE:
        # The path in the canonical resource should always be the
        # full path including the bucket name, even for virtual-hosting
        # style addressing.  The ``auth_path`` keeps track of the full
        # path for the canonical resource and would be passed in if
        # the client was using virtual-hosting style.
        if auth_path is not None:
            buf = auth_path
            buf = split.path
        if split.query:
            qsa = split.query.split('&')
            qsa = [a.split('=', 1) for a in qsa]
            qsa = [
                self.unquote_v(a) for a in qsa if a[0] in self.QSAOfInterest
            if len(qsa) > 0:
                qsa = ['='.join(a) for a in qsa]
                buf += '?'
                buf += '&'.join(qsa)
        return buf

    def canonical_string(
        self, method, split, headers, expires=None, auth_path=None
        cs = method.upper() + '\n'
        cs += self.canonical_standard_headers(headers) + '\n'
        custom_headers = self.canonical_custom_headers(headers)
        if custom_headers:
            cs += custom_headers + '\n'
        cs += self.canonical_resource(split, auth_path=auth_path)
        return cs

    def get_signature(
        self, method, split, headers, expires=None, auth_path=None
        if self.credentials.token:
            del headers['x-amz-security-token']
            headers['x-amz-security-token'] = self.credentials.token
        string_to_sign = self.canonical_string(
            method, split, headers, auth_path=auth_path
        logger.debug('StringToSign:\n%s', string_to_sign)
        return self.sign_string(string_to_sign)

    def add_auth(self, request):
        if self.credentials is None:
            raise NoCredentialsError
        logger.debug("Calculating signature using hmacv1 auth.")
        split = urlsplit(request.url)
        logger.debug('HTTP request method: %s', request.method)
        signature = self.get_signature(
            request.method, split, request.headers, auth_path=request.auth_path
        self._inject_signature(request, signature)

    def _get_date(self):
        return formatdate(usegmt=True)

    def _inject_signature(self, request, signature):
        if 'Authorization' in request.headers:
            # We have to do this because request.headers is not
            # normal dictionary.  It has the (unintuitive) behavior
            # of aggregating repeated setattr calls for the same
            # key value.  For example:
            # headers['foo'] = 'a'; headers['foo'] = 'b'
            # list(headers) will print ['foo', 'foo'].
            del request.headers['Authorization']

        auth_header = f"AWS {self.credentials.access_key}:{signature}"
        request.headers['Authorization'] = auth_header

class HmacV1QueryAuth(HmacV1Auth):
    Generates a presigned request for s3.

    Spec from this document:




    def __init__(self, credentials, expires=DEFAULT_EXPIRES):
        self.credentials = credentials
        self._expires = expires

    def _get_date(self):
        return str(int(time.time() + int(self._expires)))

    def _inject_signature(self, request, signature):
        query_dict = {}
        query_dict['AWSAccessKeyId'] = self.credentials.access_key
        query_dict['Signature'] = signature

        for header_key in request.headers:
            lk = header_key.lower()
            # For query string requests, Expires is used instead of the
            # Date header.
            if header_key == 'Date':
                query_dict['Expires'] = request.headers['Date']
            # We only want to include relevant headers in the query string.
            # These can be anything that starts with x-amz, is Content-MD5,
            # or is Content-Type.
            elif lk.startswith('x-amz-') or lk in (
                query_dict[lk] = request.headers[lk]
        # Combine all of the identified headers into an encoded
        # query string
        new_query_string = percent_encode_sequence(query_dict)

        # Create a new url with the presigned url.
        p = urlsplit(request.url)
        if p[3]:
            # If there was a pre-existing query string, we should
            # add that back before injecting the new query string.
            new_query_string = f'{p[3]}&{new_query_string}'
        new_url_parts = (p[0], p[1], p[2], new_query_string, p[4])
        request.url = urlunsplit(new_url_parts)

class HmacV1PostAuth(HmacV1Auth):
    Generates a presigned post for s3.

    Spec from this document:


    def add_auth(self, request):
        fields = {}
        if request.context.get('s3-presign-post-fields', None) is not None:
            fields = request.context['s3-presign-post-fields']

        policy = {}
        conditions = []
        if request.context.get('s3-presign-post-policy', None) is not None:
            policy = request.context['s3-presign-post-policy']
            if policy.get('conditions', None) is not None:
                conditions = policy['conditions']

        policy['conditions'] = conditions

        fields['AWSAccessKeyId'] = self.credentials.access_key

        if self.credentials.token is not None:
            fields['x-amz-security-token'] = self.credentials.token
            conditions.append({'x-amz-security-token': self.credentials.token})

        # Dump the base64 encoded policy into the fields dictionary.
        fields['policy'] = base64.b64encode(

        fields['signature'] = self.sign_string(fields['policy'])

        request.context['s3-presign-post-fields'] = fields
        request.context['s3-presign-post-policy'] = policy

class BearerAuth(TokenSigner):
    Performs bearer token authorization by placing the bearer token in the
    Authorization header as specified by Section 2.1 of RFC 6750.


    def add_auth(self, request):
        if self.auth_token is None:
            raise NoAuthTokenError()

        auth_header = f'Bearer {self.auth_token.token}'
        if 'Authorization' in request.headers:
            del request.headers['Authorization']
        request.headers['Authorization'] = auth_header

    'v2': SigV2Auth,
    'v3': SigV3Auth,
    'v3https': SigV3Auth,
    's3': HmacV1Auth,
    's3-query': HmacV1QueryAuth,
    's3-presign-post': HmacV1PostAuth,
    's3v4-presign-post': S3SigV4PostAuth,
    'bearer': BearerAuth,

# Define v4 signers depending on if CRT is present
    from botocore.crt.auth import CRT_AUTH_TYPE_MAPS

            'v4': SigV4Auth,
            'v4-query': SigV4QueryAuth,
            's3v4': S3SigV4Auth,
            's3v4-query': S3SigV4QueryAuth,