# Copyright 2021 Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). You # may not use this file except in compliance with the License. A copy of # the License is located at # # http://aws.amazon.com/apache2.0/ # # or in the "license" file accompanying this file. This file is # distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF # ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific # language governing permissions and limitations under the License. """ The interfaces in this module are not intended for public use. This module defines interfaces for applying checksums to HTTP requests within the context of botocore. This involves both resolving the checksum to be used based on client configuration and environment, as well as application of the checksum to the request. """ import base64 import io import logging from binascii import crc32 from hashlib import sha1, sha256 from botocore.compat import HAS_CRT from botocore.exceptions import AwsChunkedWrapperError, FlexibleChecksumError from botocore.response import StreamingBody from botocore.utils import ( conditionally_calculate_md5, determine_content_length, ) if HAS_CRT: from awscrt import checksums as crt_checksums else: crt_checksums = None logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class BaseChecksum: _CHUNK_SIZE = 1024 * 1024 def update(self, chunk): pass def digest(self): pass def b64digest(self): bs = self.digest() return base64.b64encode(bs).decode("ascii") def _handle_fileobj(self, fileobj): start_position = fileobj.tell() for chunk in iter(lambda: fileobj.read(self._CHUNK_SIZE), b""): self.update(chunk) fileobj.seek(start_position) def handle(self, body): if isinstance(body, (bytes, bytearray)): self.update(body) else: self._handle_fileobj(body) return self.b64digest() class Crc32Checksum(BaseChecksum): def __init__(self): self._int_crc32 = 0 def update(self, chunk): self._int_crc32 = crc32(chunk, self._int_crc32) & 0xFFFFFFFF def digest(self): return self._int_crc32.to_bytes(4, byteorder="big") class CrtCrc32Checksum(BaseChecksum): # Note: This class is only used if the CRT is available def __init__(self): self._int_crc32 = 0 def update(self, chunk): new_checksum = crt_checksums.crc32(chunk, self._int_crc32) self._int_crc32 = new_checksum & 0xFFFFFFFF def digest(self): return self._int_crc32.to_bytes(4, byteorder="big") class CrtCrc32cChecksum(BaseChecksum): # Note: This class is only used if the CRT is available def __init__(self): self._int_crc32c = 0 def update(self, chunk): new_checksum = crt_checksums.crc32c(chunk, self._int_crc32c) self._int_crc32c = new_checksum & 0xFFFFFFFF def digest(self): return self._int_crc32c.to_bytes(4, byteorder="big") class Sha1Checksum(BaseChecksum): def __init__(self): self._checksum = sha1() def update(self, chunk): self._checksum.update(chunk) def digest(self): return self._checksum.digest() class Sha256Checksum(BaseChecksum): def __init__(self): self._checksum = sha256() def update(self, chunk): self._checksum.update(chunk) def digest(self): return self._checksum.digest() class AwsChunkedWrapper: _DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE = 1024 * 1024 def __init__( self, raw, checksum_cls=None, checksum_name="x-amz-checksum", chunk_size=None, ): self._raw = raw self._checksum_name = checksum_name self._checksum_cls = checksum_cls self._reset() if chunk_size is None: chunk_size = self._DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE self._chunk_size = chunk_size def _reset(self): self._remaining = b"" self._complete = False self._checksum = None if self._checksum_cls: self._checksum = self._checksum_cls() def seek(self, offset, whence=0): if offset != 0 or whence != 0: raise AwsChunkedWrapperError( error_msg="Can only seek to start of stream" ) self._reset() self._raw.seek(0) def read(self, size=None): # Normalize "read all" size values to None if size is not None and size <= 0: size = None # If the underlying body is done and we have nothing left then # end the stream if self._complete and not self._remaining: return b"" # While we're not done and want more bytes want_more_bytes = size is None or size > len(self._remaining) while not self._complete and want_more_bytes: self._remaining += self._make_chunk() want_more_bytes = size is None or size > len(self._remaining) # If size was None, we want to return everything if size is None: size = len(self._remaining) # Return a chunk up to the size asked for to_return = self._remaining[:size] self._remaining = self._remaining[size:] return to_return def _make_chunk(self): # NOTE: Chunk size is not deterministic as read could return less. This # means we cannot know the content length of the encoded aws-chunked # stream ahead of time without ensuring a consistent chunk size raw_chunk = self._raw.read(self._chunk_size) hex_len = hex(len(raw_chunk))[2:].encode("ascii") self._complete = not raw_chunk if self._checksum: self._checksum.update(raw_chunk) if self._checksum and self._complete: name = self._checksum_name.encode("ascii") checksum = self._checksum.b64digest().encode("ascii") return b"0\r\n%s:%s\r\n\r\n" % (name, checksum) return b"%s\r\n%s\r\n" % (hex_len, raw_chunk) def __iter__(self): while not self._complete: yield self._make_chunk() class StreamingChecksumBody(StreamingBody): def __init__(self, raw_stream, content_length, checksum, expected): super().__init__(raw_stream, content_length) self._checksum = checksum self._expected = expected def read(self, amt=None): chunk = super().read(amt=amt) self._checksum.update(chunk) if amt is None or (not chunk and amt > 0): self._validate_checksum() return chunk def _validate_checksum(self): if self._checksum.digest() != base64.b64decode(self._expected): error_msg = ( f"Expected checksum {self._expected} did not match calculated " f"checksum: {self._checksum.b64digest()}" ) raise FlexibleChecksumError(error_msg=error_msg) def resolve_checksum_context(request, operation_model, params): resolve_request_checksum_algorithm(request, operation_model, params) resolve_response_checksum_algorithms(request, operation_model, params) def resolve_request_checksum_algorithm( request, operation_model, params, supported_algorithms=None, ): http_checksum = operation_model.http_checksum algorithm_member = http_checksum.get("requestAlgorithmMember") if algorithm_member and algorithm_member in params: # If the client has opted into using flexible checksums and the # request supports it, use that instead of checksum required if supported_algorithms is None: supported_algorithms = _SUPPORTED_CHECKSUM_ALGORITHMS algorithm_name = params[algorithm_member].lower() if algorithm_name not in supported_algorithms: raise FlexibleChecksumError( error_msg="Unsupported checksum algorithm: %s" % algorithm_name ) location_type = "header" if operation_model.has_streaming_input: # Operations with streaming input must support trailers. if request["url"].startswith("https:"): # We only support unsigned trailer checksums currently. As this # disables payload signing we'll only use trailers over TLS. location_type = "trailer" algorithm = { "algorithm": algorithm_name, "in": location_type, "name": "x-amz-checksum-%s" % algorithm_name, } if algorithm["name"] in request["headers"]: # If the header is already set by the customer, skip calculation return checksum_context = request["context"].get("checksum", {}) checksum_context["request_algorithm"] = algorithm request["context"]["checksum"] = checksum_context elif operation_model.http_checksum_required or http_checksum.get( "requestChecksumRequired" ): # Otherwise apply the old http checksum behavior via Content-MD5 checksum_context = request["context"].get("checksum", {}) checksum_context["request_algorithm"] = "conditional-md5" request["context"]["checksum"] = checksum_context def apply_request_checksum(request): checksum_context = request.get("context", {}).get("checksum", {}) algorithm = checksum_context.get("request_algorithm") if not algorithm: return if algorithm == "conditional-md5": # Special case to handle the http checksum required trait conditionally_calculate_md5(request) elif algorithm["in"] == "header": _apply_request_header_checksum(request) elif algorithm["in"] == "trailer": _apply_request_trailer_checksum(request) else: raise FlexibleChecksumError( error_msg="Unknown checksum variant: %s" % algorithm["in"] ) def _apply_request_header_checksum(request): checksum_context = request.get("context", {}).get("checksum", {}) algorithm = checksum_context.get("request_algorithm") location_name = algorithm["name"] if location_name in request["headers"]: # If the header is already set by the customer, skip calculation return checksum_cls = _CHECKSUM_CLS.get(algorithm["algorithm"]) digest = checksum_cls().handle(request["body"]) request["headers"][location_name] = digest def _apply_request_trailer_checksum(request): checksum_context = request.get("context", {}).get("checksum", {}) algorithm = checksum_context.get("request_algorithm") location_name = algorithm["name"] checksum_cls = _CHECKSUM_CLS.get(algorithm["algorithm"]) headers = request["headers"] body = request["body"] if location_name in headers: # If the header is already set by the customer, skip calculation return headers["Transfer-Encoding"] = "chunked" if "Content-Encoding" in headers: # We need to preserve the existing content encoding and add # aws-chunked as a new content encoding. headers["Content-Encoding"] += ",aws-chunked" else: headers["Content-Encoding"] = "aws-chunked" headers["X-Amz-Trailer"] = location_name content_length = determine_content_length(body) if content_length is not None: # Send the decoded content length if we can determine it. Some # services such as S3 may require the decoded content length headers["X-Amz-Decoded-Content-Length"] = str(content_length) if isinstance(body, (bytes, bytearray)): body = io.BytesIO(body) request["body"] = AwsChunkedWrapper( body, checksum_cls=checksum_cls, checksum_name=location_name, ) def resolve_response_checksum_algorithms( request, operation_model, params, supported_algorithms=None ): http_checksum = operation_model.http_checksum mode_member = http_checksum.get("requestValidationModeMember") if mode_member and mode_member in params: if supported_algorithms is None: supported_algorithms = _SUPPORTED_CHECKSUM_ALGORITHMS response_algorithms = { a.lower() for a in http_checksum.get("responseAlgorithms", []) } usable_algorithms = [] for algorithm in _ALGORITHMS_PRIORITY_LIST: if algorithm not in response_algorithms: continue if algorithm in supported_algorithms: usable_algorithms.append(algorithm) checksum_context = request["context"].get("checksum", {}) checksum_context["response_algorithms"] = usable_algorithms request["context"]["checksum"] = checksum_context def handle_checksum_body(http_response, response, context, operation_model): headers = response["headers"] checksum_context = context.get("checksum", {}) algorithms = checksum_context.get("response_algorithms") if not algorithms: return for algorithm in algorithms: header_name = "x-amz-checksum-%s" % algorithm # If the header is not found, check the next algorithm if header_name not in headers: continue # If a - is in the checksum this is not valid Base64. S3 returns # checksums that include a -# suffix to indicate a checksum derived # from the hash of all part checksums. We cannot wrap this response if "-" in headers[header_name]: continue if operation_model.has_streaming_output: response["body"] = _handle_streaming_response( http_response, response, algorithm ) else: response["body"] = _handle_bytes_response( http_response, response, algorithm ) # Expose metadata that the checksum check actually occured checksum_context = response["context"].get("checksum", {}) checksum_context["response_algorithm"] = algorithm response["context"]["checksum"] = checksum_context return logger.info( f'Skipping checksum validation. Response did not contain one of the ' f'following algorithms: {algorithms}.' ) def _handle_streaming_response(http_response, response, algorithm): checksum_cls = _CHECKSUM_CLS.get(algorithm) header_name = "x-amz-checksum-%s" % algorithm return StreamingChecksumBody( http_response.raw, response["headers"].get("content-length"), checksum_cls(), response["headers"][header_name], ) def _handle_bytes_response(http_response, response, algorithm): body = http_response.content header_name = "x-amz-checksum-%s" % algorithm checksum_cls = _CHECKSUM_CLS.get(algorithm) checksum = checksum_cls() checksum.update(body) expected = response["headers"][header_name] if checksum.digest() != base64.b64decode(expected): error_msg = ( "Expected checksum %s did not match calculated checksum: %s" % ( expected, checksum.b64digest(), ) ) raise FlexibleChecksumError(error_msg=error_msg) return body _CHECKSUM_CLS = { "crc32": Crc32Checksum, "sha1": Sha1Checksum, "sha256": Sha256Checksum, } if HAS_CRT: # Use CRT checksum implementations if available _CHECKSUM_CLS.update( {"crc32": CrtCrc32Checksum, "crc32c": CrtCrc32cChecksum} ) _SUPPORTED_CHECKSUM_ALGORITHMS = list(_CHECKSUM_CLS.keys()) _ALGORITHMS_PRIORITY_LIST = ['crc32c', 'crc32', 'sha1', 'sha256']