class Analysis(): def __init__(self, aws_account_id, analysis_id, analysis_name): # The ID of the AWS account where you are creating an analysis. self.aws_account_id = aws_account_id # The ID for the analysis that you're creating. This ID displays in the URL of the analysis. self.analysis_id = analysis_id # A descriptive name for the analysis that you're creating. # This name displays for the analysis in the Amazon QuickSight console. self.analysis_name = analysis_name # A definition is the data model of all features in a Dashboard, Template, or Analysis. #Either a SourceEntity or a Definition must be provided in order for the request to be valid. self.definition = {} # The parameter names and override values that you want to use. self.parameters = {} # A structure that describes the principals and the resource-level permissions on an analysis. # You can use the Permissions structure to grant permissions by providing a list of # AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) action information for each principal listed by Amazon Resource Name (ARN). self.permissions = [] # A source entity to use for the analysis that you're creating. # This metadata structure contains details that describe a source template and one or more datasets. self.source_entity = {} # Contains a map of the key-value pairs for the resource tag or tags assigned to the analysis. self.tags = [] # The ARN for the theme to apply to the analysis that you're creating. self.theme_arn = "" def add_tags(self, tag_key, tag_value): self.tags.append({tag_key,tag_value}) def add_definition(self, definition): self.definition = definition.compile() def set_theme_arn(self, theme_arn): self.theme_arn = theme_arn def compile(self): self.json = { "AwsAccountId": self.aws_account_id, "AnalysisId": self.analysis_id, "Name": self.analysis_name, "Definition": self.definition, "Parameters": self.parameters, "Permissions": self.permissions, "SourceEntity": self.source_entity, "Tags": self.tags, "ThemeArn": self.theme_arn } return clean_dict(self.json) class Definition(): def __init__(self, data_set_definition): # An array of dataset identifier declarations. # This mapping allows the usage of dataset identifiers instead of dataset ARNs throughout analysis sub-structures. self.data_set_definition = data_set_definition # The configuration for default analysis settings. self.analysis_defaults = {} # An array of calculated field definitions for the analysis. self.calculated_fields = [] # An array of analysis-level column configurations. # Column configurations can be used to set default formatting for a column to be used throughout an analysis. self.column_configurations = [] # Filter definitions for an analysis. self.filter_groups = [] #An array of parameter declarations for an analysis. self.parameter_declarations = [] # An array of sheet definitions for an analysis. # Each SheetDefinition provides detailed information about a sheet within this analysis. self.sheets = [] def add_sheet(self, sheet): self.sheets.append(sheet.compile()) def add_sheets(self, sheet_list): for sheet in sheet_list: self.add_sheet(sheet) def add_calculated_field(self, calculated_field): self.calculated_fields.append(calculated_field.compile()) def add_calculated_fields(self, calculated_field_list): for calculated_field in calculated_field_list: self.add_calculated_field(calculated_field) def add_parameter(self, parameter): self.parameter_declarations.append(parameter.compile()) def add_parameters(self, parameter_list): for parameter in parameter_list: self.add_parameter(parameter) def add_filter_group(self, filter_group): self.filter_groups.append(filter_group.compile()) def add_filter_groups(self, filter_group_list): for filter_group in filter_group_list: self.add_filter_group(filter_group) def set_analysis_default(self): self.analysis_defaults = { "DefaultNewSheetConfiguration": { "InteractiveLayoutConfiguration": { "FreeForm": { "CanvasSizeOptions": { "ScreenCanvasSizeOptions": { "OptimizedViewPortWidth": "1600px" } } } # "Grid": { # "CanvasSizeOptions": { # "ScreenCanvasSizeOptions": { # "ResizeOption": "FIXED", # "OptimizedViewPortWidth": "1600px" # } # } # } }, "PaginatedLayoutConfiguration": { }, "SheetContentType": "INTERACTIVE" } } def compile(self): self.json = { "DataSetIdentifierDeclarations": self.data_set_definition, "AnalysisDefaults": self.analysis_defaults, "CalculatedFields": self.calculated_fields, "ColumnConfigurations": self.column_configurations, "FilterGroups": self.filter_groups, "ParameterDeclarations": self.parameter_declarations, "Sheets": self.sheets } return self.json ### SHEET ### class Sheet(): def __init__(self, sheet_id, name): # The unique identifier of a sheet. = sheet_id # The layout content type of the sheet. Choose one of the following options: # Valid Values: PAGINATED | INTERACTIVE self.content_type = "" # A description of the sheet. self.description = "" # The list of filter controls that are on a sheet. self.filter_controls = [] # Layouts define how the components of a sheet are arranged. self.layout = {} # The name of the sheet. # This name is displayed on the sheet's tab in the Amazon QuickSight console. = name # The list of parameter controls that are on a sheet. self.parameter_controls = [] # The control layouts of the sheet. self.sheet_control_layouts = [] # The text boxes that are on a sheet. self.text_boxes = [] # The title of the sheet. self.title = "" # A list of the visuals that are on a sheet. # Visual placement is determined by the layout of the sheet. self.visuals = [] def add_visual(self, visual): self.visuals.append(visual.compile()) def add_visuals(self, visual_list): for visual in visual_list: self.add_visual(visual) def add_parameter_control(self, parameter_control): self.parameter_controls.append(parameter_control.compile()) def add_parameter_controls(self, parameter_control_list): for parameter_control in parameter_control_list: self.add_parameter_control(parameter_control) def add_filter_control(self, filter_control): self.filter_controls.append(filter_control.compile()) def add_filter_controls(self, filter_control_list): for filter_control in filter_control_list: self.add_filter_control(filter_control) def add_text_box(self, text_box): self.text_boxes.append(text_box.compile()) def add_text_boxes(self, text_box_list): for text_box in text_box_list: self.add_text_box(text_box) def set_content_type(self, content_type): self.content_type = content_type def set_name(self, name): = name def set_title(self, title): self.title = title def set_description(self, description): self.description = description def set_freeform_layout(self): self.layout = { "Configuration": { "FreeFormLayout": { "Elements": [], "CanvasSizeOptions": { "ScreenCanvasSizeOptions":{ "OptimizedViewPortWidth": "" } } } } } def add_freeform_layout_element(self, element, height, width, x_axis_location, y_axis_location, background_style = {}, border_style = {}, loading_animation = {}, rendering_rules = {}, selected_border_style = {}, visibility = ""): self.layout["Configuration"]["FreeFormLayout"]["Elements"].append({ "ElementId":, "ElementType": element.element_type, "Height": height, "Width": width, "XAxisLocation": x_axis_location, "YAxisLocation": y_axis_location, "BorderStyle": border_style, "LoadingAnimation": loading_animation, "RenderingRules": rendering_rules, "SelectedBorderStyle": selected_border_style, "Visbility": visibility }) def set_grid_layout(self, resize_option = "", view_port_width = ""): self.layout = { "Configuration": { "GridLayout": { "Elements": [], "CanvasSizeOptions": { "ScreenCanvasSizeOptions":{ "ResizeOption": resize_option, "OptimizedViewPortWidth": view_port_width } } } } } def add_grid_layout_element(self, element, x_length, y_length, x_position = "", y_position = ""): self.layout["Configuration"]["GridLayout"]["Elements"].append({ "ElementId":, "ElementType": element.element_type, "ColumnSpan": x_length, "RowSpan": y_length, "ColumnIndex": x_position, "RowIndex": y_position }) def set_section_based_layout(self): self.layout = { "Configuration": { "SectionBasedLayout": { "BodySections": [], "CanvasSizeOptions": { "ScreenCanvasSizeOptions":{ "PaperCanvasSizeOptions": { "PaperMargin":{ "Bottom": "", "Left": "", "Right": "", "Top": "" }, "PaperOrientation": "", "PaperSize": "" } } } } } } def compile(self): self.json = { "SheetId":, "ContentType": self.content_type, "Description": self.description, "FilterControls": self.filter_controls, "Layouts": [self.layout], "Name":, "ParameterControls": self.parameter_controls, "SheetControlLayouts": [], "TextBoxes": self.text_boxes, "Title": self.title, "Visuals": self.visuals } return self.json ### CALCULATED FIELDS ### class CalculatedField(): def __init__(self, data_set_identifier, expression, name): # The data set that is used in this calculated field. self.data_set_identifier = data_set_identifier # The expression of the calculated field. self.expression = expression # The name of the calculated field. = name def compile(self): self.json = { "DataSetIdentifier": self.data_set_identifier, "Expression": self.expression, "Name": } return self.json ### PARAMETERS ### class Parameter(): def __init__(self, name): # The name of the parameter that is being declared. = name # The default values of a parameter. # If the parameter is a single-value parameter, a maximum of one default value can be provided. self.default_value = {} # A custom value that's used when the value of a parameter isn't set. self.custom_value = "" # The built-in options for default values. The value can be one of the following: # RECOMMENDED_VALUE | NULL self.value_when_unset_option = "" def set_static_default_value(self, static_default_value): self.default_value = { "StaticValues": [static_default_value] } # TODO: NEEDS UPDATE def set_dynamic_default_value(self, column_name, data_set_identifier): self.default_value = { "DynamicValue": { "DefaultValueColumn": { "ColumnName": column_name, "DataSetIdentifier": data_set_identifier }, "GroupNameColumn": "", "UserNameColumn": "" } } def set_value_when_unset(self, custom_value = "", value_when_unset_option=""): # Value depends on parameter type self.custom_value = custom_value # RECOMMENDED_VALUE | NULL self.value_when_unset_option = value_when_unset_option class DateTimeParameter(Parameter): def __init__(self, name): Parameter.__init__(self, name) # The level of time precision that is used to aggregate DateTime values. # Valid Values: YEAR | QUARTER | MONTH | WEEK | DAY | HOUR | MINUTE | SECOND | MILLISECOND self.time_granularity = "" def set_rolling_date_default_value(self, expression, data_set_identifier = ""): self.default_value = { "RollingDate": { "Expression": expression, "DataSetIdentifier": data_set_identifier } } def set_time_granularity(self, time_granularity): self.time_granularity = time_granularity def compile(self): self.json = { "DateTimeParameterDeclaration": { "Name":, "DefaultValues": self.default_value, "TimeGranularity": self.time_granularity, "ValueWhenUnset": { "CustomValue": self.custom_value, "ValueWhenUnsetOption": self.value_when_unset_option } } } return self.json class DecimalParameter(Parameter): def __init__(self, name, parameter_value_type): Parameter.__init__(self, name) # The value type determines whether the parameter is a single-value or multi-value parameter. # MULTI_VALUED | SINGLE_VALUED self.parameter_value_type = parameter_value_type def compile(self): self.json = { "DecimalParameterDeclaration": { "Name":, "DefaultValues": self.default_value, "ParameterValueType": self.parameter_value_type, "ValueWhenUnset": { "CustomValue": self.custom_value, "ValueWhenUnsetOption": self.value_when_unset_option } } } return self.json class IntegerParameter(Parameter): def __init__(self, name, parameter_value_type): Parameter.__init__(self, name) # The value type determines whether the parameter is a single-value or multi-value parameter. # MULTI_VALUED | SINGLE_VALUED self.parameter_value_type = parameter_value_type def compile(self): self.json = { "IntegerParameterDeclaration": { "Name":, "DefaultValues": self.default_value, "ParameterValueType": self.parameter_value_type, "ValueWhenUnset": { "CustomValue": self.custom_value, "ValueWhenUnsetOption": self.value_when_unset_option } } } return self.json class StringParameter(Parameter): def __init__(self, name, parameter_value_type): Parameter.__init__(self, name) # The value type determines whether the parameter is a single-value or multi-value parameter. # MULTI_VALUED | SINGLE_VALUED self.parameter_value_type = parameter_value_type def compile(self): self.json = { "IntegerParameterDeclaration": { "Name":, "DefaultValues": self.default_value, "ParameterValueType": self.parameter_value_type, "ValueWhenUnset": { "CustomValue": self.custom_value, "ValueWhenUnsetOption": self.value_when_unset_option } } } return self.json ### PARAMETER CONTROLS ### class ParameterControl(): def __init__(self, parameter_control_id, parameter_name, title): # ID of parameter control = parameter_control_id self.element_type = "PARAMETER_CONTROL" # Name of source parameter self.source_parameter_name = parameter_name # Title of parameter control self.title = title self.custom_label = "" self.font_color = "" self.font_decoration = "" self.font_size = "" self.font_style = "" self.font_weight = "" self.title_options_visibility = "" def set_title_font(self, font_color = "", font_decoration = "", font_size = "", font_style = "", font_weight = ""): self.font_color = font_color self.font_decoration = font_decoration self.font_size = font_size self.font_style = font_style self.font_weight = font_weight class ParameterDateTimePickerControl(ParameterControl): def __init__(self, parameter_control_id, parameter, title): ParameterControl.__init__(self, parameter_control_id, parameter, title) self.date_time_format = "" def compile(self): self.json = { "DateTimePicker": { "ParameterControlId":, "SourceParameterName": self.source_parameter_name, "Title": self.title, "DisplayOptions": { "DateTimeFormat": self.date_time_format, "TitleOptions": { "CustomLabel": self.custom_label, "FontConfiguration": { "FontColor": self.font_color, "FontDecoration": self.font_decoration, "FontSize": { "Relative": self.font_size }, "FontStyle": self.font_style, "FontWeight": { "Name": self.font_weight } }, "Visibility": self.title_options_visibility } } } } return self.json class ParameterDropDownControl(ParameterControl): def __init__(self, parameter_control_id, parameter, title): ParameterControl.__init__(self, parameter_control_id, parameter, title) self.select_all_options_visibility = "" self.type = "" self.column_name = "" self.data_set_identifier = "" self.values = [] def compile(self): self.json = { "Dropdown": { "ParameterControlId":, "SourceParameterName": self.source_parameter_name, "Title": self.title, "DisplayOptions": { "SelectAllOptions": { "Visibility": self.select_all_options_visibility }, "TitleOptions": { "CustomLabel": self.custom_label, "FontConfiguration": { "FontColor": self.font_color, "FontDecoration": self.font_decoration, "FontSize": { "Relative": self.font_size }, "FontStyle": self.font_style, "FontWeight": { "Name": self.font_weight } }, "Visibility": self.title_options_visibility } }, "Type": self.type, "SelectableValues": { "LinkToDataSetColumn": { "ColumnName": self.column_name, "DataSetIdentifier": self.data_set_identifier }, "Values": self.values } } } return self.json class ParameterListControl(ParameterControl): def __init__(self, parameter_control_id, parameter, title): ParameterControl.__init__(self, parameter_control_id, parameter, title) self.search_options_visibility = "" self.select_all_options_visibility = "" self.column_name = "" self.data_set_identifier = "" self.values = [] self.type = "" def compile(self): self.json = { "Dropdown": { "ParameterControlId":, "SourceParameterName": self.source_parameter_name, "Title": self.title, "CascadingControlConfiguration": { }, "DisplayOptions": { "SearchOptions": { "Visibility": self.search_options_visibility }, "SelectAllOptions": { "Visibility": self.select_all_options_visibility }, "TitleOptions": { "CustomLabel": self.custom_label, "FontConfiguration": { "FontColor": self.font_color, "FontDecoration": self.font_decoration, "FontSize": { "Relative": self.font_size }, "FontStyle": self.font_style, "FontWeight": { "Name": self.font_weight } }, "Visibility": self.title_options_visibility } }, "SelectableValues": { "LinkToDataSetColumn": { "ColumnName": self.column_name, "DataSetIdentifier": self.data_set_identifier }, "Values": self.values }, "Type": self.type } } return self.json class ParameterSliderControl(ParameterControl): def __init__(self, parameter_control_id, parameter, title, maximum_value, minimum_value, step_size): ParameterControl.__init__(self, parameter_control_id, parameter, title) self.maximum_value = maximum_value self.minimum_value = minimum_value self.step_size = step_size def compile(self): self.json = { "Slider": { "MaximumValue": self.maximum_value, "MinimumValue": self.minimum_value, "ParameterControlId":, "SourceParameterName": self.source_parameter_name, "StepSize": self.step_size, "Title": self.title, "DisplayOptions": { "TitleOptions": { "CustomLabel": self.custom_label, "FontConfiguration": { "FontColor": self.font_color, "FontDecoration": self.font_decoration, "FontSize": { "Relative": self.font_size }, "FontStyle": self.font_style, "FontWeight": { "Name": self.font_weight } }, "Visibility": self.title_options_visibility } } } } return self.json class ParameterTextAreaControl(ParameterControl): def __init__(self, parameter_control_id, parameter, title): ParameterControl.__init__(self, parameter_control_id, parameter, title) self.delimiter = "" self.placeholder_options_visibility = "" def compile(self): self.json = { "TextArea": { "ParameterControlId":, "SourceParameterName": self.source_parameter_name, "Title": self.title, "Delimiter": self.delimiter, "DisplayOptions": { "PlaceholderOptions": { "Visibility": self.placeholder_options_visibility }, "TitleOptions": { "CustomLabel": self.custom_label, "FontConfiguration": { "FontColor": self.font_color, "FontDecoration": self.font_decoration, "FontSize": { "Relative": self.font_size }, "FontStyle": self.font_style, "FontWeight": { "Name": self.font_weight } }, "Visibility": self.title_options_visibility } } } } return self.json class ParameterTextFieldControl(ParameterControl): def __init__(self, parameter_control_id, parameter, title): ParameterControl.__init__(self, parameter_control_id, parameter, title) self.placeholder_options_visibility = "" def compile(self): self.json = { "TextArea": { "ParameterControlId":, "SourceParameterName": self.source_parameter_name, "Title": self.title, "DisplayOptions": { "PlaceholderOptions": { "Visibility": self.placeholder_options_visibility }, "TitleOptions": { "CustomLabel": self.custom_label, "FontConfiguration": { "FontColor": self.font_color, "FontDecoration": self.font_decoration, "FontSize": { "Relative": self.font_size }, "FontStyle": self.font_style, "FontWeight": { "Name": self.font_weight } }, "Visibility": self.title_options_visibility } } } } return self.json ### FILTER GROUP ### class FilterGroup(): def __init__(self,cross_dataset, filter_group_id): = filter_group_id self.cross_dataset = cross_dataset self.filters = [] self.sheet_visual_scoping_configurations = [] self.status = "" def add_filter(self, filter): self.filters.append(filter.compile()) def add_filters(self, filter_list): for filter in filter_list: self.add_filter(filter) def add_scope_configuration(self, scope, sheet_id, visual_ids = []): self.sheet_visual_scoping_configurations.append({ "Scope": scope, "SheetId": sheet_id, "VisualIds": visual_ids }) def set_status(self, status): self.status = status def compile(self): self.json = { "CrossDataset": self.cross_dataset, "FilterGroupId":, "Filters": self.filters, "ScopeConfiguration": { "SelectedSheets": { "SheetVisualScopingConfigurations": self.sheet_visual_scoping_configurations } }, "Status": self.status } return self.json ### FILTERS ### class Filter(): def __init__(self, filter_id, column_name, data_set_identifier): self.filter_id = filter_id self.column_name = column_name self.data_set_identifier = data_set_identifier class CategoryFilter(Filter): def __init__(self, filter_id, column_name, data_set_identifier): Filter.__init__(self, filter_id, column_name, data_set_identifier) self.configuration = {} def add_custom_filter_configuration(self, match_operator, null_option, category_value = "", parameter_name = "", select_all_options = ""): self.configuration = { "CustomFilterConfiguration": { "MatchOperator": match_operator, "NullOption": null_option, "CategoryValue": category_value, "ParameterName": parameter_name, "SelectAllOptions": select_all_options } } def add_custom_filter_list_configuration(self, match_operator, null_option, category_values = [], select_all_options = ""): self.configuration = { "CustomFilterListConfiguration": { "MatchOperator": match_operator, "NullOption": null_option, "CategoryValues": category_values, "SelectAllOptions": select_all_options } } def add_filter_list_configuration(self, match_operator, category_values = [], select_all_options = ""): self.configuration = { "FilterListConfiguration": { "MatchOperator": match_operator, "CategoryValues": category_values, "SelectAllOptions": select_all_options } } def compile(self): self.json = { "CategoryFilter": { "FilterId": self.filter_id, "Column": { "DataSetIdentifier": self.data_set_identifier, "ColumnName": self.column_name }, "Configuration": self.configuration } } return self.json class NumericEqualityFilter(Filter): def __init__(self, filter_id, column_name, data_set_identifier, match_operator, null_option): Filter.__init__(self, filter_id, column_name, data_set_identifier) self.match_operator = match_operator self.null_option = null_option self.select_all_options = "" self.value = "" self.parameter_name = "" def set_value(self, value): self.value = value def compile(self): self.json = { "NumericEqualityFilter": { "FilterId": self.filter_id, "Column": { "DataSetIdentifier": self.data_set_identifier, "ColumnName": self.column_name }, "MatchOperator": self.match_operator, "NullOption": self.null_option, "AggregationFunction": { "CategoricalAggrecationFunction": "", "DateAggregationFunction": "", "NumericalAggregationFunction": { "PercentileAggregation": { "PercentileValue": "" }, "SimpleNumericalAggregation": "" } }, "ParameterName": self.parameter_name, "SelectAllOptions": self.select_all_options, "Value": self.value } } return self.json class TimeRangeFilter(Filter): def __init__(self, filter_id, column_name, data_set_identifier, null_option): Filter.__init__(self, filter_id, column_name, data_set_identifier) self.amount = "" self.granularity = "" self.status = "" self.include_maximum = "" self.include_minimum = "" self.max_value_parameter = "" self.min_value_parameter = "" self.time_granularity = "" self.null_option = null_option def add_min_value_parameter(self, min_value_parameter): self.min_value_parameter = min_value_parameter def compile(self): self.json = { "TimeRangeFilter": { "FilterId": self.filter_id, "Column": { "DataSetIdentifier": self.data_set_identifier, "ColumnName": self.column_name }, "NullOption": self.null_option, "ExcludePeriodConfiguration": { "Amount": self.amount, "Granularity": self.granularity, "Status": self.status }, "IncludeMaximum": self.include_maximum, "IncludeMinimum": self.include_minimum, "RangeMaximumValue": {}, "RangeMinimumValue": { "Parameter": self.min_value_parameter }, "TimeGranularity": self.time_granularity } } return self.json ### FILTER CONTROLS ### class FilterControl(): def __init__(self, filter_control_id, source_filter_id, title): # ID of filter control = filter_control_id self.element_type = "FILTER_CONTROL" # Name of source filter self.source_filter_id = source_filter_id # Title of filter control self.title = title self.custom_label = "" self.font_color = "" self.font_decoration = "" self.font_size = "" self.font_style = "" self.font_weight = "" self.title_options_visibility = "" class FilterDateTimePickerControl(FilterControl): def __init__(self, filter_control_id, source_filter_id, title): FilterControl.__init__(self, filter_control_id, source_filter_id, title) self.type = "" self.date_time_format = "" def set_date_time_format(self, date_time_format): self.date_time_format = date_time_format def compile(self): self.json = { "DateTimePicker": { "FilterControlId":, "SourceFilterId": self.source_filter_id, "Title": self.title, "DisplayOptions": { "DateTimeFormat": self.date_time_format, "TitleOptions": { "CustomLabel": self.custom_label, "FontConfiguration": { "FontColor": self.font_color, "FontDecoration": self.font_decoration, "FontSize": { "Relative": self.font_size }, "FontStyle": self.font_style, "FontWeight": { "Name": self.font_weight }, "Visibility": self.title_options_visibility }, } }, "Type": self.type } } return self.json ### VISUALS ### class Visual(): def __init__(self, visual_id): # Available in All Visuals = visual_id self.element_type = "VISUAL" self.actions = [] self.title = {} self.subtitle = {} # Available in BarChart, LineChart, etc self.column_hierarchies = [] # Available in TableVisual, etc. self.conditional_formatting = {} self.category = [] self.values = [] self.colors = [] self.small_multiples = [] self.group_by = [] def add_title(self, visibility, text_format, text): self.title = { "Visibility": visibility, "FormatText": { text_format: text } } def add_subtitle(self, visibility, text_format, text): self.subtitle = { "Visibility": visibility, "FormatText": { text_format: text } } def add_categorical_dimension_field(self, column_name, data_set_identifier): self.category.append( { "CategoricalDimensionField": { "FieldId": column_name, "Column": { "ColumnName": column_name, "DataSetIdentifier": data_set_identifier } } }) def add_date_dimension_field(self, column_name, data_set_identifier, date_granularity = "", date_time_format = "", null_string = ""): self.category.append( { "DateDimensionField": { "FieldId": column_name, "Column": { "ColumnName": column_name, "DataSetIdentifier": data_set_identifier }, "DateGranularity": date_granularity, "FormatConfiguration": { "DateTimeFormat": date_time_format, "NullValueFormatConfiguration": { "NullString": null_string }, "NumericFormatConfiguration": {} } } }) def add_numerical_dimension_field(self, column_name, data_set_identifier, hierarchy_id = ""): self.category.append( { "NumericalDimensionField": { "FieldId": column_name, "Column": { "ColumnName": column_name, "DataSetIdentifier": data_set_identifier }, "NumberFormatConfiguration": { "CurrencyDisplayFormatConfiguration": {}, "NumberDisplayFormatConfiguration": {}, "PercentageDisplayFormatConfiguration": {} }, "HierarchyId": hierarchy_id } }) def add_numerical_measure_field(self, column_name, data_set_identifier, aggregation_function = None, currency_decimal_places = '', currency_number_scale = '', currency_prefix = '', currency_suffix = '',currency_symbol = '', percentage_suffix = ''): self.values.append( { "NumericalMeasureField": { "FieldId": column_name, "Column": { "ColumnName": column_name, "DataSetIdentifier": data_set_identifier }, "AggregationFunction": { "SimpleNumericalAggregation": aggregation_function }, "FormatConfiguration": { "FormatConfiguration": { "CurrencyDisplayFormatConfiguration": { "DecimalPlacesConfiguration": { "DecimalPlaces": currency_decimal_places }, "NumberScale": currency_number_scale, "Prefix": currency_prefix, "Suffix": currency_suffix, "Symbol": currency_symbol }, "NumberDisplayFormatConfiguration": {}, "PercentageDisplayFormatConfiguration": { "Suffix": percentage_suffix } } } } }) def add_filter_action(self,custom_action_id, action_name, trigger, status = "ENABLED", selected_field_options = "", selected_fields = [], target_visual_options = [], target_visuals = []): self.actions.append({ "ActionOperations": [ { "FilterOperation":{ "SelectedFieldsConfiguration": { "SelectedFieldOptions": selected_field_options, "SelectedFields": selected_fields }, "TargetVisualsConfiguration": { "SameSheetTargetVisualConfiguration": { "TargetVisualOptions": target_visual_options, "TargetVisuals": target_visuals } } } } ], "CustomActionId": custom_action_id, "Name": action_name, "Trigger": trigger, "Status": status }) class BarChartVisual(Visual): def __init__(self, visual_id): Visual.__init__(self, visual_id) self.bars_arrangement = "" self.orientation = "" self.axis_line_visibility = "" self.axis_offset = "" self.grid_line_visibility = "" self.scroll_bar_visibility = "" self.visible_range_from = "" self.visible_range_to = "" def set_bars_arrangement(self, bars_arrangement): self.bars_arrangement = bars_arrangement def set_orientation(self, orientation): self.orientation = orientation def set_scroll_bar_visibility(self, scroll_bar_visibility): self.scroll_bar_visibility = scroll_bar_visibility def compile(self): self.json = { "BarChartVisual":{ "VisualId":, "Actions": self.actions, "ChartConfiguration": { "FieldWells": { "BarChartAggregatedFieldWells": { "Category": self.category, "Values": self.values, "Colors": self.colors, "SmallMultiples": self.small_multiples } }, "BarsArrangement": self.bars_arrangement, "Orientation": self.orientation, "CategoryAxis": { "AxisLineVisibility": self.axis_line_visibility, "AxisOffset": self.axis_offset, "GridLineVisbility": self.grid_line_visibility, "ScrollbarOptions": { "Visibility": self.scroll_bar_visibility, "VisibleRange": { "PercentRange": { "From": self.visible_range_from, "To": self.visible_range_to } } } } }, "ColumnHierarchies": self.column_hierarchies, "Title": self.title, "Subtitle": self.subtitle } } return self.json class LineChartVisual(Visual): def __init__(self, visual_id): Visual.__init__(self,visual_id) self.type = "" self.axis_line_visibility = "" self.axis_offset = "" self.grid_line_visibility = "" self.scroll_bar_visibility = "" self.visible_range_from = "" self.visible_range_to = "" def set_type(self, type): self.type = type def set_scroll_bar_visibility(self, scroll_bar_visibility): self.scroll_bar_visibility = scroll_bar_visibility def compile(self): self.json = { "LineChartVisual":{ "VisualId":, "ChartConfiguration": { "FieldWells": { "LineChartAggregatedFieldWells": { "Category": self.category, "Values": self.values, "Colors": self.colors, "SmallMultiples": self.small_multiples } }, "XAxisDisplayOptions": { "AxisLineVisibility": self.axis_line_visibility, "AxisOffset": self.axis_offset, "GridLineVisbility": self.grid_line_visibility, "ScrollbarOptions": { "Visibility": self.scroll_bar_visibility, "VisibleRange": { "PercentRange": { "From": self.visible_range_from, "To": self.visible_range_to } } } }, "Type": self.type }, "Title": self.title, "subtitle": self.subtitle } } return self.json class TableVisual(Visual): def __init__(self, visual_id): Visual.__init__(self,visual_id) self.unaggregated_values = [] self.field_sort = [] self.inline_visualizations = [] self.conditional_formatting_options = [] self.cell_background_color = "" self.header_background_color = "" self.cell_border = {} self.header_border = {} def add_unaggregated_date_time_value(self, column_name, data_set_identifier, date_time_format="", null_string=""): self.unaggregated_values.append( { "UnaggregatedField": { "FieldId": data_set_identifier + column_name, "Column": { "ColumnName": column_name, "DataSetIdentifier": data_set_identifier }, "FormatConfiguration": { "DateTimeFormatConfiguration": { "DateTimeFormat": date_time_format, "NullValueFormatConfiguration": { "NullString": null_string }, "NumericFormatConfiguration": "" } } } }) def add_field_sort(self, field_id, direction): self.field_sort.append({ "FieldSort": { "Direction": direction, "FieldId": field_id } }) def set_cell_border_type(self, border_type, color = "", style="", thickness=""): border_options = {} border_options[border_type] = { "Color": color, "Style": style, "Thickness": thickness } if border_type == "UniformBorder": self.cell_border = border_options else: self.cell_border = { "SideSpecificBorder": border_options } def set_header_border_type(self, border_type, color = "", style="", thickness=""): border_options = {} border_options[border_type] = { "Color": color, "Style": style, "Thickness": thickness } if border_type == "UniformBorder": self.header_border = border_options else: self.header_border = { "SideSpecificBorder": border_options } def add_inline_visualization(self, field_id, negative_color = "", positive_color = ""): self.inline_visualizations.append({ "DataBars": { "FieldId": field_id, "NegativeColor": negative_color, "PositiveColor": positive_color } }) def add_icon_conditional_formatting(self, field_id, expression, icon = "", unicode_icon = "", color = "", icon_display_option = ""): self.conditional_formatting_options.append({ "Cell": { "FieldId": field_id, "TextFormat": { "Icon": { "CustomCondition": { "Expression": expression, "IconOptions": { "Icon": icon, "UnicodeIcon": unicode_icon }, "Color": color, "DisplayConfiguration": { "IconDisplayOption": icon_display_option } }, # "IconSet": { # "Expression": icon_set_expression, # # PLUS_MINUS | CHECK_X | THREE_COLOR_ARROW | THREE_GRAY_ARROW | CARET_UP_MINUS_DOWN | THREE_SHAPE | # # THREE_CIRCLE | FLAGS | BARS | FOUR_COLOR_ARROW | FOUR_GRAY_ARROW # "IconSetType": icon_set_type # } } } } } ) def add_gradient_text_conditional_formatting(self, field_id, expression, gradient_stops = []): self.conditional_formatting_options.append({ "Cell": { "FieldId": field_id, "TextFormat": { "TextColor": { "Gradient": { "Expression": expression, "Color": { "Stops": gradient_stops } } } } } } ) def compile(self): self.json = { "TableVisual":{ "VisualId":, "ChartConfiguration": { "FieldWells": { "TableAggregatedFieldWells": { "GroupBy": self.category, "Values": self.values }, "TableUnaggregatedFieldWells": { "Values": self.unaggregated_values } }, "SortConfiguration": { "RowSort": self.field_sort }, "TableInlineVisualizations": self.inline_visualizations, "TableOptions": { "CellStyle": { "BackgroundColor": self.cell_background_color, "Border": self.cell_border }, "HeaderStyle": { "BackgroundColor": self.header_background_color, "Border": self.header_border } } }, "ConditionalFormatting": { "ConditionalFormattingOptions": self.conditional_formatting_options }, "Title": self.title, "subtitle": self.subtitle } } return self.json class PivotTableVisual(Visual): def __init__(self, visual_id): Visual.__init__(self,visual_id) self.unaggregated_values = [] def add_unaggregated_date_time_value(self, column_name, data_set_identifier, date_time_format="", null_string=""): self.unaggregated_values.append( { "UnaggregatedField": { "FieldId": data_set_identifier + column_name, "Column": { "ColumnName": column_name, "DataSetIdentifier": data_set_identifier }, "FormatConfiguration": { "DateTimeFormatConfiguration": { "DateTimeFormat": date_time_format, "NullValueFormatConfiguration": { "NullString": null_string }, "NumericFormatConfiguration": "" } } } }) def add_group_by(self, column_name, data_set_identifier): self.add_categorical_dimension_field(column_name, data_set_identifier) def add_calculated_measure_field(self, expression, field_id): self.values.append( { "CalculatedMeasureField": { "FieldId": field_id, "Expression": expression } }) ### TEXTBOX ### class TextBox(): def __init__(self, text_box_id, content): self.text_box_id = text_box_id self.content = content def compile(self): self.json = { "SheetTextBoxId": self.text_box_id, "Content": self.content } return self.json # Recursive function to remove parameters with empty values from dictionary object def clean_dict(input): if type(input) is dict: return dict((key, clean_dict(value)) for key, value in input.items() if (value or value == 0) and clean_dict(value) not in [{},[],""]) elif type(input) is list: return [clean_dict(item) for item in input if (item or item == 0) and clean_dict(item) not in [{},[],""]] else: if input or input == 0: return input