AWSTemplateFormatVersion: 2010-09-09 Description: RDS Custom HA Automation Parameters: VpcId: Description: Enter the VPC id of RDS Custom primary instance Type: AWS::EC2::VPC::Id LatestAmiId: Description: Image ID is from Parameter store of SSM. Leave it as-is. Type: "AWS::SSM::Parameter::Value" Default: '/aws/service/ami-amazon-linux-latest/amzn2-ami-hvm-x86_64-gp2' EC2SecurityGroup: Description: Enter the security group for EC2 observer instance Type: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup::Id S3bucket: Description: Enter the S3 bucket path for Oracle Client /> Type: String Default: "/" SourceDBInstanceIdentifier: Description: Enter the Primary RDS Custom instance identifier Type: String Default: "" TargetDBInstanceIdentifier: Description: Enter the Standby RDS Custom instance identifier Type: String Default: "" TargetDBinstanceAZ: Description: Enter the AZ for standby RDS Custom replica instance identifier Type: AWS::EC2::AvailabilityZone::Name RDSCustomInstanceProfile: Description: Enter the RDSCustomInstanceProfile for replica instance Default: 'AWSRDSCustomInstanceProfile-' Type: String SubnetIDforObserver: Description: Enter the Subnet id for deploying EC2 observer Instance. Type: AWS::EC2::Subnet::Id Metadata: AWS::CloudFormation::Interface: ParameterGroups: - Label: default: "Existing environmental parameters" Parameters: - VpcId - Label: default: "" Parameters: - SourceDBInstanceIdentifier - Label: default: "" Parameters: - S3bucket - Label: default: "" Parameters: - LatestAmiId - SubnetIDforObserver - EC2SecurityGroup - Label: default: "" Parameters: - TargetDBinstanceAZ - RDSCustomInstanceProfile - Label: default: "Replica name parameter (newly created)" Parameters: - TargetDBInstanceIdentifier Resources: EC2Instance: Type: AWS::EC2::Instance DependsOn: [profileClientIDE] DeletionPolicy: Retain Properties: InstanceType: 't3.medium' ImageId: !Ref LatestAmiId IamInstanceProfile: !Ref profileClientIDE InstanceInitiatedShutdownBehavior: "terminate" BlockDeviceMappings: - DeviceName: /dev/xvda Ebs: VolumeType: gp2 VolumeSize: '100' DeleteOnTermination: 'false' Encrypted: 'true' Tags: - Key: Name Value: !Join ['-', ['RDS-Custom-Observer-HA', !Select [4, !Split ['-', !Select [2, !Split ['/', !Ref AWS::StackId]]]],!Sub "${AWS::Region}"]] NetworkInterfaces: - AssociatePublicIpAddress: "true" DeviceIndex: "0" GroupSet: - Ref: "EC2SecurityGroup" SubnetId: Ref: SubnetIDforObserver UserData: Fn::Base64: !Sub - | #!/bin/bash mkdir -p /home/ec2-user/logs exec &> >(tee /home/ec2-user/logs/complete-userdata-execution-statements.log) sudo yum update -y echo "$(date +\"%F\ %T\") * running as $(whoami)" >> /home/ec2-user/logs/bootstrap.log yum install -y unzip jq aws-cfn-bootstrap sudo pip3 uninstall awscli -y sudo rm -r /usr/bin/aws -f mkdir /home/ec2-user/awscl echo "$(date +\"%F\ %T\") * Installing AWSCLI Version 2" >> /home/ec2-user/logs/bootstrap.log curl "" -o "/home/ec2-user/awscl/" unzip "/home/ec2-user/awscl/" -d "/home/ec2-user/awscl" sudo chown ec2-user:ec2-user /home/ec2-user/awscl/aws -R sudo /home/ec2-user/awscl/aws/install -i /usr/local/aws-cli -b /usr/local/bin echo "$(date +\"%F\ %T\") * installed awscli (v2)" >> /home/ec2-user/logs/bootstrap.log sudo yum remove -y mariadb sudo yum install git -y git version >> /home/ec2-user/logs/bootstrap.log sudo mkdir -p /tmp/ssm wget sudo systemctl enable amazon-ssm-agent sudo systemctl start amazon-ssm-agent sudo systemctl status amazon-ssm-agent echo "$(date +\"%F\ %T\") * Installed supporting packages like ssm-agent - AWSCLIv2 - git" >> /home/ec2-user/logs/bootstrap.log bucketstatus=$(aws s3 ls ${S3bucket} 2>&1) if echo "$bucketstatus" | grep 'The specified bucket does not exist'; then echo "$(date +\"%F\ %T\") * ${S3bucket} bucket doesn't exist" >> /home/ec2-user/logs/bootstrap.log elif [ -z "$bucketstatus" ]; then echo "$(date +\"%F\ %T\") * ${S3bucket} file doesn't exist in the S3 bucket" >> /home/ec2-user/logs/bootstrap.log else echo "$(date +\"%F\ %T\") * ${S3bucket} Bucket owned and exists" >> /home/ec2-user/logs/bootstrap.log echo "$(date +\"%F\ %T\") * Proceeding further to download the Oracle Client Software from S3 Bucket" aws s3 cp s3://${S3bucket} /home/ec2-user/ >> /home/ec2-user/logs/bootstrap.log sleep 60 if [ -f /home/ec2-user/ ]; then echo "$(date +\"%F\ %T\") * Oracle client software has been successfully copied" >> /home/ec2-user/logs/bootstrap.log unzip /home/ec2-user/ -d /home/ec2-user/ mkdir -p /home/ec2-user/oraInventory mkdir -p /home/ec2-user/oracle/client/ mkdir -p /home/ec2-user/oracle/client/wallet mkdir -p /home/ec2-user/oracle/client/wallet/backup sudo chown -R ec2-user:ec2-user /home/ec2-user/ sudo su - ec2-user cd /home/ec2-user/client/ echo "$(date +\"%F\ %T\") * Installing the dependency packages for Oracle Client Software installation" >> /home/ec2-user/logs/bootstrap.log sudo yum install binutils- compat-libstdc++-33-3.2.3 gcc-4.1.2 gcc-c++-4.1.2 glibc-2.5-58 glibc-devel-2.5-58 ksh libaio-0.3.106 libaio-devel-0.3.106 libgcc-4.1.2 libstdc++-4.1.2 libstdc++-devel 4.1.2 libXext-1.0.1 expect.* -y echo "$(date +\"%F\ %T\") * Installation of Dependency packages step is completed" >> /home/ec2-user/logs/bootstrap.log echo "$(date +\"%F\ %T\") * Proceeding on Oracle Client Software Installation" >> /home/ec2-user/logs/bootstrap.log sudo su -c "/home/ec2-user/client/runInstaller -ignoreSysPrereqs -waitforcompletion -showProgress -silent -responseFile /home/ec2-user/client/response/client_install.rsp UNIX_GROUP_NAME=ec2-user INVENTORY_LOCATION=/home/ec2-user/oraInventory ORACLE_HOME=/home/ec2-user/oracle/client ORACLE_BASE=/home/ec2-user/oracle oracle.install.client.installType=Administrator" ec2-user echo "export ORACLE_BASE=/home/ec2-user" echo "export ORACLE_HOME=/home/ec2-user/oracle/client" >> /home/ec2-user/.bash_profile echo "export PATH=/home/ec2-user/oracle/client/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/bin:$PATH:." >> /home/ec2-user/.bash_profile echo "export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/ec2-user/oracle/client/lib:/usr/lib:/usr/lib64" >> /home/ec2-user/.bash_profile echo "export CLASSPATH=/home/ec2-user/oracle/client/jlib:/home/ec2-user/oracle/client/rdbms/jlib" >> /home/ec2-user/.bash_profile echo "export TNS_ADMIN=/home/ec2-user/oracle/client/network/admin" >> /home/ec2-user/.bash_profile echo -e "WALLET_LOCATION=(SOURCE=(METHOD=FILE)(METHOD_DATA=(DIRECTORY=/home/ec2-user/oracle/client/wallet)))" >> /home/ec2-user/oracle/client/network/admin/sqlnet.ora echo -e "SQLNET.WALLET_OVERRIDE=TRUE" >> /home/ec2-user/oracle/client/network/admin/sqlnet.ora sudo chown -R ec2-user:ec2-user /home/ec2-user/ if [ -f /home/ec2-user/oracle/client/bin/sqlplus ]; then echo "$(date +\"%F\ %T\") * Oracle Client Software Installation completed" >> /home/ec2-user/logs/bootstrap.log echo "Oracle Client Home Path : /home/ec2-user/oracle/client/" >> /home/ec2-user/logs/bootstrap.log echo "Oracle Wallet Path: /home/ec2-user/oracle/client/wallet" >> /home/ec2-user/logs/bootstrap.log echo "Oracle Wallet Backup Path: /home/ec2-user/oracle/client/wallet/backup" >> /home/ec2-user/logs/bootstrap.log echo "Bash Profile Path: /home/ec2-user/.bash_profile" >> /home/ec2-user/logs/bootstrap.log else echo "$(date +\"%F\ %T\") * Oracle Client Installation failed , please verify manually" >> /home/ec2-user/logs/bootstrap.log fi else echo "$(date +\"%F\ %T\") * Oracle client software copy has been failed, please verify manually" >> /home/ec2-user/logs/bootstrap.log fi fi - { } roleClientIDE: Type: "AWS::IAM::Role" Properties: RoleName: !Join ['-', ['RDS-Custom-Automation-Role', !Select [4, !Split ['-', !Select [2, !Split ['/', !Ref AWS::StackId]]]]]] Description: "Permits user interaction with AWS APIs from the EC2." AssumeRolePolicyDocument: Version: 2012-10-17 Statement: - Effect: Allow Action: - "sts:AssumeRole" Principal: Service: - "" Policies: - PolicyName: !Join ['-', ['StackSetExecutionRolePolicy', !Select [4, !Split ['-', !Select [2, !Split ['/', !Ref AWS::StackId]]]],!Sub "${AWS::Region}"]] PolicyDocument: Version: 2012-10-17 Statement: - Effect: Allow Action: - "iam:GetRole" - "iam:GetRolePolicy" - "iam:PassRole" - "iam:DetachRolePolicy" - "iam:DeleteRolePolicy" - "iam:DeleteRole" - "iam:CreateRole" - "iam:AttachRolePolicy" - "iam:PutRolePolicy" - "ce:*" Resource: - "arn:aws:iam::*:role/*" ManagedPolicyArns: - "arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonSSMManagedInstanceCore" - "arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonSSMFullAccess" - "arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonSSMDirectoryServiceAccess" - "arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/CloudWatchAgentServerPolicy" - "arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonS3FullAccess" - "arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AWSCloudFormationFullAccess" - "arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AWSLambda_FullAccess" - "arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonRDSFullAccess" - "arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/SecretsManagerReadWrite" Tags: - Key: Name Value: !Join ['-', ['RDS-Custom-HA-Automation-Replica', !Select [4, !Split ['-', !Select [2, !Split ['/', !Ref AWS::StackId]]]]]] profileClientIDE: Type: "AWS::IAM::InstanceProfile" Properties: InstanceProfileName: !Join ['-', ['RDS-Custom-Observer-Instance-Profile', !Select [4, !Split ['-', !Select [2, !Split ['/', !Ref AWS::StackId]]]],!Sub "${AWS::Region}"]] Path: / Roles: - Ref: roleClientIDE Replica: Type: 'AWS::RDS::DBInstance' DeletionPolicy: Retain Properties: DeletionProtection: false DBInstanceIdentifier: !Ref TargetDBInstanceIdentifier AvailabilityZone : !Ref TargetDBinstanceAZ Engine: oracle-ee ReplicaMode: mounted SourceDBInstanceIdentifier: !Ref SourceDBInstanceIdentifier CustomIAMInstanceProfile: !Ref RDSCustomInstanceProfile StackSetAdministrationRole: Type: AWS::IAM::Role DependsOn: StackSetExecutionRole Properties: RoleName: !Join ['-', ['StackSetAdministrationRole', !Select [4, !Split ['-', !Select [2, !Split ['/', !Ref AWS::StackId]]]],!Sub "${AWS::Region}"]] AssumeRolePolicyDocument: Version: 2012-10-17 Statement: - Effect: Allow Principal: Service: Action: - sts:AssumeRole Path: / Policies: - PolicyName: Cost-Demo-StackSetAdminRolePolicy PolicyDocument: Version: 2012-10-17 Statement: - Effect: Allow Action: - sts:AssumeRole Resource: - "arn:*:iam::*:role/AWSCloudFormationStackSetExecutionRole" Tags: - Key: Name Value: !Join ['-', ['RDS-Custom-HA-Automation', !Select [4, !Split ['-', !Select [2, !Split ['/', !Ref AWS::StackId]]]],!Sub "${AWS::Region}"]] StackSetExecutionRole: Type: AWS::IAM::Role Properties: RoleName: !Join ['-', ['StackSetExecutionRole', !Select [4, !Split ['-', !Select [2, !Split ['/', !Ref AWS::StackId]]]],!Sub "${AWS::Region}"]] AssumeRolePolicyDocument: Version: 2012-10-17 Statement: - Effect: Allow Principal: AWS: - !Ref "AWS::AccountId" Action: - sts:AssumeRole Policies: - PolicyName: !Join ['-', ['StackSetExecutionRolePolicy', !Select [4, !Split ['-', !Select [2, !Split ['/', !Ref AWS::StackId]]]],!Sub "${AWS::Region}"]] PolicyDocument: Version: 2012-10-17 Statement: - Effect: Allow Action: - "application-autoscaling:*" - "cloudformation:*" - "cloudwatch:*" - "cloud9:*" - "ec2:*" - "events:*" - "iam:*" - "kms:*" - "kinesis:*" - "lambda:*" - "logs:*" - "rds:*" - "rds-data:*" - "rds-db:*" - "s3:*" - "secretsmanager:*" - "sns:*" - "ssm:*" - "ssmmessages:*" - "sts:*" - "pi:*" - "sagemaker:*" Resource: - "arn:aws:application-autoscaling:::*" - "arn:aws:cloudformation:::*" - "arn:aws:cloudwatch:::*" - "arn:aws:cloud9:::*" - "arn:aws:ec2:::*" - "arn:aws:events:::*" - "arn:aws:iam:::*" - "arn:aws:kms:::*" - "arn:aws:kinesis:::*" - "arn:aws:lambda:::*" - "arn:aws:logs:::*" - "arn:aws:rds:::*" - "arn:aws:rds-data:::*" - "arn:aws:rds-db:::*" - "arn:aws:s3:::*" - "arn:aws:secretsmanager:::*" - "arn:aws:sns:::*" - "arn:aws:ssm:::*" - "arn:aws:ssmmessages:::*" - "arn:aws:sts:::*" - "arn:aws:pi:::*" - "arn:aws:sagemaker:::*" Tags: - Key: Name Value: !Join ['-', ['RDS-Custom-HA-Automation', !Select [4, !Split ['-', !Select [2, !Split ['/', !Ref AWS::StackId]]]],!Sub "${AWS::Region}"]] roleLabSupport: Type: "AWS::IAM::Role" Properties: RoleName: !Join ['-', ['RDS-Custom-HA-Automation', !Select [4, !Split ['-', !Select [2, !Split ['/', !Ref AWS::StackId]]]],!Sub "${AWS::Region}"]] Description: "Role to permit the Lambda support functions to interact with relevant AWS APIs." AssumeRolePolicyDocument: Version: 2012-10-17 Statement: - Effect: Allow Action: - "sts:AssumeRole" Principal: Service: - "" Policies: - PolicyName: inline-policy PolicyDocument: Version: 2012-10-17 Statement: - Effect: Allow Action: - "logs:CreateLogGroup" - "logs:CreateLogStream" - "logs:PutLogEvents" Resource: "arn:aws:logs:*:*:*" - Effect: Allow Action: - cloudformation:DescribeStacks - cloudformation:DescribeStackEvents - cloudformation:DescribeStackResource - cloudformation:DescribeStackResources - ec2:DescribeInstances - ec2:AssociateIamInstanceProfile - ec2:ModifyInstanceAttribute - ec2:ReplaceIamInstanceProfileAssociation - ec2:DescribeIamInstanceProfileAssociations - ec2:DisassociateIamInstanceProfile - ec2:ModifyInstanceAttribute - ec2:ReplaceIamInstanceProfileAssociation - ec2:CreateNetworkInterface - ec2:DescribeNetworkInterfaces - ec2:DeleteNetworkInterface - ec2:AttachNetworkInterface - iam:ListInstanceProfiles - iam:PassRole - ssm:DescribeInstanceInformation - ssm:SendCommand - ssm:ListCommands - cloud9:UpdateEnvironment - cloud9:UpdateEnvironmentSettings - cloud9:DescribeEnvironments - cloud9:ListEnvironments - cloudwatch:PutMetricData - cloudwatch:ListMetrics - cloudwatch:GetMetricData - sns:Publish Resource: - arn:aws:cloudformation:::* - arn:aws:cloudwatch:::* - arn:aws:cloud9:::* - arn:aws:ec2:::* - arn:aws:iam:::* - arn:aws:ssm:::* - arn:aws:sns:::* ManagedPolicyArns: - "arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/service-role/AWSLambdaVPCAccessExecutionRole" - "arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonEC2ReadOnlyAccess" - "arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonSSMFullAccess" - "arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AWSCloudFormationFullAccess" - "arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/CloudWatchAgentServerPolicy" - "arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/service-role/AWSLambdaBasicExecutionRole" Tags: - Key: Name Value: !Join ['-', ['RDS-Custom-HA-Automation', !Select [4, !Split ['-', !Select [2, !Split ['/', !Ref AWS::StackId]]]],!Sub "${AWS::Region}"]] resLabSupport: Type: AWS::CloudFormation::CustomResource Properties: ServiceToken: !GetAtt funcLabSupport.Arn StackRegion: !Ref "AWS::Region" StackName: !Ref "AWS::StackName" StackUUID: !Select - 2 - !Split - "/" - !Ref "AWS::StackId" IDEProfileArn: !GetAtt profileClientIDE.Arn IDEProfileName: !Ref profileClientIDE IDEEnvTagName: !Join ['-', ['RDS-Custom-Observer-HA', !Select [4, !Split ['-', !Select [2, !Split ['/', !Ref AWS::StackId]]]],!Sub "${AWS::Region}"]] IDEBoostrapDoc: !Ref ssmDocTnsnamesSetup IDEBoostrapDoc1: !Ref ssmDocWalletSetup IDEBoostrapDoc2: !Ref ssmDocDGsetup funcLabSupport: Type: "AWS::Lambda::Function" DependsOn: [EC2Instance,roleLabSupport,ssmDocTnsnamesSetup,ssmDocWalletSetup,ssmDocDGsetup,Replica] Properties: FunctionName: !Join ['-', ['RDS-Custom-HA-Automation', !Select [4, !Split ['-', !Select [2, !Split ['/', !Ref AWS::StackId]]]]]] Description: "Custom Resource to provide support operations for the RDS Custom HA Automation" Handler: "index.handler" Role: !GetAtt roleLabSupport.Arn Runtime: "python3.9" Timeout: 600 ReservedConcurrentExecutions: 100 VpcConfig: SecurityGroupIds: - Ref: "EC2SecurityGroup" SubnetIds: - Ref: SubnetIDforObserver Tags: - Key: Name Value: !Join ['-', ['RDS-Custom-HA-Automation', !Select [4, !Split ['-', !Select [2, !Split ['/', !Ref AWS::StackId]]]]]] Environment: Variables: REGION: !Ref "AWS::Region" Code: ZipFile: | # Dependencies from os import environ import cfnresponse import boto3 import urllib3 import json import datetime import time print("[INFO]", "Initialize function") session = boto3.session.Session(region_name=environ["REGION"]) ide = session.resource('ec2') ec2 = session.client('ec2') ssm = session.client('ssm') cfn = boto3.client('cloudformation', region_name=environ["REGION"]) http = urllib3.PoolManager() # Lambda handler function / main function def handler(event, context): print("[INFO]", "Invocation start") # init response props = event["ResourceProperties"] response_status = cfnresponse.FAILED response_data = {} # try/catch try: # lowercase names, set response as success result = ec2.describe_instances(Filters=[{'Name': 'tag:Name','Values': [props['IDEEnvTagName']]}]) if ('Reservations' in result and len(result['Reservations']) > 0): e2 = result['Reservations'][0]['Instances'][0] print("[INFO]", "Found IDE instance", e2['InstanceId']) while e2['State']['Name'] != 'running': time.sleep(5) e2 = ec2.describe_instances(InstanceIds=[e2['InstanceId']])['Reservations'][0]['Instances'][0] #run ssm bootstrap if e2['State']['Name'] == 'running': response = ssm.send_command(InstanceIds=[e2['InstanceId']],DocumentName=props["IDEBoostrapDoc"]) print("[INFO]", "Started IDE bootstrap: Tnsnames.ora Configuration", response) keepWaiting = None while keepWaiting is None: commandResp = ssm.list_commands(CommandId=response['Command']['CommandId']) if commandResp['Commands'][0]['Status'] == "InProgress" or commandResp['Commands'][0]['Status'] == "Pending": print("IDE: Validation of Tnsnames.ora Configuration is in Progress or Pending; Please Wait") time.sleep(30) else: keepWaiting = 1 if commandResp['Commands'][0]['Status'] == "Success": print("IDE: Tnsnames.ora Configuration execution is SUCCESSFUL") response = ssm.send_command(InstanceIds=[e2['InstanceId']],DocumentName=props["IDEBoostrapDoc1"]) print("[INFO]", "Started IDE1 bootstrap: Wallet Configuration", response) keepWaiting = None while keepWaiting is None: commandResp = ssm.list_commands(CommandId=response['Command']['CommandId']) if commandResp['Commands'][0]['Status'] == "InProgress" or commandResp['Commands'][0]['Status'] == "Pending": print("IDE1: Validation of Wallet Configuration is in Progress or Pending; Please Wait") time.sleep(30) else: keepWaiting = 1 if commandResp['Commands'][0]['Status'] == "Success": print("IDE1: Wallet Configuration execution is SUCCESSFUL") response = ssm.send_command(InstanceIds=[e2['InstanceId']],DocumentName=props["IDEBoostrapDoc2"]) print("[INFO]", "Started IDE2 bootstrap: Dataguard Configuration", response) else: print("IDE1 bootstrap: Wallet Configuration has been FAILED.Not proceeding further on to other ssmDocDGSetup.") else: print("IDE bootstrap: Tnsnames Configuration has been FAILED.Not proceeding further on to other ssmDocWalletSetup.") else: print("EC2 Observer instance [e2['InstanceId']] is not running.Not proceeding further to execute the SSMDocuments") # success response_status = cfnresponse.SUCCESS except Exception as e: print("[ERROR]", e) # try/catch try: # send response to CloudFormation cfnresponse.send(event, context, response_status, response_data) except Exception as e: print("[ERROR]", e) response_status = cfnresponse.FAILED print("[INFO]", "Invocation end") return response_status ssmDocTnsnamesSetup: Type: "AWS::SSM::Document" DependsOn: [EC2Instance] Properties: DocumentType: Command Name: !Join ['-', ['RDS-Custom-HA-Automation-Tnsnames', !Select [4, !Split ['-', !Select [2, !Split ['/', !Ref AWS::StackId]]]]]] Tags: - Key: Name Value: !Join ['-', ['RDS-Custom-HA-Automation', !Select [4, !Split ['-', !Select [2, !Split ['/', !Ref AWS::StackId]]]],!Sub "${AWS::Region}"]] Content: schemaVersion: '2.2' description: "Tnsnames.ora" mainSteps: - action: "aws:runShellScript" name: tnsnamesupdate inputs: timeoutSeconds: '1200' runCommand: - sleep 300 - !Sub "export DB_RESOURCE_ID=`aws rds describe-db-instances --query 'DBInstances[*].[DbiResourceId]' --filters Name=db-instance-id,Values=${SourceDBInstanceIdentifier} --output text`" - !Sub "export SECRET_ID=`aws secretsmanager list-secrets --query 'SecretList[*]'.Name --filters Key=tag-value,Values=$DB_RESOURCE_ID --output text | sed 's/.*do-not-delete-rds-custom-\\(.*\\)-dg/\\1/'`" - !Sub "export DGPWD=`aws secretsmanager --region ${AWS::Region} get-secret-value --secret-id do-not-delete-rds-custom-$SECRET_ID-dg --query SecretString --output text` && echo \"export DGPWD=\"$DGPWD\"\"" - !Sub "PRIMARY_ENDPOINT=$(aws rds describe-db-instances --query 'DBInstances[*].[Endpoint.Address]' --filters Name=db-instance-id,Values=${SourceDBInstanceIdentifier} --output text)" - !Sub "STANDBY_ENDPOINT=$(aws rds describe-db-instances --query 'DBInstances[*].[Endpoint.Address]' --filters Name=db-instance-id,Values=${TargetDBInstanceIdentifier} --output text)" - !Sub "CHECKFORMT=$(aws rds describe-db-instances --query 'DBInstances[*].Engine' --filters Name=db-instance-id,Values=${SourceDBInstanceIdentifier} --output text | grep -o cdb)" - "touch /home/ec2-user/oracle/client/network/admin/tnsnames.ora /home/ec2-user/tnsprimary.txt /home/ec2-user/tnsstandby.txt" - !Sub 'if [[ "$CHECKFORMT" == "cdb" ]]; then DATABASENAME=RDSCDB && DGUSERNAME=C##RDS_DATAGUARD; else DATABASENAME=$(aws rds describe-db-instances --query DBInstances[*].DBName --filters Name=db-instance-id,Values=${SourceDBInstanceIdentifier} --output text) && DGUSERNAME=RDS_DATAGUARD;fi' - !Sub 'echo "PRIMARY_RDS_CUSTOM = (DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = $PRIMARY_ENDPOINT)(PORT = 1140)) (CONNECT_DATA = (SERVER = DEDICATED) (SERVICE_NAME = $DATABASENAME)))" >> /home/ec2-user/oracle/client/network/admin/tnsnames.ora' - !Sub 'echo "STANDBY_RDS_CUSTOM = (DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = $STANDBY_ENDPOINT)(PORT = 1140)) (CONNECT_DATA = (SERVER = DEDICATED) (SERVICE_NAME = $DATABASENAME)))" >> /home/ec2-user/oracle/client/network/admin/tnsnames.ora' - 'echo "export ORACLE_HOME=/home/ec2-user/oracle/client" >> /home/ec2-user/' - !Sub 'echo "/home/ec2-user/oracle/client/bin/dgmgrl $DGUSERNAME/$DGPWD@PRIMARY_RDS_CUSTOM as sysdg \\\"exit\\\" > /home/ec2-user/tnsprimary.txt" >> /home/ec2-user/' - !Sub 'echo "/home/ec2-user/oracle/client/bin/dgmgrl $DGUSERNAME/$DGPWD@STANDBY_RDS_CUSTOM as sysdg \\\"exit\\\" > /home/ec2-user/tnsstandby.txt" >> /home/ec2-user/' - 'echo "export TNS_PRIMARY=\`cat /home/ec2-user/tnsprimary.txt | grep -i \"Connected to \" | cut -d \\\" -f2\`" >> /home/ec2-user/' - 'echo "export TNS_STANDBY=\`cat /home/ec2-user/tnsstandby.txt | grep -i \"Connected to \" | cut -d \\\" -f2\`" >> /home/ec2-user/' - !Sub 'echo "echo \"RDS_CUSTOM_\$TNS_PRIMARY = (DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = $PRIMARY_ENDPOINT)(PORT = 1140)) (CONNECT_DATA = (SERVER = DEDICATED) (SERVICE_NAME = $DATABASENAME)))\" >> /home/ec2-user/oracle/client/network/admin/tnsnames.ora" >> /home/ec2-user/' - !Sub 'echo "echo \"RDS_CUSTOM_\$TNS_STANDBY = (DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = $STANDBY_ENDPOINT)(PORT = 1140)) (CONNECT_DATA = (SERVER = DEDICATED) (SERVICE_NAME = $DATABASENAME)))\" >> /home/ec2-user/oracle/client/network/admin/tnsnames.ora" >> /home/ec2-user/' - 'sudo chown -R ec2-user:ec2-user /home/ec2-user/' - 'sudo su -c "sh /home/ec2-user/" ec2-user' - 'sudo su -c "cat /home/ec2-user/oracle/client/network/admin/tnsnames.ora > /home/ec2-user/logs/tnsnames.log" ec2-user' ssmDocWalletSetup: Type: "AWS::SSM::Document" DependsOn: [EC2Instance,ssmDocTnsnamesSetup] Properties: DocumentType: Command Name: !Join ['-', ['RDS-Custom-HA-Automation-Wallet', !Select [4, !Split ['-', !Select [2, !Split ['/', !Ref AWS::StackId]]]]]] Tags: - Key: Name Value: !Join ['-', ['RDS-Custom-HA-Automation', !Select [4, !Split ['-', !Select [2, !Split ['/', !Ref AWS::StackId]]]],!Sub "${AWS::Region}"]] Content: schemaVersion: '2.2' description: "Wallet Setup" mainSteps: - action: "aws:runShellScript" name: OracleWalletInstallation inputs: timeoutSeconds: '1200' runCommand: - !Sub "export DB_RESOURCE_ID=`aws rds describe-db-instances --query 'DBInstances[*].[DbiResourceId]' --filters Name=db-instance-id,Values=${SourceDBInstanceIdentifier} --output text` && echo \"export DB_RESOURCE_ID=\"$DB_RESOURCE_ID\"\" >>/home/ec2-user/" - !Sub "export SECRET_ID=`aws secretsmanager list-secrets --query 'SecretList[*]'.Name --filters Key=tag-value,Values=$DB_RESOURCE_ID --output text | sed 's/.*do-not-delete-rds-custom-\\(.*\\)-dg/\\1/'` && echo \"export SECRET_ID=\"$SECRET_ID\"\" >>/home/ec2-user/" - !Sub "export DGPWD=`aws secretsmanager --region ${AWS::Region} get-secret-value --secret-id do-not-delete-rds-custom-$SECRET_ID-dg --query SecretString --output text` && echo \"export DGPWD=\"$DGPWD\"\" >> /home/ec2-user/" - 'echo "echo \"Creating wallet Directory as Oracle Home/Wallet"\" >> /home/ec2-user/' - 'echo "echo \"Directory created as /home/ec2-user/oracle/client/wallet"\" >> /home/ec2-user/' - 'echo "/home/ec2-user/oracle/client/bin/mkstore -wrl /home/ec2-user/oracle/client/wallet -create" >> /home/ec2-user/' - 'echo "echo \"Wallet Folder Creation completed"\" >> /home/ec2-user/' - 'echo "echo \"Add Entries in Wallet for RDS_DATAGUARD"\" >> /home/ec2-user/' - 'echo "export TNS_PRIMARY=\`cat /home/ec2-user/tnsprimary.txt | grep -i \"Connected to \" | cut -d \\\" -f2\`" >> /home/ec2-user/' - 'echo "export TNS_STANDBY=\`cat /home/ec2-user/tnsstandby.txt | grep -i \"Connected to \" | cut -d \\\" -f2\`" >> /home/ec2-user/' - !Sub "CHECKFORMT=$(aws rds describe-db-instances --query 'DBInstances[*].Engine' --filters Name=db-instance-id,Values=${SourceDBInstanceIdentifier} --output text | grep -o cdb)" - !Sub 'if [[ "$CHECKFORMT" == "cdb" ]]; then DGUSERNAME=C##RDS_DATAGUARD; else DGUSERNAME=RDS_DATAGUARD;fi' - !Sub 'echo "/home/ec2-user/oracle/client/bin/mkstore -wrl /home/ec2-user/oracle/client/wallet -createCredential RDS_CUSTOM_\$TNS_PRIMARY $DGUSERNAME $DGPWD" >> /home/ec2-user/' - !Sub 'echo "/home/ec2-user/oracle/client/bin/mkstore -wrl /home/ec2-user/oracle/client/wallet -createCredential RDS_CUSTOM_\$TNS_STANDBY $DGUSERNAME $DGPWD" >> /home/ec2-user/' - 'echo "echo \"Addition of DataGuard Login Credentials in Wallet Completed"\" >> /home/ec2-user/' - 'echo "echo \"List the Credentials in Wallet"\" >> /home/ec2-user/' - 'echo "/home/ec2-user/oracle/client/bin/mkstore -wrl /home/ec2-user/oracle/client/wallet -listCredential" >> /home/ec2-user/' - 'echo "echo \"WALLET CREATION IS COMPLETED"\" >> /home/ec2-user/' - 'echo "#!/usr/bin/expect" >> /home/ec2-user/' - 'echo "spawn /home/ec2-user/" >> /home/ec2-user/' - !Sub "export DB_RESOURCE_ID=`aws rds describe-db-instances --query 'DBInstances[*].[DbiResourceId]' --filters Name=db-instance-id,Values=${SourceDBInstanceIdentifier} --output text`" - !Sub "export SECRET_ID=`aws secretsmanager list-secrets --query 'SecretList[*]'.Name --filters Key=tag-value,Values=$DB_RESOURCE_ID --output text | sed 's/.*do-not-delete-rds-custom-\\(.*\\)-dg/\\1/'`" - !Sub "export DGPWD=`aws secretsmanager --region ${AWS::Region} get-secret-value --secret-id do-not-delete-rds-custom-$SECRET_ID-dg --query SecretString --output text` && echo \"export DGPWD=\"$DGPWD\"\"" - 'echo "expect \"*?assword\"" >> /home/ec2-user/' - 'echo "send \"$DGPWD\\r\"" >> /home/ec2-user/' - 'echo "expect \"*?assword\"" >> /home/ec2-user/' - 'echo "send \"$DGPWD\\r\"" >> /home/ec2-user/' - 'echo "expect \"*?assword\"" >> /home/ec2-user/' - 'echo "send \"$DGPWD\\r\"" >> /home/ec2-user/' - 'echo "expect \"*?assword\"" >> /home/ec2-user/' - 'echo "send \"$DGPWD\\r\"" >> /home/ec2-user/' - 'echo "expect \"*?assword\"" >> /home/ec2-user/' - 'echo "send \"$DGPWD\\r\"" >> /home/ec2-user/' - 'echo "expect eof" >> /home/ec2-user/' - 'sudo chown -R ec2-user:ec2-user /home/ec2-user/' - 'chmod a+x /home/ec2-user/wallet*' - 'sudo su -c "expect /home/ec2-user/ > /home/ec2-user/logs/wallet.log" ec2-user' ssmDocDGsetup: Type: "AWS::SSM::Document" DependsOn: [EC2Instance,ssmDocWalletSetup] Properties: DocumentType: Command Name: !Join ['-', ['RDS-Custom-HA-Automation-dgmgrl', !Select [4, !Split ['-', !Select [2, !Split ['/', !Ref AWS::StackId]]]]]] Tags: - Key: Name Value: !Join ['-', ['RDS-Custom-HA-Automation', !Select [4, !Split ['-', !Select [2, !Split ['/', !Ref AWS::StackId]]]],!Sub "${AWS::Region}"]] Content: schemaVersion: '2.2' description: "Dataguard Setup" mainSteps: - action: "aws:runShellScript" name: DGcommands inputs: timeoutSeconds: '1200' runCommand: - !Sub "export DB_RESOURCE_ID=`aws rds describe-db-instances --query 'DBInstances[*].[DbiResourceId]' --filters Name=db-instance-id,Values=${SourceDBInstanceIdentifier} --output text`" - !Sub "export SECRET_ID=`aws secretsmanager list-secrets --query 'SecretList[*]'.Name --filters Key=tag-value,Values=$DB_RESOURCE_ID --output text | sed 's/.*do-not-delete-rds-custom-\\(.*\\)-dg/\\1/'`" - !Sub "export DGPWD=`aws secretsmanager --region ${AWS::Region} get-secret-value --secret-id do-not-delete-rds-custom-$SECRET_ID-dg --query SecretString --output text` && echo \"export DGPWD=\"$DGPWD\"\"" - 'echo "export ORACLE_HOME=/home/ec2-user/oracle/client" >> /home/ec2-user/' - 'echo "export TNS_PRIMARY=\`cat /home/ec2-user/tnsprimary.txt | grep -i \"Connected to \" | cut -d \\\" -f2\`" >> /home/ec2-user/' - 'echo "export TNS_STANDBY=\`cat /home/ec2-user/tnsstandby.txt | grep -i \"Connected to \" | cut -d \\\" -f2\`" >> /home/ec2-user/' - !Sub "CHECKFORMT=$(aws rds describe-db-instances --query 'DBInstances[*].Engine' --filters Name=db-instance-id,Values=${SourceDBInstanceIdentifier} --output text | grep -o cdb)" - !Sub 'if [[ "$CHECKFORMT" == "cdb" ]]; then DGUSERNAME=C##RDS_DATAGUARD; else DGUSERNAME=RDS_DATAGUARD;fi' - !Sub 'echo "/home/ec2-user/oracle/client/bin/dgmgrl $DGUSERNAME/$DGPWD@RDS_CUSTOM_\$TNS_PRIMARY as sysdg \"show configuration verbose\"" >> /home/ec2-user/' - !Sub 'echo "/home/ec2-user/oracle/client/bin/dgmgrl $DGUSERNAME/$DGPWD@RDS_CUSTOM_\$TNS_PRIMARY as sysdg \"edit database \$TNS_PRIMARY set property LogXptMode=fastsync;\"" >> /home/ec2-user/' - !Sub 'echo "/home/ec2-user/oracle/client/bin/dgmgrl $DGUSERNAME/$DGPWD@RDS_CUSTOM_\$TNS_PRIMARY as sysdg \"edit database \$TNS_STANDBY set property LogXptMode=fastsync;\"" >> /home/ec2-user/' - !Sub 'echo "/home/ec2-user/oracle/client/bin/dgmgrl $DGUSERNAME/$DGPWD@RDS_CUSTOM_\$TNS_PRIMARY as sysdg \"edit configuration set protection mode as maxavailability;\"" >> /home/ec2-user/' - !Sub 'echo "/home/ec2-user/oracle/client/bin/dgmgrl $DGUSERNAME/$DGPWD@RDS_CUSTOM_\$TNS_STANDBY as sysdg \"edit database \$TNS_STANDBY set state=apply-off;\"" >> /home/ec2-user/' - !Sub 'echo "echo \"alter database open read only;\" | /home/ec2-user/oracle/client/bin/sqlplus $DGUSERNAME/$DGPWD@RDS_CUSTOM_\$TNS_STANDBY as sysdg" >> /home/ec2-user/' - !Sub 'echo "/home/ec2-user/oracle/client/bin/dgmgrl $DGUSERNAME/$DGPWD@RDS_CUSTOM_\$TNS_STANDBY as sysdg \"edit database \$TNS_STANDBY set state=apply-on;\"" >> /home/ec2-user/' - !Sub 'echo "/home/ec2-user/oracle/client/bin/dgmgrl $DGUSERNAME/$DGPWD@RDS_CUSTOM_\$TNS_PRIMARY as sysdg \"edit database \$TNS_PRIMARY set property FastStartFailoverTarget="\$TNS_STANDBY";\"" >> /home/ec2-user/' - !Sub 'echo "/home/ec2-user/oracle/client/bin/dgmgrl $DGUSERNAME/$DGPWD@RDS_CUSTOM_\$TNS_PRIMARY as sysdg \"edit database \$TNS_STANDBY set property FastStartFailoverTarget="\$TNS_PRIMARY";\"" >> /home/ec2-user/' - !Sub 'echo "/home/ec2-user/oracle/client/bin/dgmgrl $DGUSERNAME/$DGPWD@RDS_CUSTOM_\$TNS_PRIMARY as sysdg \"edit configuration set property FastStartFailoverThreshold=45;\"" >> /home/ec2-user/' - !Sub 'echo "/home/ec2-user/oracle/client/bin/dgmgrl $DGUSERNAME/$DGPWD@RDS_CUSTOM_\$TNS_PRIMARY as sysdg \"enable fast_start failover;\"" >> /home/ec2-user/' - !Sub 'echo "/home/ec2-user/oracle/client/bin/dgmgrl $DGUSERNAME/$DGPWD@RDS_CUSTOM_\$TNS_PRIMARY as sysdg \"start observer in background file is /home/ec2-user/fsfo.dat logfile is "/home/ec2-user/observer.log" connect identifier is RDS_CUSTOM_\$TNS_PRIMARY;\"" >> /home/ec2-user/' - !Sub 'echo "/home/ec2-user/oracle/client/bin/dgmgrl $DGUSERNAME/$DGPWD@RDS_CUSTOM_\$TNS_PRIMARY as sysdg \"show observer;\"" >> /home/ec2-user/' - !Sub 'echo "/home/ec2-user/oracle/client/bin/dgmgrl $DGUSERNAME/$DGPWD@RDS_CUSTOM_\$TNS_PRIMARY as sysdg \"show configuration verbose;\"" >> /home/ec2-user/' - 'sudo chown -R ec2-user:ec2-user /home/ec2-user/' - 'sudo su - ec2-user' - 'sudo su -c "sh /home/ec2-user/ > /home/ec2-user/logs/dgmgrl.log" ec2-user' - 'sudo su -c "rm -rf /home/ec2-user/*.sh" ec2-user' - 'sudo su -c "rm -rf /home/ec2-user/tns*.txt" ec2-user' CredentialchangeEventRule: Type: AWS::Events::Rule DeletionPolicy: Retain Properties: Description: Event Bridge rule EventPattern: source: - "aws.rds" detail-type: - "RDS DB Instance Event" detail: EventCategories: - "notification" EventID: - "RDS-EVENT-0167" Message: - "The database monitoring user or user credentials have changed." SourceIdentifier: - !Ref SourceDBInstanceIdentifier Name: !Join ['-', ['RDS-Custom-HA-Automation-Eventrule', !Select [4, !Split ['-', !Select [2, !Split ['/', !Ref AWS::StackId]]]],!Sub "${AWS::Region}"]] Targets: - Arn: !GetAtt CredentialChangeLambdaFunction.Arn Id: CallLambdaFunction gdbmanagedeplambdapermission: Type: AWS::Lambda::Permission DependsOn: CredentialchangeEventRule DeletionPolicy: Retain Properties: Action: lambda:InvokeFunction FunctionName: !GetAtt CredentialChangeLambdaFunction.Arn Principal: SourceArn: !GetAtt CredentialchangeEventRule.Arn ssmDocWalletresetup: Type: "AWS::SSM::Document" DependsOn: [EC2Instance,roleLabSupport,ssmDocTnsnamesSetup,ssmDocWalletSetup,ssmDocDGsetup,Replica] DeletionPolicy: Retain Properties: DocumentType: Command Name: !Join ['-', ['RDS-Custom-HA-Automation-Wallet-resetup', !Select [4, !Split ['-', !Select [2, !Split ['/', !Ref AWS::StackId]]]]]] Tags: - Key: Name Value: !Join ['-', ['RDS-Custom-HA-Automation-Wallet-resetup', !Select [4, !Split ['-', !Select [2, !Split ['/', !Ref AWS::StackId]]]],!Sub "${AWS::Region}"]] Content: schemaVersion: '2.2' description: "Walletresetup" mainSteps: - action: "aws:runShellScript" name: OracleWalletresetup inputs: timeoutSeconds: '1200' runCommand: - !Sub "export DB_RESOURCE_ID=`aws rds describe-db-instances --query 'DBInstances[*].[DbiResourceId]' --filters Name=db-instance-id,Values=${SourceDBInstanceIdentifier} --output text` && echo \"export DB_RESOURCE_ID=\"$DB_RESOURCE_ID\"\" >>/home/ec2-user/" - !Sub "export SECRET_ID=`aws secretsmanager list-secrets --query 'SecretList[*]'.Name --filters Key=tag-value,Values=$DB_RESOURCE_ID --output text | sed 's/.*do-not-delete-rds-custom-\\(.*\\)-dg/\\1/'` && echo \"export SECRET_ID=\"$SECRET_ID\"\" >>/home/ec2-user/" - !Sub "export DGPWD=`aws secretsmanager --region ${AWS::Region} get-secret-value --secret-id do-not-delete-rds-custom-$SECRET_ID-dg --query SecretString --output text` && echo \"export DGPWD=\"$DGPWD\"\" >> /home/ec2-user/" - 'echo "echo \"Creating wallet Directory as Oracle Home/Wallet"\" >> /home/ec2-user/' - 'echo "echo \"Directory created as /home/ec2-user/oracle/client/wallet"\" >> /home/ec2-user/' - 'echo "mv /home/ec2-user/oracle/client/wallet/*wallet* /home/ec2-user/oracle/client/wallet/backup/" >> /home/ec2-user/' - 'echo "/home/ec2-user/oracle/client/bin/mkstore -wrl /home/ec2-user/oracle/client/wallet -create" >> /home/ec2-user/' - 'echo "echo \"Wallet Folder Creation completed"\" >> /home/ec2-user/' - 'echo "echo \"Add Entries in Wallet for RDS_DATAGUARD"\" >> /home/ec2-user/' - 'echo "export TNS_PRIMARY=\`cat /home/ec2-user/tnsprimary.txt | grep -i \"Connected to \" | cut -d \\\" -f2\`" >> /home/ec2-user/' - 'echo "export TNS_STANDBY=\`cat /home/ec2-user/tnsstandby.txt | grep -i \"Connected to \" | cut -d \\\" -f2\`" >> /home/ec2-user/' - !Sub "CHECKFORMT=$(aws rds describe-db-instances --query 'DBInstances[*].Engine' --filters Name=db-instance-id,Values=${SourceDBInstanceIdentifier} --output text | grep -o cdb)" - !Sub 'if [[ "$CHECKFORMT" == "cdb" ]]; then DGUSERNAME=C##RDS_DATAGUARD; else DGUSERNAME=RDS_DATAGUARD;fi' - !Sub 'echo "/home/ec2-user/oracle/client/bin/mkstore -wrl /home/ec2-user/oracle/client/wallet -createCredential RDS_CUSTOM_\$TNS_PRIMARY $DGUSERNAME $DGPWD" >> /home/ec2-user/' - !Sub 'echo "/home/ec2-user/oracle/client/bin/mkstore -wrl /home/ec2-user/oracle/client/wallet -createCredential RDS_CUSTOM_\$TNS_STANDBY $DGUSERNAME $DGPWD" >> /home/ec2-user/' - 'echo "echo \"Addition of DataGuard Login Credentials in Wallet Completed"\" >> /home/ec2-user/' - 'echo "echo \"List the Credentials in Wallet"\" >> /home/ec2-user/' - 'echo "/home/ec2-user/oracle/client/bin/mkstore -wrl /home/ec2-user/oracle/client/wallet -listCredential" >> /home/ec2-user/' - 'echo "echo \"WALLET CREATION IS COMPLETED"\" >> /home/ec2-user/' - 'echo "#!/usr/bin/expect" >> /home/ec2-user/' - 'echo "spawn /home/ec2-user/" >> /home/ec2-user/' - !Sub "export DB_RESOURCE_ID=`aws rds describe-db-instances --query 'DBInstances[*].[DbiResourceId]' --filters Name=db-instance-id,Values=${SourceDBInstanceIdentifier} --output text`" - !Sub "export SECRET_ID=`aws secretsmanager list-secrets --query 'SecretList[*]'.Name --filters Key=tag-value,Values=$DB_RESOURCE_ID --output text | sed 's/.*do-not-delete-rds-custom-\\(.*\\)-dg/\\1/'`" - !Sub "export DGPWD=`aws secretsmanager --region ${AWS::Region} get-secret-value --secret-id do-not-delete-rds-custom-$SECRET_ID-dg --query SecretString --output text` && echo \"export DGPWD=\"$DGPWD\"\"" - 'echo "expect \"*?assword\"" >> /home/ec2-user/' - 'echo "send \"$DGPWD\\r\"" >> /home/ec2-user/' - 'echo "expect \"*?assword\"" >> /home/ec2-user/' - 'echo "send \"$DGPWD\\r\"" >> /home/ec2-user/' - 'echo "expect \"*?assword\"" >> /home/ec2-user/' - 'echo "send \"$DGPWD\\r\"" >> /home/ec2-user/' - 'echo "expect \"*?assword\"" >> /home/ec2-user/' - 'echo "send \"$DGPWD\\r\"" >> /home/ec2-user/' - 'echo "expect \"*?assword\"" >> /home/ec2-user/' - 'echo "send \"$DGPWD\\r\"" >> /home/ec2-user/' - 'echo "expect eof" >> /home/ec2-user/' - 'sudo chown -R ec2-user:ec2-user /home/ec2-user/' - 'chmod a+x /home/ec2-user/wallet*' - 'sudo su -c "expect /home/ec2-user/ > /home/ec2-user/logs/wallet.log" ec2-user' CredentialChangeLambdaFunction: Type: "AWS::Lambda::Function" DependsOn: [EC2Instance,roleLabSupport,ssmDocTnsnamesSetup,ssmDocWalletSetup,ssmDocDGsetup,ssmDocWalletresetup,funcLabSupport] DeletionPolicy: Retain Properties: FunctionName: !Join ['-', ['RDS-Custom-HA-Automation-Wallet-Resetup', !Select [4, !Split ['-', !Select [2, !Split ['/', !Ref AWS::StackId]]]]]] Description: "Custom Resource to provide support operations for the RDS Custom HA Automation" Handler: "index.handler" Role: !GetAtt roleLabSupport.Arn Runtime: "python3.9" Timeout: 600 ReservedConcurrentExecutions: 100 VpcConfig: SecurityGroupIds: - Ref: "EC2SecurityGroup" SubnetIds: - Ref: SubnetIDforObserver Tags: - Key: Name Value: !Join ['-', ['RDS-Custom-HA-Automation', !Select [4, !Split ['-', !Select [2, !Split ['/', !Ref AWS::StackId]]]]]] Environment: Variables: REGION: !Ref "AWS::Region" INSTANCE_ID: !Ref EC2Instance DOCUMENT: !Ref ssmDocWalletresetup Code: ZipFile: | # Dependencies from os import environ import cfnresponse import boto3 import urllib3 import json import datetime import time import os print("[INFO]", "Initialize function") session = boto3.session.Session(region_name=environ["REGION"]) ide = session.resource('ec2') ec2 = session.client('ec2') ssm = session.client('ssm') cfn = boto3.client('cloudformation', region_name=environ["REGION"]) http = urllib3.PoolManager() # Lambda handler function / main function def handler(event, context): print("[INFO]", "Invocation start") # init response response_status = cfnresponse.FAILED response_data = {} # try/catch try: # lowercase names, set response as success instance_id = os.environ['INSTANCE_ID'] ssmDocWalletresetup = os.environ['DOCUMENT'] result = ec2.describe_instances(InstanceIds=[instance_id]) if ('Reservations' in result and len(result['Reservations']) > 0): e2 = result['Reservations'][0]['Instances'][0] print("[INFO]", "Found IDE instance", e2['InstanceId']) while e2['State']['Name'] != 'running': time.sleep(5) e2 = ec2.describe_instances(InstanceIds=[e2['InstanceId']])['Reservations'][0]['Instances'][0] #run ssm bootstrap if e2['State']['Name'] == 'running': response = ssm.send_command(InstanceIds=[e2['InstanceId']],DocumentName=ssmDocWalletresetup) print("[INFO]", "Started IDE bootstrap: Wallet Resetup Configuration", response) keepWaiting = None while keepWaiting is None: commandResp = ssm.list_commands(CommandId=response['Command']['CommandId']) if commandResp['Commands'][0]['Status'] == "InProgress" or commandResp['Commands'][0]['Status'] == "Pending": print("IDE: Validation of Wallet Resetup Configuration is in Progress or Pending; Please Wait") time.sleep(30) else: keepWaiting = 1 if commandResp['Commands'][0]['Status'] == "Success": print("IDE: Wallet Resetup execution is SUCCESSFUL") else: print("IDE bootstrap: Wallet Resetup execution has been FAILED.") else: print("EC2 Observer instance [e2['InstanceId']] is not running.Not proceeding further to execute the SSMDocuments") # success response_status = cfnresponse.SUCCESS except Exception as e: print("[ERROR]", e) # try/catch try: # send response to CloudFormation cfnresponse.send(event, context, response_status, response_data) except Exception as e: print("[ERROR]", e) response_status = cfnresponse.FAILED print("[INFO]", "Invocation end") return response_status