/* Declare input variables that will be collected and passed to sub-modules */ variable "AWSAccountID" { description = "AWS account ID" type = string } variable "AWSRegion" { description = "Name of region for deployment" type = string } variable "PINamespace" { description = "CloudWatch metrics namespace to be created/used by Lambda function for PI metrics" type = string } variable "FirehoseHttpDeliveryEndpoint" { description = "URL to which Firehose will deliver stream" type = string default = "https://aws.cloud.dynatrace.com/metrics" } variable "DynatraceEnvironmentUrl" { description = "URL to Dynatrace environment" type = string } variable "DynatraceApiKey" { description = "Dynatrace API key" type = string } variable "DynatraceMetricStreamNamespaceList" { description = "List of additional AWS service namespace metrics to be delivered as part of this metric stream" type = list(string) } variable "RequireValidCertificate"{ type = string default = true } variable "RDSFilterInTags"{ description="Map of Amazon RDS database tags used as a filter for Performance Insights metrics" type = map(string) default = { } } terraform { required_providers { aws = { source = "hashicorp/aws" version = "~> 3.27" } } required_version = ">= 0.14.9" } provider "aws" { profile = "default" region = "${var.AWSRegion}" } module "push-to-dynatrace"{ source = "./push-to-dynatrace" AWSAccountID = "${var.AWSAccountID}" AWSRegion = "${var.AWSRegion}" PINamespace = "${var.PINamespace}" FirehoseHttpDeliveryEndpoint = "${var.FirehoseHttpDeliveryEndpoint}" DynatraceEnvironmentUrl = "${var.DynatraceEnvironmentUrl}" DynatraceApiKey = "${var.DynatraceApiKey}" DynatraceMetricStreamNamespaceList ="${var.DynatraceMetricStreamNamespaceList}" RequireValidCertificate = "${var.RequireValidCertificate}" RDSFilterInTags = "${var.RDSFilterInTags}" }