AWSTemplateFormatVersion: "2010-09-09" Transform: AWS::Serverless-2016-10-31 Description: Serverless Computer Vision Label Detection (uksb-1reh3a0p6) Parameters: RekognitionModelProjectARN: Type: String Description: Amazon Rekognition Model Project ARN RekognitionModelProjectVersionARN: Type: String Description: Amazon Rekognition Model Project Version ARN Mappings: Solution: Constants: Version: "v0.13" Resources: SourceS3Bucket: Type: AWS::S3::Bucket DeletionPolicy: Retain UpdateReplacePolicy: Retain Properties: BucketEncryption: ServerSideEncryptionConfiguration: - ServerSideEncryptionByDefault: SSEAlgorithm: AES256 NotificationConfiguration: QueueConfigurations: - Event: s3:ObjectCreated:* Queue: !GetAtt SQSQueue.Arn Filter: S3Key: Rules: - Name: suffix Value: .png - Event: s3:ObjectCreated:* Queue: !GetAtt SQSQueue.Arn Filter: S3Key: Rules: - Name: suffix Value: .jpg SQSQueue: Type: AWS::SQS::Queue Properties: DelaySeconds: 0 MaximumMessageSize: 262144 MessageRetentionPeriod: 345600 ReceiveMessageWaitTimeSeconds: 0 VisibilityTimeout: 60 SQSQueuePolicy: Type: AWS::SQS::QueuePolicy Properties: PolicyDocument: Version: "2012-10-17" Statement: - Sid: "TestSID" Effect: "Allow" Principal: Service: - "" - "" Action: - "sqs:DeleteMessage" - "sqs:ReceiveMessage" - "sqs:SendMessage" Resource: !Sub "arn:aws:sqs:${AWS::Region}:${AWS::AccountId}:${SQSQueue.QueueName}" Condition: StringEquals: "aws:SourceAccount": !Ref AWS::AccountId Queues: - !Sub "https://sqs.${AWS::Region}${AWS::AccountId}/${SQSQueue.QueueName}" CustomCVStateMachine: Type: AWS::Serverless::StateMachine Properties: Definition: StartAt: Check SQS Queue States: Check SQS Queue: Type: Task Resource: !GetAtt SQSPollerFunction.Arn ResultPath: $.messageinqueue Next: Are there images to process? Are there images to process?: Type: Choice Choices: - Variable: $.messageinqueue StringEquals: incoming Next: Start Model Default: Finish Start Model: Type: Task Resource: !GetAtt StartModelFunction.Arn ResultPath: "$.runningstatus" Next: Start States Start States: Type: Choice Choices: - Variable: "$.runningstatus" StringEquals: RUNNING Next: Enable SQS Trigger Default: Wait for the model to start Wait for the model to start: Type: Wait Seconds: 900 Next: Start Model Keep Model running for 1 hr: Type: Wait Seconds: 3540 Next: Check Queue Again Check Queue Again: Type: Task Resource: !GetAtt SQSPollerFunction.Arn ResultPath: $.moremessagesinqueue Next: Are there more images? Are there more images?: Type: Choice Choices: - Variable: $.moremessagesinqueue StringEquals: stop Next: Disable SQS Trigger Default: Keep Model running for 1 hr Enable SQS Trigger: Type: Task ResultPath: $.alreadyrunning Parameters: - Action: enable Resource: !GetAtt ToggleTriggerFunction.Arn Next: Is another machine already running? Is another machine already running?: Type: Choice Choices: - Variable: $.alreadyrunning StringEquals: Already_Running Next: Finish Default: Keep Model running for 1 hr Disable SQS Trigger: Type: Task Parameters: - Action: disable Resource: !GetAtt ToggleTriggerFunction.Arn Next: Stop Model Stop Model: Type: Task Resource: !GetAtt StopModelFunction.Arn Next: Finish Finish: Type: Succeed Events: HourlyPollingSchedule: Type: Schedule # More info about Schedule Event Source: Properties: Description: Schedule to run the state machine every 1 hour Enabled: True # This schedule can be disabled based on the use case to avoid incurring charges. Schedule: "rate(1 hour)" Policies: # Find out more about SAM policy templates: - LambdaInvokePolicy: FunctionName: !Ref SQSPollerFunction - LambdaInvokePolicy: FunctionName: !Ref StartModelFunction - LambdaInvokePolicy: FunctionName: !Ref StopModelFunction - LambdaInvokePolicy: FunctionName: !Ref ToggleTriggerFunction SQSPollerFunction: Type: AWS::Serverless::Function # More info about Function Resource: Properties: Description: "Lambda function to Poll SQS queue for incoming messages from S3" CodeUri: functions/sqs_poller/ Handler: app.lambda_handler Environment: Variables: SQS_Queue_URL: !Ref SQSQueue Runtime: python3.8 MemorySize: 128 Policies: - SQSPollerPolicy: QueueName: !GetAtt SQSQueue.QueueName - LambdaInvokePolicy: FunctionName: !Ref StartModelFunction - LambdaInvokePolicy: FunctionName: !Ref StopModelFunction StartModelFunction: Type: AWS::Serverless::Function # More info about Function Resource: Properties: Description: "Lambda function to Start the Rekognition model" CodeUri: functions/start_model/ Handler: app.lambda_handler Environment: Variables: rekog_model_project_version_arn: !Ref RekognitionModelProjectVersionARN rekog_model_project_arn: !Ref RekognitionModelProjectARN Runtime: python3.8 MemorySize: 128 Timeout: 3 Policies: - Statement: - Action: - "rekognition:DescribeProjectVersions" - "rekognition:StartProjectVersion" Effect: "Allow" Resource: - !Ref RekognitionModelProjectARN - !Ref RekognitionModelProjectVersionARN - LambdaInvokePolicy: FunctionName: !Ref ToggleTriggerFunction StopModelFunction: Type: AWS::Serverless::Function # More info about Function Resource: Properties: Description: "Lambda function to Stop the Rekognition model" CodeUri: functions/stop_model/ Handler: app.lambda_handler Environment: Variables: rekog_model_project_version_arn: !Ref RekognitionModelProjectVersionARN rekog_model_project_arn: !Ref RekognitionModelProjectARN Runtime: python3.8 MemorySize: 128 Timeout: 3 Policies: - Statement: - Action: - "rekognition:DescribeProjectVersions" - "rekognition:StopProjectVersion" Effect: "Allow" Resource: - !Ref RekognitionModelProjectARN - !Ref RekognitionModelProjectVersionARN - LambdaInvokePolicy: FunctionName: !Ref ToggleTriggerFunction ToggleTriggerFunction: Type: AWS::Serverless::Function # More info about Function Resource: Properties: Description: "Lambda function to toggle the SQS trigger for analysis" CodeUri: functions/toggle_trigger/ Handler: app.lambda_handler Environment: Variables: analyze_lambda_arn: !GetAtt AnalyseImageFunction.Arn Runtime: python3.8 MemorySize: 128 Timeout: 3 Policies: - Statement: - Action: - "lambda:ListEventSourceMappings" - "lambda:GetEventSourceMapping" - "lambda:UpdateEventSourceMapping" Effect: "Allow" Resource: "*" FinalS3Bucket: Type: "AWS::S3::Bucket" DeletionPolicy: Retain UpdateReplacePolicy: Retain Properties: BucketEncryption: ServerSideEncryptionConfiguration: - ServerSideEncryptionByDefault: SSEAlgorithm: AES256 AnalyseImageFunction: Type: AWS::Serverless::Function # More info about Function Resource: Properties: Description: "Lambda function to analyze Images using the Rekognition Model" CodeUri: functions/analyse_image/ Handler: app.lambda_handler Environment: Variables: rekognition_model_project_version_arn: !Ref RekognitionModelProjectVersionARN Final_S3_Bucket_Name: !Ref FinalS3Bucket Events: SQSEvent: Type: SQS Properties: Queue: !GetAtt SQSQueue.Arn BatchSize: 1 Enabled: false MemorySize: 128 Timeout: 60 Runtime: python3.8 Policies: - Statement: - Action: - "rekognition:DetectCustomLabels" Effect: "Allow" Resource: - !Ref RekognitionModelProjectARN - !Ref RekognitionModelProjectVersionARN - S3CrudPolicy: BucketName: !Ref FinalS3Bucket - S3CrudPolicy: BucketName: !Ref SourceS3Bucket - SQSPollerPolicy: QueueName: !GetAtt SQSQueue.QueueName Outputs: # CustomCVStateMachineHourlySchedule is an implicit Schedule event rule created out of Events key under Serverless::StateMachine # Find out more about other implicit resources you can reference within SAM # SourceS3BucketName: Description: "Name of the S3 bucket to hold the incoming images" Value: !Ref SourceS3Bucket FinalS3BucketName: Description: "Name of the final S3 bucket to hold the image and the inference json" Value: !Ref FinalS3Bucket CustomCVStateMachineARN: Description: "ARN of the Step Function" Value: !Ref CustomCVStateMachine CustomCVStateMachineHourlyPollingScheduleARN: Description: "ARN of the AWS EventBridge Rule" Value: !Ref CustomCVStateMachineHourlyPollingSchedule