# This is a sample hook script created by Amplify CLI. # To start using this post-push hook please change the filename: # post-push.sh.sample -> post-push.sh # # learn more: https://docs.amplify.aws/cli/usage/command-hooks if [ -z "$(which jq)" ]; then echo "Please install jq to run the sample script." exit 0 fi parameters=`cat` error=$(jq -r '.error // empty' <<< "$parameters") data=$(jq -r '.data' <<< "$parameters") # # Write code here: # if [ ! -z "$error" ]; then echo "Amplify CLI emitted an error:" $(jq -r '.message' <<< "$error") exit 0 fi echo "project root path:" $(pwd); echo "Amplify CLI command:" $(jq -r '.amplify | .command' <<< "$data")