# Amazon Rekognition Custom Labels Workshop - Detect Woodpecker Holes in Utility Poles ## Step 1. From the [Rekognition Immersion day Pre-requisite](https://rekognition-immersionday.workshop.aws/rek_apis.html) launch the Cloudformation stack in the "Launch Amazon SageMaker Notebook Instance" section. **Note:** You don't need to do the "Download necessary notebooks" section on that page. ## Step 2. Next we will Create a s3 bucket. As you create a model training job, you will save the following in an Amazon S3 bucket: - The model training data - Model artifacts, which Amazon SageMaker generates during model training You can store the training data and artifacts in a single bucket or in two separate buckets. For exercises in this guide, one bucket is sufficient. You can use existing buckets or create new ones. Follow the instructions in [Create a Bucket](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/userguide/create-bucket-overview.html) in the Amazon Simple Storage Service Console User Guide. Include sagemaker in the bucket name; for example, sagemaker-datetime. ## Step 3. Click on "Open JupyterLab" ![Open Instance](readme-images/Notebook_Status.png) ## Step 4. Select Git > Clone Repository ![Git Termial](readme-images/CloneRepo.png) ## Step 5. Enter git url "https://github.com/aws-samples/amazon-rekognition-workshops" in the dialog box and click "Clone" ![Git Termial](readme-images/CloneDialog.png) ## Step 6. After cloning is complete, verify that directory named "amazon-rekognition-workshops" is created ![source code](readme-images/RepoFolder.png) ## Step 7. Click on 'Open Jupyter' ![Open Notebook](readme-images/Open_Notebook.png) ## Step 8. Click "amazon-rekognition-workshops" to open the folder ![Open Notebook](readme-images/37.png) ## Step 9. Click "ObjectDetection" to open the folder ![Open Notebook](readme-images/objectdetection.png) ## Step 10. Click on **'ground_truth_object_detection_tutorial.ipynb'** to open the notebook in the browser ![Open Notebook](readme-images/Notebook.png) ## Step 11. Open the **'ground_truth_object_detection_turtorial.ipynb'** and follow the instructions in the Notebook. ## Security See [CONTRIBUTING](CONTRIBUTING.md#security-issue-notifications) for more information. ## License This library is licensed under the MIT-0 License. See the LICENSE file.