# Amazon Route53 Hosted Zone record replication (Public to Private) - AWS CloudFormation ![Architecture](../image/route53-sync.png "Solution's diagram") ## Deployment instructions * Clone the repository. * Add in the **Makefile** the Public Hosted Zone ID and name, and the list of aliases that shouldn't be synced with the Private Hosted Zone. * `make deploy` will build two stacks: *VpcCompute.yaml* will create the VPC resources, EC2 instances and Private Hosted Zone; while *Architecture.yaml* will create the Serverless resources (EventBridge rule, Lambda function, IAM roles). * `make undeploy` will delete both stacks. ## Pre-Requisites * An AWS Account with an IAM user that has appropriate permissions. * An Amazon Route 53 Public Hosted Zone, as the IaC examples will ask for its zone ID and name. ## Security See [CONTRIBUTING](../CONTRIBUTING.md#security-issue-notifications) for more information. ## License This library is licensed under the MIT-0 License. See the LICENSE file.