------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Copyright Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT-0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Clean up Follow the instructions below. Deletion target is described for each Lab. **If you have not completed this work, you will continue to be charged.** ## Lab6 1. Glue job (job name: minilake1) 2. Remove crawlers from Glue (crawler name: minilake-in1, minilake-out1, minilake-out2) 3. Delete tables from Glue (table name: minilake\_out1, minilake\_out2) 4. Delete database from Glue (database name: minilake) ## Lab5 1. Remove QuickSight VPC connection 2. Unsubscribe QuickSight (Click the account name of QuickSight → [Manage QuickSight] → [Account settings] → [Unsubscribe]) 3. Delete S3 bucket (bucket name: [S3 bucket name created by you]) 4. Delete Kinesis Firehose delivery stream (stream name: minilake1) 5. Delete a Redshift cluster 6. Delete table from Glue (table name: ec2log\_external) 7. Delete database from Glue (database name: spectrumdb) 8. Remove manually added rule (access from qs-rs-private-conn) for inbound rule of handson-minilake-private security group 9. Delete the security group qs-rs-private-conn 10. Removed “handson-minilake-private-subnet” stack from CloudFormation console. ## Lab4 1. Unsubscribe QuickSight (Click the account name of QuickSight → [Manage QuickSight] → [Account settings] → [Unsubscribe]) 2. Delete S3 bucket (bucket name: [S3 bucket name created by you]) 3. Delete Kinesis Firehose delivery stream (stream name: minilake1) 4. Remove a crawler from Glue (crawler name: minilake1) 5. Delete tables from Glue (table name: minilake\_in1, minilake\_out1, ec2log\_external) 6. Delete databases from Glue (database name: minilake, spectrumdb) ## Lab1〜3 1. Delete Cloudwatch Logs (under log group name) - Tokyo region - /minilake_group - /aws/lambda/LogsToElasticsearch_handson-minilake - /aws/kinesisfirehose/minilake1 - Streams related to "minilake" under /aws-glue/crawlers/ - The streams of /aws-glue/jobs/error and /aws-glue/jobs/output are created for each Job ID. If you haven't used Glue before, delete the entire log group. 2. Delete Lambda (function name: LogsToElasticsearch-handson\_minilake) 3. CloudWatch alarm (alarm name: minilake_errlog) ## Lab1〜Lab2 1. Delete Amazon Elasticsearch Service (domain name: handson-minilake) 2. Delete a stack with CloudFormation (deletion of EC2, EIP and so on) 3. Delete an IAM role (role name: handson-minilake) That's all for cleaning up.