Parameters: VpcId: Description: select handson-minilake vpc id Type: "AWS::EC2::VPC::Id" EC2SecurityGroupId: Description: select EC2 Security Group ID Type: "AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup::Id" Resources: # Create Public RouteTable PrivateRouteTable: Type: AWS::EC2::RouteTable Properties: VpcId: !Ref VpcId Tags: - Key: Name Value: handson-minilake-private-rt # Create Private Subnet A PrivateSubnet: Type: AWS::EC2::Subnet Properties: VpcId: !Ref VpcId CidrBlock: AvailabilityZone: "ap-northeast-1a" Tags: - Key: Name Value: handson-minilake-private-sub # Associate with Private subnet and route table for private subnet PriSubnetRouteTableAssociation: Type: AWS::EC2::SubnetRouteTableAssociation Properties: SubnetId: !Ref PrivateSubnet RouteTableId: !Ref PrivateRouteTable # Create EIP MyEIP: Type: "AWS::EC2::EIP" Properties: Domain: vpc # Create NATGateway myNATGateway: Type: "AWS::EC2::NatGateway" DependsOn: - MyEIP - PrivateSubnet Properties: AllocationId: !GetAtt MyEIP.AllocationId SubnetId: !Ref PrivateSubnet Tags: - Key: Name Value: handson-minilake-nat # set NAT as default gateway on route table for private subnet myPrivateRoute: Type: AWS::EC2::Route DependsOn: myNATGateway Properties: RouteTableId: !Ref PrivateRouteTable DestinationCidrBlock: NatGatewayId: !Ref myNATGateway # create sg for RS myRSSecurityGroup: Type: 'AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup' Properties: GroupName: handson-minilake-sg-private GroupDescription: Enable SSH access via port 5439 VpcId: !Ref VpcId SecurityGroupIngress: - IpProtocol: tcp FromPort: '5439' ToPort: '5439' SourceSecurityGroupId: !Ref EC2SecurityGroupId