import logging from urllib import parse import boto3 import os logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) logger.setLevel('INFO') s3 = boto3.resource('s3') def lambda_handler(event, context): canonical_id = os.getenv("CANONICAL_ID") grant_level = os.getenv("GRANT_LEVEL") # The permission that needs to be added to the object grant_level_entry = { "Grantee": { "ID": canonical_id, "Type": "CanonicalUser" }, "Permission": grant_level } # Parse job parameters from Amazon S3 batch operations invocation_id = event['invocationId'] invocation_schema_version = event['invocationSchemaVersion'] results = [] result_code = None result_string = None bucket_acl_response = None task = event['tasks'][0] task_id = task['taskId'] bucket_name = task['s3BucketArn'].split(':')[-1] obj_key = parse.unquote(task['s3Key'], encoding='utf-8') obj_version_id = task['s3VersionId']"Got task: ObjectACL %s from object %s in bucket %s.", obj_version_id, obj_key, bucket_name) object_acl = s3.ObjectAcl(bucket_name, obj_key)"ObjectACL is: %s", object_acl) obj_owner_name = object_acl.owner['DisplayName'] obj_owner_id = object_acl.owner['ID'] # Append the new permission to the list of the existing permissions object_acl.grants.append(grant_level_entry) try: # Put the entire list of permissions back to object ACL bucket_acl_response = object_acl.put( AccessControlPolicy={ "Grants": object_acl.grants, "Owner": { "DisplayName": obj_owner_name, "ID": obj_owner_id } }) except:"[FAILED] - %s", bucket_acl_response) result_code="PermanentFailure" result_string='["Failed to update ' + obj_key + '"]' results.append({ 'taskId': task_id, 'resultCode': result_code, 'resultString': result_string }) return { 'invocationSchemaVersion': invocation_schema_version, 'treatMissingKeysAs': result_code, 'invocationId': invocation_id, 'results': results }"updateResponse: %s", bucket_acl_response) if bucket_acl_response["ResponseMetadata"]["HTTPStatusCode"] == 200:"[SUCCESS]") result_code="Succeeded" result_string='["Successfully updated ' + obj_key + '"]' else:"[FAILED] - %s", bucket_acl_response) result_code="PermanentFailure" result_string='["Failed to update ' + obj_key + '"]' results.append({ 'taskId': task_id, 'resultCode': result_code, 'resultString': result_string }) return { 'invocationSchemaVersion': invocation_schema_version, 'treatMissingKeysAs': result_code, 'invocationId': invocation_id, 'results': results }