import boto3 from datetime import datetime, timedelta cw = boto3.client('cloudwatch') def search_metrics(search_expression, account=None,, period = int(end_time.strftime('%s'))-int(start_time.strftime('%s')) period = (period+60) - period % 60 # Period should be multiple of 60 query = { 'Id': 'searchjob', 'Expression': search_expression, 'ReturnData': True, 'Period': period, 'Label': "${PROP('Dim.Host')}/${PROP('MetricName')}" } if account: query['AccountId'] = account response = cw.get_metric_data( MetricDataQueries=[query], StartTime=start_time, EndTime=end_time ) print(f"DEBUG[search_metric_response]: {response}") result = {} try: for metric in response['MetricDataResults']: label = parse_label(metric['Label']) host = label.get("host") if host: if host not in result: result[host] = {} result[host][label.get("metric")] = float(metric['Values'][0]) else: if "host" not in result: result["host"] = {} result["host"][label.get("metric")] = float(metric['Values'][0]) except IndexError: print(f"WARNING: metrics for search expression {search_expression} not found") return None return result def parse_label(label): # The expected metric label format is // sub_labels = label.split("/") return { "job": sub_labels[0], "host": sub_labels[1], "metric": sub_labels[2] }