#Greeengrass Group definition file Group: name: GG_Object_Detection Cores: - name: GG_Object_Detection_Core key_path: ./certs config_path: ./config SyncShadow: True # Uncomment below section as you add ML resource #Resources: # - Name: MyObjectDetectionModel # Id: MyObjectDetectionModel # S3MachineLearningModelResourceData: # DestinationPath: /ml/od/ # S3Uri: s3://greengrass-object-detection-blog/deployable-model/deploy_model.tar.gz # Uncomment below ONLY if you have a NVDIA GPU enabled device # # - Name: Nvidia0 # Id: Nvidia0 # LocalDeviceResourceData: # SourcePath: /dev/nvidia0 # GroupOwnerSetting: # AutoAddGroupOwner: True # - Name: Nvidiactl # Id: Nvidiactl # LocalDeviceResourceData: # SourcePath: /dev/nvidiactl # GroupOwnerSetting: # AutoAddGroupOwner: True # - Name: NvidiaUVM # Id: NvidiaUVM # LocalDeviceResourceData: # SourcePath: /dev/nvidia-uvm # GroupOwnerSetting: # AutoAddGroupOwner: True # - Name: NvidiaUVMTools # Id: NvidiaUVMTools # LocalDeviceResourceData: # SourcePath: /dev/nvidia-uvm-tools # GroupOwnerSetting: # AutoAddGroupOwner: True # Uncomment below section as you lambda resource #Lambdas: # - name: BlogInfer # handler: main.lambda_handler # package: ./run_model/src # alias: dev # greengrassConfig: # MemorySize: 900000 # Kb # Timeout: 10 # seconds # Pinned: True # True for long-lived functions # Environment: # AccessSysfs: True # ResourceAccessPolicies: # - ResourceId: MyObjectDetectionModel # Permission: 'rw' # # Uncomment below only if you have a NVDIA GPU enabled device # - ResourceId: Nvidia0 # Permission: 'rw' # - ResourceId: Nvidiactl # Permission: 'rw' # - ResourceId: NvidiaUVM # Permission: 'rw' # - ResourceId: NvidiaUVMTools # Permission: 'rw' #Subscriptions: # # Test Subscriptions from the cloud # - Source: cloud # Subject: blog/infer/input # Target: Lambda::BlogInfer # - Source: Lambda::BlogInfer # Subject: blog/infer/output # Target: cloud #