#!/usr/bin/env bash # This script shows how to build the Docker image and push it to ECR to be ready for use # by SageMaker. # The argument to this script is the image name. This will be used as the image on the local # machine and combined with the account and region to form the repository name for ECR. IMAGE="sagemaker-fastai" # parameters FASTAI_VERSION="1.0" PY_VERSION="py36" # Get the account number associated with the current IAM credentials account=$(aws sts get-caller-identity --query Account --output text) if [ $? -ne 0 ] then exit 255 fi # Get the region defined in the current configuration (default to us-west-2 if none defined) region=$(aws configure get region) region=${region:-us-west-2} # If the repository doesn't exist in ECR, create it. aws ecr describe-repositories --repository-names "${IMAGE}" > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -ne 0 ] then aws ecr create-repository --repository-name "${IMAGE}" > /dev/null fi # Get the login command from ECR and execute it directly $(aws ecr get-login --region ${region} --no-include-email) # Get the login command from ECR in order to pull down the SageMaker PyTorch image $(aws ecr get-login --registry-ids 520713654638 --region ${region} --no-include-email) # loop for each architecture (cpu & gpu) for arch in gpu cpu do echo "Building image with arch=${arch}, region=${region}" TAG="${FASTAI_VERSION}-${arch}-${PY_VERSION}" FULLNAME="${account}.dkr.ecr.${region}.amazonaws.com/${IMAGE}:${TAG}" docker build -t ${IMAGE}:${TAG} --build-arg ARCH="$arch" --build-arg REGION="${region}" . docker tag ${IMAGE}:${TAG} ${FULLNAME} docker push ${FULLNAME} done