# use/edit this file only for working with fastai-0.7.x version # for fastai-1.0+ edit "setup.py" and use "pip install -e ." # or "pip install -e .[dev]" for extra developer requirements name: fastai-cpu channels: - fastai - pytorch - defaults - peterjc123 dependencies: - scipy - numpy - pillow - jpeg - spacy - zlib - freetype - libtiff - bleach - certifi - cffi - cycler - decorator - entrypoints - expat - html5lib - icu - defaults::intel-openmp - ipykernel - ipython - ipython_genutils - ipywidgets - jedi - jinja2 - jsonschema - jupyter - jupyter_client - jupyter_console - jupyter_core - conda-forge::jupyter_contrib_nbextensions - libiconv - libpng - libsodium - libxml2 - markupsafe - matplotlib - mistune - mkl - nbconvert - nbformat - notebook - numpy - olefile - openssl - pandas - pandocfilters - path.py - patsy - pcre - pexpect - pickleshare - pillow - pip - prompt_toolkit - pycparser - pygments - pyparsing - pyqt - python>=3.6.0 - python-dateutil - pytz - pyzmq - qt - qtconsole - scipy - seaborn - setuptools - simplegeneric - sip - six - sqlite - statsmodels - testfixtures - testpath - tk - tornado<5 - tqdm - traitlets - wcwidth - wheel - widgetsnbextension - xz - zeromq - pytorch<0.4 - bcolz - prompt_toolkit #- pytest - pip: - torchvision==0.1.9 - opencv-python - isoweek - pandas_summary - torchtext==0.2.3 - graphviz - sklearn_pandas - feather-format - plotnine - kaggle-cli - ipywidgets - pdpbox<=0.1.0 - treeinterpreter