import os import json import base64 import logging import time from datetime import datetime # Read environment variables ENDPOINT_NAME = os.environ['ENDPOINT_NAME'] CC_AGG_FEATURE_GROUP = os.environ['CC_AGG_FEATURE_GROUP_NAME'] CC_AGG_BATCH_FEATURE_GROUP = os.environ['CC_AGG_BATCH_FEATURE_GROUP_NAME'] FRAUD_THRESHOLD = os.environ['FRAUD_THRESHOLD'] LOG_LEVEL = os.environ['LOG_LEVEL'] # Constants TEN_MINUTES_IN_SEC = 10 * 60 logger = logging.getLogger() if logging._checkLevel(LOG_LEVEL): logger.setLevel(LOG_LEVEL) else: logger.setLevel(logging.INFO)'Setting Logger Level to {logging.getLevelName(logger.level)}') import boto3 print(f'boto3 version: {boto3.__version__}') # Create session via Boto3 session = boto3.session.Session() try: featurestore_runtime = boto3.Session().client(service_name='sagemaker-featurestore-runtime') except: logging.error('Failed to instantiate featurestore-runtime client with script!') # Allocate SageMaker runtime sagemaker_runtime = boto3.client('runtime.sagemaker')'Lambda will call SageMaker ENDPOINT name: {ENDPOINT_NAME}') def lambda_handler(event, context): """ This handler is triggered by incoming Kinesis events, which contain a payload encapsulating the transaction data. The Lambda will then lookup corresponding records in the aggregate feature groups, assemble a payload for inference, and call the inference endpoint to generate a prediction. """ logging.debug('Received event: {}'.format(json.dumps(event, indent=2))) records = event['Records'] logging.debug('Event contains {} records'.format(len(records))) ret_records = [] for rec in records: # Each record has separate eventID, etc. event_id = rec['eventID'] event_source_arn = rec['eventSourceARN'] logging.debug(f'eventID: {event_id}, eventSourceARN: {event_source_arn}') kinesis = rec['kinesis'] event_payload = decode_payload(kinesis['data']) # Collect fields from event payload cc_num = event_payload['cc_num'] amount = event_payload['amount']'Event payload data: cc_num: {cc_num} transaction amount: {amount} ') if 'trans_ts' in event_payload: trans_ts = event_payload['trans_ts'] calc_trans_time_delay(trans_ts) aggregate_dict, cutoff_condition = lookup_features(cc_num, amount) if aggregate_dict is None: continue feature_string = assemble_features(amount, aggregate_dict) prediction = invoke_endpoint(feature_string, cc_num) dump_stats(prediction, cc_num, amount, aggregate_dict, cutoff_condition) if prediction is not None: sequence_num = kinesis['sequenceNumber'] ret_records.append({'eventId': event_id, 'sequenceNumber': sequence_num, 'prediction': prediction, 'statusCode': 200}) return ret_records def decode_payload(event_data): agg_data_bytes = base64.b64decode(event_data) decoded_data = agg_data_bytes.decode(encoding="utf-8") event_payload = json.loads(decoded_data)'Decoded data from kinesis record: {event_payload}') return event_payload def calc_trans_time_delay(trans_ts): # Let's calculate end-to-end time from transaction time to now trans_time = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(int(trans_ts)).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') now = time.time() ts_diff = now - trans_ts'Payload timing: trans time: {trans_time} ts_diff: {ts_diff} sec') def lookup_features(credit_card_number, transaction_amount): combined_agg_features = {} # Initialize agg feature values cc_num = '1111111111111111' avg_amt_last_10m = 0 num_trans_last_10m = 0 avg_amt_last_1w = 0 num_trans_last_1w = 0 # Retrieve first set of aggregated features cc_agg_feature_group = CC_AGG_FEATURE_GROUP feature_names = ['cc_num', 'avg_amt_last_10m', 'num_trans_last_10m', 'trans_time'] agg_features = retrieve_aggregated_features(cc_agg_feature_group, credit_card_number, feature_names) agg_evt_time = 0.0 if agg_features is not None: cc_num = agg_features['cc_num'] avg_amt_last_10m = float(agg_features['avg_amt_last_10m']) num_trans_last_10m = int(agg_features['num_trans_last_10m']) agg_evt_time = float(agg_features['trans_time']) # store agg features in dict combined_agg_features.update(agg_features) logging.debug(f'In> lookup_features: #1 Agg Features: \n {combined_agg_features}') # Check cutoff condition before calling second Feature Group cutoff_condition = eval_cutoff_window(agg_evt_time) # Retrieve second set of aggregated features batch_agg_features = None if not cutoff_condition: # Retrieve data from 'batch' agg feature group cc_agg_batch_feature_group = CC_AGG_BATCH_FEATURE_GROUP feature_names = ['cc_num', 'num_trans_last_1w', 'avg_amt_last_1w'] batch_agg_features = retrieve_aggregated_features(cc_agg_batch_feature_group, credit_card_number, feature_names) if batch_agg_features is not None: num_trans_last_1w = int(batch_agg_features['num_trans_last_1w']) avg_amt_last_1w = float(batch_agg_features['avg_amt_last_1w']) # store batch agg features in dict combined_agg_features.update(batch_agg_features) logging.debug(f'In> lookup_features: #2 Agg Features: \n {combined_agg_features}') amt_ratio1, amt_ratio2, count_ratio = calc_ratios_for_inference( transaction_amount, avg_amt_last_10m, avg_amt_last_1w, num_trans_last_10m, num_trans_last_1w, cutoff_condition) # Append ratios into dict combined_agg_features['amt_ratio1'] = amt_ratio1 combined_agg_features['amt_ratio2'] = amt_ratio2 combined_agg_features['count_ratio'] = count_ratio logging.debug(f'In> lookup_features: #3 Agg Features: \n {combined_agg_features}') return combined_agg_features, cutoff_condition def calc_ratios_for_inference( transaction_amount, avg_amt_last_10m, avg_amt_last_1w, num_trans_last_10m, num_trans_last_1w, cutoff_condition ): # Initialize ratios amt_ratio1 = 0.0 amt_ratio2 = 0.0 count_ratio = 0.0 # Check for zero-fill conditions: zero denominator, time cutoff if (avg_amt_last_1w > 0) and (num_trans_last_1w > 0) and (not cutoff_condition): # Calculate Ratios to be passed to Inference amt_ratio1 = avg_amt_last_10m / avg_amt_last_1w amt_ratio2 = transaction_amount / avg_amt_last_1w count_ratio = num_trans_last_10m / num_trans_last_1w logging.debug(f'Ratios: {amt_ratio1} {amt_ratio2} {count_ratio}') return amt_ratio1, amt_ratio2, count_ratio def assemble_features( transaction_amount, combined_agg_features ): inference_features = [] # Pull ratios from dict amt_ratio1 = combined_agg_features['amt_ratio1'] amt_ratio2 = combined_agg_features['amt_ratio2'] count_ratio = combined_agg_features['count_ratio'] # Assemble all feature values for inference inference_features.append(str(transaction_amount)) inference_features.append(str(amt_ratio1)) inference_features.append(str(amt_ratio2)) inference_features.append(str(count_ratio)) logging.debug(f'Inference features: {inference_features}') # assemble features into CSV-format string feature_string = ','.join(inference_features) return feature_string def eval_cutoff_window(agg_evt_time): # Test if aggregate event time has been too long ago cutoff_condition = False now = time.time() cutoff_time = now - agg_evt_time logging.debug(f'Calculate time diff as: {now} - {agg_evt_time} => {cutoff_time}') if cutoff_time > TEN_MINUTES_IN_SEC: # assume current agg features are all ZERO cutoff_condition = True'cutoff_condition: {cutoff_condition} based on agg_evt_time: {agg_evt_time} and cutoff_time: {cutoff_time}') return cutoff_condition def retrieve_aggregated_features(feature_group_name, feature_group_identifier, feature_key_list): feature_vector = {} # Set Feature Group record_identifier which is actually the 'cc_num' field record_identifier = str(int(feature_group_identifier)) # Call Yavapai Runtime to retrieve records from online feature store transaction_record = featurestore_get_record(feature_group_name, record_identifier) # If no record is returned, no need to extract items if transaction_record is None: logging.error(f'FeatureStore Group {feature_group_name} did NOT return record for identifier {feature_group_identifier}') return None'Retrieved Record from FeatureStore: {}'.format(json.dumps(transaction_record))) for key in feature_key_list: val = get_feature_value(transaction_record, key) logging.debug(f'Agg Record: key: {key} value: {val}') if val is not None: feature_vector[key] = val'Resulting feature_vector dict: {feature_vector}') return feature_vector # Helper to parse the feature value from the record. def get_feature_value(record, feature_name): return str(list(filter(lambda r: r['FeatureName'] == feature_name, record))[0]['ValueAsString']) def featurestore_get_record(feature_group_name, record_identifier_value): response = featurestore_runtime.get_record( FeatureGroupName=feature_group_name, RecordIdentifierValueAsString=record_identifier_value) logging.debug('FeatureStore: get_record ResponseMetadata: {}'.format(response['ResponseMetadata'])) return_record = None if 'Record' in response: return_record = response['Record'] else: logging.error('No Record found in FeatureStore response!!!') response_status_code = response['ResponseMetadata']['HTTPStatusCode'] if (response_status_code == 200) and (return_record is not None): # record = response['Record']'Record found: {}'.format(return_record)) return return_record def invoke_endpoint(request_body, credit_card_number): logging.debug('Passing Request Body (CSV-format): {}'.format(request_body)) # Format of inference payload (CSV format) # TRANSACTION_AMT_IN_DOLLARS, AMT_RATIO_1, AMT_RATIO_2, COUNT_RATIO # payload='68.17,0.1085,0.1085,0.0333' response = sagemaker_runtime.invoke_endpoint( EndpointName=ENDPOINT_NAME, ContentType='text/csv', Body=request_body)'Inference Response: {}'.format(response)) probability = json.loads(response['Body'].read().decode('utf-8')) return probability def dump_stats(probability, credit_card_number, transaction_amount, aggregate_dict, cutoff_condition): # extract features from aggregate dict avg_amt_last_10m = aggregate_dict['avg_amt_last_10m'] if 'avg_amt_last_10m' in aggregate_dict.keys() else 0.0 num_trans_last_10m = aggregate_dict['num_trans_last_10m'] if 'num_trans_last_10m' in aggregate_dict.keys() else 0 agg_evt_time = aggregate_dict['trans_time'] if 'trans_time' in aggregate_dict.keys() else 0.0 # extract features from batch agg dict num_trans_last_1w = aggregate_dict['num_trans_last_1w'] if 'num_trans_last_1w' in aggregate_dict.keys() else 0 avg_amt_last_1w = aggregate_dict['avg_amt_last_1w'] if 'avg_amt_last_1w' in aggregate_dict.keys() else 0.0 amt_ratio1 = aggregate_dict['amt_ratio1'] amt_ratio2 = aggregate_dict['amt_ratio2'] count_ratio = aggregate_dict['count_ratio'] if probability > float(FRAUD_THRESHOLD): fraud_text = 'FRAUD' else: fraud_text = 'NOT FRAUD' if cutoff_condition: print( f'Prediction: {fraud_text} ({probability:.6f}), ' + f'card num: {credit_card_number}, ' + f'amount: {transaction_amount:.2f} ' ) else: print( f'Prediction: {fraud_text} ({probability:.6f}), ' + f'num last 10m: {num_trans_last_10m}, ' + f'avg amt last 10m: {avg_amt_last_10m}, ' + f'card num: {credit_card_number}, ' + f'amount: {transaction_amount:.2f} ' )