version: 0.2 env: variables: SUB_PATH: 1_Forecasting_Air_Pollution_with_Amazon_SageMaker_and_DeepAR parameter-store: ECR_REPO_NAME: /ml_pipeline/preprocessing_container_repo_name WORKFLOW_EXECUTION_ROLE: /ml_pipeline/workflow_execution_role WORKFLOW_NAME: /ml_pipeline/workflow_name REQUIRE_HPO: /ml_pipeline/require_hpo REQUIRE_MODEL_TRAINING: /ml_pipeline/require_model_training phases: install: runtime-versions: python: 3.7 commands: - echo "Installing requirements" - pip install -r $CODEBUILD_SRC_DIR/$SUB_PATH/pipeline/requirements.txt pre_build: commands: - echo List source files - echo Get pipeline name - export PIPELINE_NAME=${CODEBUILD_INITIATOR#codepipeline} - echo $PIPELINE_NAME - echo $ECR_REPO_NAME is the target preprocessing container repo name. - echo Build preprocessing docker container - cd $CODEBUILD_SRC_DIR/$SUB_PATH - ACCOUNT_ID="$(echo ${CODEBUILD_BUILD_ARN} | cut -d':' -f5)" - echo account id - ${ACCOUNT_ID} and region - ${AWS_DEFAULT_REGION} - sh ./pipeline/ ${ACCOUNT_ID} ${AWS_DEFAULT_REGION} ${ECR_REPO_NAME} - echo Setup default model artifact. - python3 ./pipeline/ build: commands: - echo Build started on `date` - echo build - cd $CODEBUILD_SRC_DIR/$SUB_PATH - echo Create ML Pipeline - ACCOUNT_ID="$(echo ${CODEBUILD_BUILD_ARN} | cut -d':' -f5)" - processing_repository_uri=$(sh ./pipeline/ ${ACCOUNT_ID} ${AWS_DEFAULT_REGION} ${ECR_REPO_NAME}) - echo processing_repository_uri - $processing_repository_uri - echo workflow execution REQUIRE_HPO - ${REQUIRE_HPO} and REQUIRE_MODEL_TRAINING - ${REQUIRE_MODEL_TRAINING} - python3 ./pipeline/ --workflow-name ${WORKFLOW_NAME} --workflow-execution-role ${WORKFLOW_EXECUTION_ROLE} --processing-repository-uri ${processing_repository_uri} --require-hpo ${REQUIRE_HPO} --require-model-training ${REQUIRE_MODEL_TRAINING} - echo $CODEBUILD_RESOLVED_SOURCE_VERSION > commit.txt - echo $CODEBUILD_BUILD_ID >> commit.txt # Add build ID when commit doesn't change post_build: commands: - echo Package custom resources - echo Done artifacts: files: - $SUB_PATH/*.json - $SUB_PATH/*.yml discard-paths: yes