import boto3, time, s3fs, json, warnings, os import urllib.request from datetime import date, timedelta import numpy as np import pandas as pd import geopandas as gpd from shapely.geometry import Point import sagemaker from sagemaker.predictor import Predictor from sagemaker.tuner import HyperparameterTuner, ContinuousParameter, IntegerParameter from sagemaker.model import Model from multiprocessing import Pool from IPython.display import display, HTML, Javascript from bokeh.plotting import curdoc, figure, output_notebook, show from bokeh.layouts import column, row, layout from bokeh.models import GeoJSONDataSource, ColumnDataSource from bokeh.models import Select, Slider from bokeh.models.callbacks import CustomJS from bokeh.tile_providers import CARTODBPOSITRON, get_provider from bokeh.palettes import inferno # the train test split date is used to split each time series into train and test sets train_test_split_date = - timedelta(days=30)#).strftime('%y-%m-%d 00:00:00') # the sampling frequency determines the number of hours per sample # and is used for aggregating and filling missing values frequency = '1' # hours # prediction length is how many hours into future to predict values for prediction_length = 48 # context length is how many prior time steps the predictor needs to make a prediction context_length = 3 # the file to save predictions to predictions_file = 'data/predictions.pkl' # quantiles that will be predicted quantiles = list(range(1,10)) quantile_names = [f'0.{q}' for q in quantiles] warnings.filterwarnings('ignore') session = boto3.Session() region = session.region_name account_id = session.client('sts').get_caller_identity().get('Account') bucket_name = f"{account_id}-openaq-lab" console_s3_uri= '' s3 = boto3.client('s3', region_name = region) os.makedirs('model', exist_ok=True) urllib.request.urlretrieve('', 'model/model.tar.gz') try: if 'us-east-1' == region: s3.create_bucket(Bucket=bucket_name) else: s3.create_bucket(Bucket=bucket_name, CreateBucketConfiguration={'LocationConstraint': region}) except: pass s3.upload_file('model/model.tar.gz', bucket_name, 'sagemaker/model/model.tar.gz') def athena_create_table(query_file, wait=None): create_table_uri = athena_execute(query_file, 'txt', wait) return create_table_uri def athena_query_table(query_file, wait=None): results_uri = athena_execute(query_file, 'csv', wait) return results_uri def athena_execute(query_file, ext, wait): with open(query_file) as f: query_str = display(HTML(f'Executing query:


')) athena = boto3.client('athena') s3_dest = f's3://{bucket_name}/athena/results/' query_id = athena.start_query_execution( QueryString= query_str, ResultConfiguration={'OutputLocation': s3_dest} )['QueryExecutionId'] results_uri = f'{s3_dest}{query_id}.{ext}' start = time.time() while wait == None or wait == 0 or time.time() - start < wait: result = athena.get_query_execution(QueryExecutionId=query_id) status = result['QueryExecution']['Status']['State'] if wait == 0 or status == 'SUCCEEDED': break elif status in ['QUEUED','RUNNING']: continue else: raise Exception(f'query {query_id} failed with status {status}') time.sleep(3) console_url = f'{console_s3_uri}{bucket_name}/athena/results/{query_id}.{ext}?region={region}&tab=overview' display(HTML(f'results are located at {results_uri}')) return results_uri def display_hpo_tuner_advice(hpo_tuner): display(HTML(f'''
The hyperparameter tuning job "{}" is now running. To view it in the console click here. ''')) def display_training_job_advice(training_job): display(HTML(f'''
The training job "{}" is now running. To view it in the console click here. ''')) def display_endpoint_advice(session, endpoint_name, wait=False): display(HTML(f'''
The end point "{endpoint_name}" is now being deployed. To view it in the console click here. ''')) if wait: session.wait_for_endpoint(endpoint_name) display(HTML(f'The end point "{endpoint_name}" is now deployed.')) def filter_dates(df, min_time, max_time, frequency): min_time = None if min_time is None else pd.to_datetime(min_time) max_time = None if max_time is None else pd.to_datetime(max_time) interval = pd.Timedelta(frequency) def _filter_dates(r): if min_time is not None and r['start'] < min_time: start_idx = int((min_time - r['start']) / interval) r['target'] = r['target'][start_idx:] r['start'] = min_time end_time = r['start'] + len(r['target']) * interval if max_time is not None and end_time > max_time: end_idx = int((end_time - max_time) / interval) r['target'] = r['target'][:-end_idx] return r filtered = df.apply(_filter_dates, axis=1) filtered = filtered[filtered['target'].str.len() > 0] return filtered def get_tests(features, split_dates, frequency, context_length, prediction_length): tests = [] end_date_delta = pd.Timedelta(f'{frequency} hour') * context_length prediction_id = 0 for split_date in split_dates: context_end = split_date + end_date_delta test = filter_dates(features, split_date, context_end, f'{frequency}H') test['prediction_start'] = context_end test['prediction_id'] = prediction_id test['start'] = test['start'].dt.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') tests.append(test) prediction_id += 1 tests = pd.concat(tests).reset_index().set_index(['id', 'prediction_id', 'prediction_start']).sort_index() return tests def init_predict_process(func, endpoint_name, quantiles): func.predictor = Predictor( endpoint_name, serializer=sagemaker.serializers.JSONSerializer(), deserializer=sagemaker.deserializers.JSONDeserializer() ) func.quantiles = quantiles def call_endpoint(feature): request = dict( instances= [feature], configuration= dict( num_samples= 20, output_types= ['quantiles'], quantiles= call_endpoint.quantiles ) ) response = call_endpoint.predictor.predict(request) raw_quantiles = response['predictions'][0]['quantiles'] return {q: [[np.around(v, 2) for v in l]] for q,l in raw_quantiles.items()} def predict(endpoint_name, samples, quantiles, processes=10): features = samples[['start', 'target', 'cat']].to_dict(orient='records') quantile_strs = [f'0.{q}' for q in quantiles] with Pool(processes, init_predict_process, [call_endpoint, endpoint_name, quantile_strs]) as pool: inferences =, features) df = pd.concat([pd.DataFrame(inference) for inference in inferences], ignore_index=True) df = df[sorted(df.columns.values)] df.set_index(samples.index, inplace=True) df.index.names = ['id', 'prediction_id', 'start'] df.reset_index(level=2, inplace=True) return df def plot_error(actuals, predictions, horizon=None): def error_for_prediction(predictions): location_id = predictions.index[0][0] actual = actuals.loc[location_id] prediction = predictions.iloc[0] offset = int((prediction.start - actual.start)/pd.Timedelta('1 hour')) def error(F): if horizon and horizon < len(F): offset_end = offset + horizon else: offset_end = offset + len(F) A = np.array([offset: offset_end]) A_mean = A.mean() F = np.array(F[:len(A)]) error = np.abs((A - F)/A_mean) return error return prediction[quantile_names].apply(error) MAPE = predictions.groupby(level=['id', 'prediction_id']).apply(error_for_prediction) max_length = MAPE['0.1'].apply(len).max() MAPE = MAPE[MAPE['0.1'].map(len) == max_length] return MAPE.mean().plot() def moving_average(values, averaging_period=24, roundby=2): return pd.Series(values)\ .rolling(averaging_period, min_periods=1)\ .mean()\ .round(roundby)\ .to_numpy() def add_data_to_indexdb(actuals, predictions): with open('javascript/create_table.js', 'r') as f: create_table_script = display(Javascript(create_table_script)) with open('javascript/index_data.js', 'r') as f: index_script = def exec_js(actual_strs, prediction_strs): actual_str = '['+','.join(actual_strs)+']' prediction_str = '['+','.join(prediction_strs)+']' display(Javascript(f""" {index_script} index_data('openaq','actuals', {actual_str}); index_data('openaq','predictions', {prediction_str}); """)) actual_strs = [] prediction_strs = [] last_actual_lid = None for index, row in predictions.reset_index().iterrows(): lid = row['id'] if last_actual_lid != lid: actual_row = actuals.loc[lid] start = actual_row['start'].strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ') target_str = json.dumps(actual_row['target']) ma_str = json.dumps(actual_row['ma'].tolist()) actual_strs.append('{' + f'id:"{lid}",start:"{start}",target:{target_str}, ma:{ma_str}' + '}') last_actual_lid = lid pid = row['prediction_id'] start = row['start'].strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ') quantile_results = [] for q in range(1,10): quantile = f'0.{q}' if quantile in row: values = json.dumps(row[quantile]) quantile_results.append(f'"{quantile}":{values}') prediction_str = ','.join(quantile_results) prediction_strs.append('{' + f'id:"{lid}:{pid}",start:"{start}",{prediction_str}' + '}') if len(prediction_strs) == 100: exec_js(actual_strs, prediction_strs) actual_strs = [] prediction_strs = [] if len(actual_strs): exec_js(actual_strs, prediction_strs) def create_analysis_chart(metadata, actuals, predictions): add_data_to_indexdb(actuals, predictions) ###################### # create actuals plot actuals_source = ColumnDataSource(dict(id=[], start=[], target=[], ma=[])) # empty filtered_predictions = predictions.reset_index(level=1) predictions_source = ColumnDataSource(dict(id=[], start=[], **{q:[] for q in quantile_names})) # create the plot predictions_plot = figure( title='', plot_width=800, plot_height=400, x_axis_label='date/time', y_axis_label='pm10 ', x_axis_type='datetime', y_range= [0, max(predictions['0.5'].max())], tools='' ) # plot vertical areas for the quantiles predictions_plot.varea_stack( stackers=quantile_names, x='start', color= inferno(len(quantiles)), legend_label=quantile_names, source=predictions_source, alpha=1, ) # plot actual values predictions_plot.line( x= "start", y= "target", color= 'red', source= actuals_source ) # plot actual values predictions_plot.line( x= "start", y= "ma", color= 'black', source= actuals_source ) # add a legend predictions_plot.legend.items.reverse() ############################# # Create location selector options = metadata.reset_index()[['id', 'country', 'city', 'location']].astype('str').agg('-'.join, axis=1).tolist() location_select = Select(title='Select Location:', value=options[0], options=options) ################################ # Create prediction start slider start_min = filtered_predictions.reset_index()['start'].min() start_slider = Slider( start=0, end= predictions.index.get_level_values(1).unique().max(), value=0, step=1, title=f'prediction time delta' ) ############################# # Create javascript callback # The javascript callback function connects all the plots and # gui components together so changes will update the plots. callback_args=dict( actuals= actuals_source, predictions= predictions_source, location_select= location_select, start_slider= start_slider ) with open('javascript/plot_update_callback.js', 'r') as f: callback_code = plot_update_callback = CustomJS(code=callback_code, args=callback_args) location_select.js_on_change('value', plot_update_callback) start_slider.js_on_change('value', plot_update_callback) return column(location_select, predictions_plot, start_slider)