import csv import json from pathlib import PurePath from typing import List, Optional import boto3 import s3fs from mypy_boto3.s3 import S3Client from mypy_boto3.s3.type_defs import TagTypeDef fs = s3fs.S3FileSystem(anon=False) s3_client = boto3.session.Session().client("s3") # Used for replacing invalid characters in tag values trs = str.maketrans("$[]", "___") def lambda_handler(event, context): s3_event = event["Records"][0]["s3"] input_file = f"s3://{s3_event['bucket']['name']}/{s3_event['object']['key']}" gt_manifest_folder, gt_manifest_fname = input_file.rsplit("/", 1) data_file = gt_manifest_folder + "/comprehend/documents/" + gt_manifest_fname[:-8] + "txt" ann_file = gt_manifest_folder + "/comprehend/annotations/" + gt_manifest_fname[:-8] + "csv" print("input_file, data_file, ann_file =", (input_file, data_file, ann_file)) # Add tags to output.manifest to track conversion execution. add_tags( bucket=s3_event["bucket"]["name"], obj=s3_event["object"]["key"], tags={ "lambda_req_id": context.aws_request_id, "lambda_log_group": context.log_group_name, "lambda_log_stream": context.log_stream_name.translate(trs), }, s3_client=s3_client, ) # Start conversions. with, "r") as f_gt,, "w") as f_data,, "w") as f_ann: datawriter = csv.writer(f_data) annwriter = csv.writer(f_ann) annwriter.writerow(["File", "Line", "Begin Offset", "End Offset", "Type"]) ann_file_column = PurePath(data_file).name # Process each line in Ground Truth's output manifest. for index, jsonLine in enumerate(f_gt): source = GroundTruth2Comprehend.convert_to_dataset(jsonLine) datawriter.writerow([source]) annotations = GroundTruth2Comprehend.convert_to_annotations(index, jsonLine, ann_file_column) for entry in annotations: annwriter.writerow(entry) return { "files": {"input_file": input_file, "data_file": data_file, "ann_file": ann_file}, "lambda": { "lambda_req_id": context.aws_request_id, "lambda_log_group": context.log_group_name, "lambda_log_stream_raw": context.log_stream_name, "lambda_log_stream_trs": context.log_stream_name.translate(trs), }, "metadata": {m.__name__: m.__version__ for m in (s3fs, boto3)}, } def add_tags(bucket: str, obj: str, tags: TagTypeDef, s3_client: Optional[S3Client] = None) -> List[TagTypeDef]: """Tag the object with `tag_key = tag_value`.""" # NOTE: `put_object_tagging()` overwrites existing tags set with a new set. # Hence, we do a write-after-read of tag sets to append new tags. if s3_client is None: s3_client = boto3.session.Session().client("s3") # Fetch existing tags. For the format of the response message, see # existing_tags: List[TagTypeDef] = s3_client.get_object_tagging(Bucket=bucket, Key=obj)["TagSet"] # If there's existing tag, then we have to remove the old one, otherwise # put_object_tagging() complains about multiple tags with the same key. existing_tags2 = [d for d in existing_tags if d["Key"] not in tags] # Append new tag to existing tags new_tags = existing_tags2 + [{"Key": tag_key, "Value": tag_value} for tag_key, tag_value in tags.items()] # Put new tags to the S3 object. s3_client.put_object_tagging(Bucket=bucket, Key=obj, Tagging={"TagSet": new_tags}) return new_tags class GroundTruth2Comprehend(object): @staticmethod def convert_to_dataset(jsonLine): jsonObj = GroundTruth2Comprehend.parse_manifest_input(jsonLine) return jsonObj["source"] @staticmethod def convert_to_annotations(index, jsonLine, input_file_name): annotations = [] jsonObj = GroundTruth2Comprehend.parse_manifest_input(jsonLine) labeling_job_name = GroundTruth2Comprehend.get_labeling_job_name(jsonObj) number_of_labels = len(jsonObj[labeling_job_name]["annotations"]["entities"]) labeling_job_info = jsonObj[labeling_job_name]["annotations"]["entities"] for ind in range(number_of_labels): annotations.append( ( input_file_name, index, labeling_job_info[ind]["startOffset"], labeling_job_info[ind]["endOffset"], labeling_job_info[ind]["label"].upper(), ) ) return annotations @staticmethod def parse_manifest_input(jsonLine): try: jsonObj = json.loads(jsonLine) return jsonObj except ValueError as e: print(f"Error decoding the string: {jsonLine}, {e}") raise @staticmethod def get_labeling_job_name(jsonObj): for key, value in jsonObj.items(): if GroundTruth2Comprehend.is_json_serializable(value): if "annotations" in value: job_name = key return job_name @staticmethod def is_json_serializable(value): try: json.dumps(value) return True except ValueError as e: print(e) return False