U ä€C^-ã@snddlZddlmZddlmZddlmZddlmZdZdd„Zdd d „Z dd d „Z d d„Z ddd„Z dS)éN)ÚRequestParamsDocumenter)ÚResponseParamsDocumenter)ÚResponseExampleDocumenter)ÚRequestExampleDocumenterz'https://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPIcCs<t |¡}i}|D]$\}}| d¡st |¡r|||<q|S)aRetrieves an objects public methods :param instance: The instance of the class to inspect :rtype: dict :returns: A dictionary that represents an instance's methods where the keys are the name of the methods and the values are the handler to the method. Ú_)ÚinspectÚ getmembersÚ startswithÚismethod)ÚinstanceZinstance_membersZinstance_methodsÚnameÚmember©rú:/tmp/pip-install-6_kvzl1k/botocore/botocore/docs/method.pyÚget_instance_public_methodss     rc Cs~i}|jr|jj}t| ¡ƒ}|dk r<|D]}| |j¡q*|dk r`|D]}||krH| |¡qHd}|rld}|j ||¡dS)a;Documents the signature of a model-driven method :param section: The section to write the documentation to. :param name: The name of the method :param operation_model: The operation model for the method :type include: Dictionary where keys are parameter names and values are the shapes of the parameter names. :param include: The parameter shapes to include in the documentation. :type exclude: List of the names of the parameters to exclude. :param exclude: The names of the parameters to exclude from documentation. NÚz**kwargs) Ú input_shapeÚmembersÚlistÚkeysÚappendr ÚremoveÚstyleÚstart_sphinx_py_method) Úsectionr Úoperation_modelÚincludeÚexcludeÚparamsZparameter_namesr Úsignature_paramsrrrÚdocument_model_driven_signature*s  r c CsTt |¡\}}}}|dd…}t ||||¡} |  d¡} |  d¡} |j || ¡dS)a3Documents the signature of a custom method :param section: The section to write the documentation to. :param name: The name of the method :param method: The handle to the method being documented :type include: Dictionary where keys are parameter names and values are the shapes of the parameter names. :param include: The parameter shapes to include in the documentation. :type exclude: List of the names of the parameters to exclude. :param exclude: The names of the parameters to exclude from documentation. éNú(ú))rÚ getargspecÚ formatargspecÚlstripÚrstriprr) rr ÚmethodrrÚargsÚvarargsÚkeywordsÚdefaultsrrrrÚdocument_custom_signatureQs ÿ  r-cCsBt|||ƒ| d¡}| d¡t |¡}|dk r>|j |¡dS)zÕDocuments a non-data driven method :param section: The section to write the documentation to. :param method_name: The name of the method :param method: The handle to the method being documented ú method-introrN)r-Úadd_new_sectionÚwritelnrÚgetdocrZwrite_py_doc_string)rÚ method_namer(Úmethod_intro_sectionZ doc_stringrrrÚdocument_custom_methodls ÿ   r4Tc Cs¨| rt|||||d| d¡} |  |¡|jrN| j ¡|  d¡| j ¡|jj   d¡} | dk r¢| j  ¡|   d¡dt | |jf}| jjd|d |  d ¡| d ¡}|j  ¡|j d ¡d | ¡| ¡| ¡dœi}|jrt|jj|j||dj||j|||dn"|j  ¡|j ¡|  |d¡| d¡}|jrjt|jj|j||dj||j||d| d¡}|j ¡|jdk rš| rš|  d¡|j ¡|  d¡|j ¡|j ¡| ¡}|rø| d¡}|j  ¡|  d¡|j ¡| d ¡}|j ¡|j d¡|j  ¡t|jj|j||dj||j|| d| d¡}|j ¡|j d¡|j  ¡t|jj|j||dj||j|| dn |  d¡dS)a.Documents an individual method :param section: The section to write to :param method_name: The name of the method :param operation_model: The model of the operation :param event_emitter: The event emitter to use to emit events :param example_prefix: The prefix to use in the method example. :type include_input: Dictionary where keys are parameter names and values are the shapes of the parameter names. :param include_input: The parameter shapes to include in the input documentation. :type include_output: Dictionary where keys are parameter names and values are the shapes of the parameter names. :param include_input: The parameter shapes to include in the output documentation. :type exclude_input: List of the names of the parameters to exclude. :param exclude_input: The names of the parameters to exclude from input documentation. :type exclude_output: List of the names of the parameters to exclude. :param exclude_input: The names of the parameters to exclude from output documentation. :param document_output: A boolean flag to indicate whether to document the output. :param include_signature: Whether or not to include the signature. It is useful for generating docstrings. )rrr.zªThis operation is deprecated and may not function as expected. This operation should not be used going forward and is only kept for the purpose of backwards compatiblity.ÚuidNz See also: z%s/%s/%szAWS API Documentation)ÚtitleÚlinkrÚexamplezRequest SyntaxZspecial_shape_types)Zstreaming_input_shapeZstreaming_output_shapeZeventstream_output_shape)Ú service_nameZoperation_nameÚ event_emitterÚcontext)Úprefixrrz()zrequest-paramsÚreturnz :rtype: dictz :returns: z event-streamzêThe response of this operation contains an :class:`.EventStream` member. When iterated the :class:`.EventStream` will yield events based on the structure below, where only one of the top level keys will be present for any given event.zResponse SyntaxÚ descriptionzResponse Structurez:returns: None) r r/Zinclude_doc_stringÚ deprecatedrZ start_dangerr0Z end_dangerZ service_modelÚmetadataÚgetZ new_paragraphÚwriteÚ AWS_DOC_BASEr Z external_linkZboldZget_streaming_inputZget_streaming_outputZget_event_stream_outputrrr9Zdocument_exampleZstart_codeblockrZdocument_paramsÚnew_lineZ output_shapeÚindentrr)rr2rr:Zmethod_descriptionZexample_prefixZ include_inputZinclude_outputZ exclude_inputZexclude_outputZdocument_outputZinclude_signaturer3Z service_uidr7Zexample_sectionr;Zrequest_params_sectionZreturn_sectionZevent_stream_outputZ event_sectionZreturn_example_sectionZreturn_description_sectionrrrÚdocument_model_driven_method~sä+þ   ÿ   ÿÿ    ýÿýú   ýû         ÿ     üú ÿ   üúrF)NN)NN)NNNNNNTT) rZbotocore.docs.paramsrrZbotocore.docs.examplerrrCrr r-r4rFrrrrÚ s,    ÿ (ÿ û