U C^@sddlZddlZddlmZddlmZddlmZddlm Z dddgZ d Z d Z Gd d d e Z d dZGdddeZgZdddZddZddZdS)N)TarFile)get_data)BytesIO)tzfileget_zonefile_instancegettzgettz_db_metadatazdateutil-zoneinfo.tar.gzMETADATAc@seZdZddZdS)rcCs t|jffS)N)r _filenameselfr G/tmp/pip-install-6_kvzl1k/python-dateutil/dateutil/zoneinfo/__init__.py __reduce__sztzfile.__reduce__N)__name__ __module__ __qualname__rr r r rrsrc CsTzttttWStk rN}z td|j|j WYdSd}~XYnXdS)NzI/O error({0}): {1}) rrr ZONEFILENAMEIOErrorwarningswarnformaterrnostrerror)er r rgetzoneinfofile_streams rc@s eZdZdddZdddZdS) ZoneInfoFileNc s|dk rtj|dfddD_fddD}j|z.t}| d}t |_ Wnt k rd_ YnXW5QRXn i_d_ dS)N)fileobjcs6i|].}|r|jtkr|jt||jdqS))filename)isfilename METADATA_FNr extractfile).0zf)tfr r "s  z)ZoneInfoFile.__init__..cs,i|]$}|s|r|jj|jqSr )islnkissymr zoneslinkname)r#Zzlr r rr&'s zUTF-8)ropen getmembersr)updater" getmemberr!readdecodejsonloadsmetadataKeyError)r Zzonefile_streamlinksZ metadata_jsonZ metadata_strr )r r%r__init__s"   zZoneInfoFile.__init__cCs|j||S)ak Wrapper for :func:`ZoneInfoFile.zones.get`. This is a convenience method for retrieving zones from the zone dictionary. :param name: The name of the zone to retrieve. (Generally IANA zone names) :param default: The value to return in the event of a missing key. .. versionadded:: 2.6.0 )r)get)r r defaultr r rr76szZoneInfoFile.get)N)N)rrrr6r7r r r rrs rFcCs2|r d}n ttdd}|dkr.tt}|t_|S)a% This is a convenience function which provides a :class:`ZoneInfoFile` instance using the data provided by the ``dateutil`` package. By default, it caches a single instance of the ZoneInfoFile object and returns that. :param new_instance: If ``True``, a new instance of :class:`ZoneInfoFile` is instantiated and used as the cached instance for the next call. Otherwise, new instances are created only as necessary. :return: Returns a :class:`ZoneInfoFile` object. .. versionadded:: 2.6 N_cached_instance)getattrrrrr9)Z new_instanceZzifr r rrPs  cCs8tdtttdkr(ttttdj |S)a+ This retrieves a time zone from the local zoneinfo tarball that is packaged with dateutil. :param name: An IANA-style time zone name, as found in the zoneinfo file. :return: Returns a :class:`dateutil.tz.tzfile` time zone object. .. warning:: It is generally inadvisable to use this function, and it is only provided for API compatibility with earlier versions. This is *not* equivalent to ``dateutil.tz.gettz()``, which selects an appropriate time zone based on the inputs, favoring system zoneinfo. This is ONLY for accessing the dateutil-specific zoneinfo (which may be out of date compared to the system zoneinfo). .. deprecated:: 2.6 If you need to use a specific zoneinfofile over the system zoneinfo, instantiate a :class:`dateutil.zoneinfo.ZoneInfoFile` object and call :func:`dateutil.zoneinfo.ZoneInfoFile.get(name)` instead. Use :func:`get_zonefile_instance` to retrieve an instance of the dateutil-provided zoneinfo. zzoneinfo.gettz() will be removed in future versions, to use the dateutil-provided zoneinfo files, instantiate a ZoneInfoFile object and use ZoneInfoFile.zones.get() instead. See the documentation for details.r) rrDeprecationWarninglen_CLASS_ZONE_INSTANCEappendrrr)r7)r r r rrms  cCs2tdtttdkr(ttttdjS)a! Get the zonefile metadata See `zonefile_metadata`_ :returns: A dictionary with the database metadata .. deprecated:: 2.6 See deprecation warning in :func:`zoneinfo.gettz`. To get metadata, query the attribute ``zoneinfo.ZoneInfoFile.metadata``. zzoneinfo.gettz_db_metadata() will be removed in future versions, to use the dateutil-provided zoneinfo files, ZoneInfoFile object and query the 'metadata' attribute instead. See the documentation for details.r) rrr;r<r=r>rrr3r r r rrs  )F)rr1tarfilerpkgutilriorZ dateutil.tzrZ_tzfile__all__rr!robjectrr=rrrr r r rs     / &