U C^@svddlmZddlZddlZddlmZmZddlmZm Z ddl Z ddl Z ddlm Z GdddeZ d d d ZdS) )print_functionN)ENOENTEIO) Operations FuseOSError)FUSEc@szeZdZddZdddZddZdd Zd d Zd d ZddZ dddZ ddZ dddZ ddZ ddZddZdS)FUSErcCs&||_i|_|dd|_d|_dS)N/r)fscacherstriprootcounter)selfr pathr//tmp/pip-install-6_kvzl1k/fsspec/fsspec/fuse.py__init__ szFUSEr.__init__NcCsd|j|dgd}z|j|}Wntk rHttYnXddd}d}|ddkrt j |B|d<d |d <d |d <n*t j |B|d<|d |d <d |d <d|d<t |d<t |d<t |d<|S)Nr i)st_uidst_giditypefilest_moderst_size st_blksizesizeiPst_nlinkst_atimest_ctimest_mtime) joinr lstripr r infoFileNotFoundErrorrrstatS_IFDIRS_IFREGtime)rrfhr$datapermrrrgetattrs&       z FUSEr.getattrcCs>d|j|dg}|j|d}dd|D}ddg|S)Nrr FcSsg|]}tj|dqS)r )osrbasenamer ).0frrr ,sz!FUSEr.readdir...z..)r"r r#r Zls)rrr*filesrrrreaddir)sz FUSEr.readdircCs&d|j|dg}|j|dSNrr r)r"r r#r mkdirrrmoderrrr7/s z FUSEr.mkdircCs&d|j|dg}|j|dSr6)r"r r#r rmdir)rrrrrr:4s z FUSEr.rmdircCs"|j|}||||}|SN)r seekread)rrroffsetr*r1outrrrr=9s   z FUSEr.readcCs|j|}||t|Sr;)r writelen)rrr+r>r*r1rrrr@?s  z FUSEr.writecCsHd|j|dg}|j|d}||j|j<|jd7_|jdS)Nrr wbrr"r r#r openr r)rrflagsfifnr1rrrcreateDs  z FUSEr.createcCsZd|j|dg}|ddkr(d}nd}|j|||j|j<|jd7_|jdS)Nrr rrbrBrrC)rrrErGr9rrrrDKs z FUSEr.opencCs2d|j|dg}|dkr"t|j|dSr6)r"r r#NotImplementedErrorr Ztouch)rrlengthr*rGrrrtruncateWszFUSEr.truncatec CsNd|j|dg}z|j|dWn ttfk rHttYnXdS)Nrr F) r"r r#r ZrmIOErrorr%rr)rrrGrrrunlink^s z FUSEr.unlinkc Cs\z,||jkr*|j|}||j|Wn*tk rV}z t|W5d}~XYnXdS)Nr)r closepop Exceptionprint)rrr*r1errrreleasees  z FUSEr.releasecCstdSr;)rKr8rrrchmodosz FUSEr.chmod)N)N)N)__name__ __module__ __qualname__rr-r5r7r:r=r@rHrDrMrOrUrVrrrrr s    rTFcs\fdd}|dkr8tj|d}d|_||Sz |Wntk rVYnXdS)aA Mount stuff in a local directory This uses fusepy to make it appear as if a given path on an fsspec instance is in fact resident within the local file-system. This requires that fusepy by installed, and that FUSE be available on the system (typically requiring a package to be installed with apt, yum, brew, etc.). Parameters ---------- fs: file-system instance From one of the compatible implementations path: str Location on that file-system to regard as the root directory to mount. Note that you typically should include the terminating "/" character. mount_point: str An empty directory on the local file-system where the contents of the remote path will appear foreground: bool Whether or not calling this function will block. Operation will typically be more stable if True. threads: bool Whether or not to create threads when responding to file operations within the mounter directory. Operation will typically be more stable if False. cstt ddS)NT)Z nothreads foreground)rrrr mount_pointrthreadsrrs zrun..F)targetTN) threadingThreaddaemonstartKeyboardInterrupt)r rr\rZr]functhrr[rrunss  rg)TF) __future__rr.r&errnorrZfuserrr`r)rrrgrrrrs  h