import time import pickle import logging import os import hashlib import tempfile import inspect from fsspec import AbstractFileSystem, filesystem from fsspec.spec import AbstractBufferedFile from fsspec.core import MMapCache, BaseCache logger = logging.getLogger("fsspec") class CachingFileSystem(AbstractFileSystem): """Locally caching filesystem, layer over any other FS This class implements chunk-wise local storage of remote files, for quick access after the initial download. The files are stored in a given directory with random hashes for the filenames. If no directory is given, a temporary one is used, which should be cleaned up by the OS after the process ends. The files themselves as sparse (as implemented in MMapCache), so only the data which is accessed takes up space. Restrictions: - the block-size must be the same for each access of a given file, unless all blocks of the file have already been read - caching can only be applied to file-systems which produce files derived from fsspec.spec.AbstractBufferedFile ; LocalFileSystem is also allowed, for testing """ protocol = ("blockcache", "cached") def __init__( self, target_protocol=None, cache_storage="TMP", cache_check=10, check_files=False, expiry_time=604800, target_options=None, **kwargs ): """ Parameters ---------- target_protocol: str Target fielsystem protocol cache_storage: str or list(str) Location to store files. If "TMP", this is a temporary directory, and will be cleaned up by the OS when this process ends (or later). If a list, each location will be tried in the order given, but only the last will be considered writable. cache_check: int Number of seconds between reload of cache metadata check_files: bool Whether to explicitly see if the UID of the remote file matches the stored one before using. Warning: some file systems such as HTTP cannot reliably give a unique hash of the contents of some path, so be sure to set this option to False. expiry_time: int The time in seconds after which a local copy is considered useless. Set to falsy to prevent expiry. The default is equivalent to one week. target_options: dict or None Passed to the instantiation of the FS, if fs is None. """ if self._cached: return super().__init__(**kwargs) if cache_storage == "TMP": storage = [tempfile.mkdtemp()] else: if isinstance(cache_storage, str): storage = [cache_storage] else: storage = cache_storage os.makedirs(storage[-1], exist_ok=True) = storage self.kwargs = target_options or {} self.cache_check = cache_check self.check_files = check_files self.expiry = expiry_time self.load_cache() if isinstance(target_protocol, AbstractFileSystem): self.fs = target_protocol self.protocol = self.fs.protocol else: self.protocol = target_protocol self.fs = filesystem(target_protocol, **self.kwargs) def __reduce_ex__(self, *_): return ( self.__class__, ( self.protocol,, self.cache_check, self.check_files, self.expiry, self.kwargs or None, ), ) def load_cache(self): """Read set of stored blocks from file""" cached_files = [] for storage in fn = os.path.join(storage, "cache") if os.path.exists(fn): with open(fn, "rb") as f: # TODO: consolidate blocks here cached_files.append(pickle.load(f)) else: os.makedirs(storage, exist_ok=True) cached_files.append({}) self.cached_files = cached_files or [{}] self.last_cache = time.time() def save_cache(self): """Save set of stored blocks from file""" fn = os.path.join([-1], "cache") # TODO: a file lock could be used to ensure file does not change # between re-read and write; but occasional duplicated reads ok. cache = self.cached_files[-1] if os.path.exists(fn): with open(fn, "rb") as f: cached_files = pickle.load(f) for k, c in cached_files.items(): if c["blocks"] is not True: if cache[k]["blocks"] is True: c["blocks"] = True else: c["blocks"] = set(c["blocks"]).union(cache[k]["blocks"]) else: cached_files = cache cache = {k: v.copy() for k, v in cached_files.items()} for c in cache.values(): if isinstance(c["blocks"], set): c["blocks"] = list(c["blocks"]) with open(fn + ".temp", "wb") as f: pickle.dump(cache, f) if os.path.exists(fn): os.remove(fn) os.rename(fn + ".temp", fn) def _check_cache(self): """Reload caches if time elapsed or any disappeared""" if not self.cache_check: # explicitly told not to bother checking return timecond = time.time() - self.last_cache > self.cache_check existcond = all(os.path.exists(storage) for storage in if timecond or not existcond: self.load_cache() def _check_file(self, path): """Is path in cache and still valid""" self._check_cache() for storage, cache in zip(, self.cached_files): if path not in cache: continue detail = cache[path].copy() if self.check_files: if detail["uid"] != self.fs.ukey(path): continue if self.expiry: if detail["time"] - time.time() > self.expiry: continue fn = os.path.join(storage, detail["fn"]) if os.path.exists(fn): return detail, fn return False, None def _open( self, path, mode="rb", block_size=None, autocommit=True, cache_options=None, **kwargs ): """Wrap the target _open If the whole file exists in the cache, just open it locally and return that. Otherwise, open the file on the target FS, and make it have a mmap cache pointing to the location which we determine, in our cache. The ``blocks`` instance is shared, so as the mmap cache instance updates, so does the entry in our ``cached_files`` attribute. We monkey-patch this file, so that when it closes, we call ``close_and_update`` to save the state of the blocks. """ path = self._strip_protocol(path) if not path.startswith(self.protocol): path = self.protocol + "://" + path if mode != "rb": return self.fs._open( path, mode=mode, block_size=block_size, autocommit=autocommit, cache_options=cache_options, **kwargs ) detail, fn = self._check_file(path) if detail: # file is in cache hash, blocks = detail["fn"], detail["blocks"] if blocks is True: # stored file is complete logger.debug("Opening local copy of %s" % path) return open(fn, "rb") # TODO: action where partial file exists in read-only cache logger.debug("Opening partially cached copy of %s" % path) else: hash = hashlib.sha256(path.encode()).hexdigest() fn = os.path.join([-1], hash) blocks = set() detail = { "fn": hash, "blocks": blocks, "time": time.time(), "uid": self.fs.ukey(path), } self.cached_files[-1][path] = detail logger.debug("Creating local sparse file for %s" % path) # call target filesystems open f = self.fs._open( path, mode=mode, block_size=block_size, autocommit=autocommit, cache_options=cache_options, cache_type=None, **kwargs ) if "blocksize" in detail: if detail["blocksize"] != f.blocksize: raise ValueError( "Cached file must be reopened with same block" "size as original (old: %i, new %i)" "" % (detail["blocksize"], f.blocksize) ) else: detail["blocksize"] = f.blocksize f.cache = MMapCache(f.blocksize, f._fetch_range, f.size, fn, blocks) close = f.close f.close = lambda: self.close_and_update(f, close) return f def close_and_update(self, f, close): """Called when a file is closing, so store the set of blocks""" if f.path.startswith(self.protocol): path = f.path else: path = self.protocol + "://" + f.path c = self.cached_files[-1][path] if c["blocks"] is not True and len(["blocks"]) * f.blocksize >= f.size: c["blocks"] = True self.save_cache() close() def __getattribute__(self, item): if item in [ "load_cache", "_open", "save_cache", "close_and_update", "__init__", "__getattribute__", "__reduce_ex__", "open", "cat", "get", "read_block", "tail", "head", "_check_file", "_check_cache", ]: # all the methods defined in this class. Note `open` here, since # it calls `_open`, but is actually in superclass return lambda *args, **kw: getattr(type(self), item)(self, *args, **kw) if item == "__class__": return type(self) d = object.__getattribute__(self, "__dict__") fs = d.get("fs", None) # fs is not immediately defined if item in d: return d[item] elif fs is not None: if item in fs.__dict__: # attribute of instance return fs.__dict__[item] # attributed belonging to the target filesystem cls = type(fs) m = getattr(cls, item) if inspect.isfunction(m) and ( not hasattr(m, "__self__") or m.__self__ is None ): # instance method return m.__get__(fs, cls) return m # class method or attribute else: # attributes of the superclass, while target is being set up return super().__getattribute__(item) class WholeFileCacheFileSystem(CachingFileSystem): """Caches whole remote files on first access This class is intended as a layer over any other file system, and will make a local copy of each file accessed, so that all subsequent reads are local. This is similar to ``CachingFileSystem``, but without the block-wise functionality and so can work even when sparse files are not allowed. See its docstring for definition of the init arguments. The class still needs access to the remote store for listing files, and may refresh cached files. """ protocol = "filecache" def _open(self, path, mode="rb", **kwargs): path = self._strip_protocol(path) if not path.startswith(self.protocol): if isinstance(self.protocol, tuple): protocol = self.protocol[0] else: protocol = self.protocol path = protocol + "://" + path if mode != "rb": return self.fs._open(path, mode=mode, **kwargs) detail, fn = self._check_file(path) if detail: hash, blocks = detail["fn"], detail["blocks"] if blocks is True: logger.debug("Opening local copy of %s" % path) return open(fn, "rb") else: raise ValueError( "Attempt to open partially cached file %s" "as a wholly cached file" % path ) else: hash = hashlib.sha256(path.encode()).hexdigest() fn = os.path.join([-1], hash) blocks = True detail = { "fn": hash, "blocks": blocks, "time": time.time(), "uid": self.fs.ukey(path), } self.cached_files[-1][path] = detail logger.debug("Copying %s to local cache" % path) kwargs["mode"] = mode # call target filesystems open # TODO: why not just use fs.get ?? f = self.fs._open(path, **kwargs) with open(fn, "wb") as f2: if isinstance(f, AbstractBufferedFile): # want no type of caching if just downloading whole thing f.cache = BaseCache(0, f.cache.fetcher, f.size) if getattr(f, "blocksize", 0) and f.size: # opportunity to parallelise here data = True while data: data = f2.write(data) else: # this only applies to HTTP, should instead use streaming f2.write( self.save_cache() return self._open(path, mode)