import io import requests from ..spec import AbstractFileSystem class GithubFileSystem(AbstractFileSystem): """[Experimental] interface to files in github An instance of this class provides the files residing within a remote github repository. You may specify a point in the repos history, by SHA, branch or tag (default is current master). Given that code files tend to be small, and that github does not support retrieving partial content, we always fetch whole files. """ url = "{org}/{repo}/git/trees/{sha}" rurl = "{org}/{repo}/{sha}/{path}" protocol = "github" def __init__(self, org, repo, sha="master", **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) = org self.repo = repo self.root = sha"") def ls(self, path, detail=False, sha=None, **kwargs): if path == "": sha = self.root if sha is None: parts = path.rstrip("/").split("/") so_far = "" sha = self.root for part in parts: out =, True, sha=sha) so_far += "/" + part if so_far else part out = [o for o in out if o["name"] == so_far][0] if out["type"] == "file": if detail: return [out] else: return path sha = out["sha"] if path not in self.dircache: r = requests.get(self.url.format(, repo=self.repo, sha=sha)) self.dircache[path] = [ { "name": path + "/" + f["path"] if path else f["path"], "mode": f["mode"], "type": {"blob": "file", "tree": "directory"}[f["type"]], "size": f.get("size", 0), "sha": f["sha"], } for f in r.json()["tree"] ] if detail: return self.dircache[path] else: return sorted([f["name"] for f in self.dircache[path]]) def _open( self, path, mode="rb", block_size=None, autocommit=True, cache_options=None, **kwargs ): if mode != "rb": raise NotImplementedError url = self.rurl.format(, repo=self.repo, path=path, sha=self.root) r = requests.get(url) return io.BytesIO(r.content)