import io import os import shutil import posixpath import re import tempfile from fsspec import AbstractFileSystem from fsspec.utils import stringify_path class LocalFileSystem(AbstractFileSystem): """Interface to files on local storage Parameters ---------- auto_mkdirs: bool Whether, when opening a file, the directory containing it should be created (if it doesn't already exist). This is assumed by pyarrow code. """ root_marker = "/" def __init__(self, auto_mkdir=True, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.auto_mkdir = auto_mkdir def mkdir(self, path, create_parents=True, **kwargs): path = self._strip_protocol(path) if create_parents: self.makedirs(path, exist_ok=True) else: os.mkdir(path, **kwargs) def makedirs(self, path, exist_ok=False): path = self._strip_protocol(path) os.makedirs(path, exist_ok=exist_ok) def rmdir(self, path): os.rmdir(path) def ls(self, path, detail=False): path = self._strip_protocol(path) paths = [posixpath.join(path, f) for f in os.listdir(path)] if detail: return [ for f in paths] else: return paths def glob(self, path, **kargs): path = self._strip_protocol(path) return super().glob(path) def info(self, path, **kwargs): path = self._strip_protocol(path) out = os.stat(path, follow_symlinks=False) dest = False if os.path.islink(path): t = "link" dest = os.readlink(path) elif os.path.isdir(path): t = "directory" elif os.path.isfile(path): t = "file" else: t = "other" result = {"name": path, "size": out.st_size, "type": t, "created": out.st_ctime} for field in ["mode", "uid", "gid", "mtime"]: result[field] = getattr(out, "st_" + field) if dest: result["destination"] = dest try: out2 = os.stat(path, follow_symlinks=True) result["size"] = out2.st_size except IOError: result["size"] = 0 return result def copy(self, path1, path2, **kwargs): shutil.copyfile(path1, path2) def get(self, path1, path2, **kwargs): if kwargs.get("recursive"): return super(LocalFileSystem, self).get(path1, path2, **kwargs) else: return self.copy(path1, path2, **kwargs) def put(self, path1, path2, **kwargs): if kwargs.get("recursive"): return super(LocalFileSystem, self).put(path1, path2, **kwargs) else: return self.copy(path1, path2, **kwargs) def mv(self, path1, path2, **kwargs): os.rename(path1, path2) def rm(self, path, recursive=False, maxdepth=None): if recursive and self.isdir(path): shutil.rmtree(path) else: os.remove(path) def _open(self, path, mode="rb", block_size=None, **kwargs): path = self._strip_protocol(path) if self.auto_mkdir: self.makedirs(self._parent(path), exist_ok=True) return LocalFileOpener(path, mode, fs=self, **kwargs) def touch(self, path, **kwargs): path = self._strip_protocol(path) if self.exists(path): os.utime(path, None) else: open(path, "a").close() @classmethod def _parent(cls, path): path = cls._strip_protocol(path).rstrip("/") if "/" in path: return path.rsplit("/", 1)[0] else: return cls.root_marker @classmethod def _strip_protocol(cls, path): path = stringify_path(path) if path.startswith("file://"): path = path[7:] return make_path_posix(path) def _isfilestore(self): # Inheriting from DaskFileSystem makes this False (S3, etc. were) # the original motivation. But we are a posix-like file system. # See return True def make_path_posix(path, sep=os.sep): """ Make path generic """ if re.match("/[A-Za-z]:", path): # for windows file URI like "file:///C:/folder/file" # or "file:///C:\\dir\\file" path = path[1:] if path.startswith("\\\\"): # special case for windows UNC/DFS-style paths, do nothing, # jsut flip the slashes around (case below does not work!) return path.replace("\\", "/") if path.startswith("\\") or re.match("[\\\\]*[A-Za-z]:", path): # windows full path "\\server\\path" or "C:\\local\\path" return path.lstrip("\\").replace("\\", "/").replace("//", "/") if ( sep not in path and "/" not in path or (sep == "/" and not path.startswith("/")) or (sep == "\\" and ":" not in path) ): # relative path like "path" or "rel\\path" (win) or rel/path" path = os.path.abspath(path) if os.sep == "\\": # abspath made some more '\\' separators return make_path_posix(path, sep) return path class LocalFileOpener(object): def __init__(self, path, mode, autocommit=True, fs=None, **kwargs): self.path = path self.mode = mode self.fs = fs self.f = None self.autocommit = autocommit self.blocksize = io.DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE self._open() def _open(self): if self.f is None or self.f.closed: if self.autocommit or "w" not in self.mode: self.f = open(self.path, mode=self.mode) else: # TODO: check if path is writable? i, name = tempfile.mkstemp() self.temp = name self.f = open(name, mode=self.mode) if "w" not in self.mode: self.details = self.size = self.details["size"] self.f.size = self.size def _fetch_range(self, start, end): # probably only used by cached FS if "r" not in self.mode: raise ValueError self._open() return - start) def __setstate__(self, state): if "r" in state["mode"]: loc = self.state.pop("loc") self._open() else: self.f = None self.__dict__.update(state) def __getstate__(self): d = self.__dict__.copy() d.pop("f") if "r" in self.mode: d["loc"] = self.f.tell() else: if not self.f.closed: raise ValueError("Cannot serialise open write-mode local file") return d def commit(self): if self.autocommit: raise RuntimeError("Can only commit if not already set to autocommit") os.rename(self.temp, self.path) def discard(self): if self.autocommit: raise RuntimeError("Cannot discard if set to autocommit") os.remove(self.temp) def __fspath__(self): # uniquely for fsspec implementations, this is a real path return self.path def __getattr__(self, item): return getattr(self.f, item) def __enter__(self): self._incontext = True return self.f.__enter__() def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): self._incontext = False self.f.__exit__(exc_type, exc_value, traceback)